How to deal with aphid on the garden plot

May 26. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2353. Comments to record how to deal with aphid on the garden plot No

In the spring, I want to spend more and more time in the garden. And there is enough work, but how beautiful everything begins to bloom, green, blossom. When nature itself awakens, it grieves only one thing - the pest fence. The most falls to young rain plants. We must immediately drive the uninvited guests, so let's understand how.

Do you need a fight against the tool?

If you notice the hordes of unexpected "apartment" on the leaves of trees in the garden, it is necessary to react urgently. These are not without harmless insects, they will ruthlessly destroy the plant, pulling out all the juices out of it. As a result, the leaves are twisted, losing a bright color, dry out. And all this at the moment when we need to observe a violent blossom.

It is necessary to fight a pest, otherwise there can be no question of any crop. What will the tree please, if all his life forces gone to feed the colony of T'li? It would seem that everything in nature is interrelated, there is a nutrition chain, therefore the tribes should be someone delicacy. So there is, but about it a little later.


How to get rid of the collected times and forever?

There are quite a few ways to get rid of this attack. Among them and folk methods, because not everyone agrees to spray their garden with chemicals. Although sometimes it is the only option. So, there are the following ways to combat hated minor pests:

  • mechanical;
  • biological;
  • Chemical.

Each of them will consider in more detail, indicating its strengths and weaknesses. And you choose yourself, which methods like you.

How to deal with aphid mechanically?

Perhaps this is one of the most time-consuming methods. It is to properly remove insects from damaged plants. How do it most often:

  • rinse with a strong pressure of water from the hose (effective, but with large water flows);
  • Mocked the usual wool in the water and rub every damaged sheet (long and difficult, but efficiently).

If you have a big garden, and the trouble is slow, but it confidently populates a tree behind the tree, then for her wash you will spend a lot of water. Accordingly, these are considerable energy consumption, and there is a pump wear. But the owners are ready to go to such, just to protect the harvest and drive the enemy from their land.

Biological ways to deal with tool

It is about these methods that nature itself took care. According to the principle of the food chain, the TLL is also the "food" of birds and insects. It remains to find those to whom such food will like. And there are a lot of such individuals - these are ladybugs, and zlatg-treatments, and some breeds, and tits, and sparrows, and cannopsy, etc.

All this, of course, is good, but how to attract them to your site? The bait will serve some types of plants. To attract God's cow, use attractants. These are pheromon bait that are so like a bright semitment insect. The larvae of the ladybugs even exist in a free sale. They can be ordered by mail and land in the garden on damaged tool leaves of fruit trees.

god's corner

Birds lure even easier. First build a real paradise for feathery - make feeders, set the drinkers. If there is an opportunity, then build a garden pond. It will be an ideal place for heroes, lizards. Near the trees will land spicy cultures, nettle. Fragrant herbs will attract "guests" from everywhere, and your garden turn into a noisy and living house, where there is no place to pests. This is the most harmless way that does not require any treatment from Tly.

Sparrows, Rabbles, Imps and other small representatives of the feathers will use the TRU as a snack for their chicks. Ideal if with time you will have whole nests with birds. They will be real sanitation of your land.


Chemical methods of fighting tool

Many are skeptical about insecticides and pesticides, because they harm the environment. Although, if you figure it out, damage is not so big. The only minus is the frequent use of chemicals, because in one approach, the colony is not disappeared. These drugs include DOFF ALL IN One Bug Spray, Vitax Organic, Bayer Organic Pest Control, Doff Greenfly.

Folk remedies

In the photo, Tley can be viewed from all sides. By the way, they breathe with all the bodies, so it will be wisply to overlap her oxygen. Soap (better liquid) and vegetable oil will come in handy for this. The latter creates a film that envelops the insect without letting it breathe. In order for the solution to really benefit and was destructive for the pest, it must be done correctly.

The recipe is simple: 2 glasses of water takes, it is half less oil and 2 liters. liquid soap (can be replaced with dishwashing tools). All this is mixed and placed in a pulverizer, from which plants spray. Even in such a mixture added passed through the press garlic. All this insists (a day, no less), and then in the same way falls on damaged sections of trees and shrubs.


Art of conducting struggle

It does not matter, green wave or black attacked your plants, both kinds carry a threat to your crop. Do not postpone the decision in a long box. Schedule the purchase of special vehicles for the next weekend, and in the meantime try the folk remedies, build houses for birds, organize bait. Only an integrated approach will provide a brilliant result - a victory over the malicious pest - aphid on colors and trees.

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