How to clean the siphon in the sink

September 15. Plumbing Views 2782. 1 comment to record how to clean the siphon in the sink

In domestic life, it is often necessary to deal with small troubles that can be solved on their own, without the involvement of specialists. For example, if water is bad in the sink, it can be concluded that the drain is clogged. In this case, it is important to know how to clean the siphon under the sink.

Siphon species


Siphons can be made of plastic or cast iron. The first view is now popular in the market - it is an inexpensive and practical option. And cast iron siphons are found in old buildings, but they, in contrast to modern analogues, are inseparable. For their cleaning, the cover or threaded plug was provided.

What does the siphon look like? If you look under the sink, you will see a logging tube there, having a side tap for sewage. For the bath, the siphon also has a curved view, but it is flat due to limited space. Thanks to this type of pipe, water partially remains in the knee and forms the so-called hydraulic. It provides an obstacle to the passage of unpleasant sewer odors.

Another option is a glass-shaped siphons, they are quite popular among consumers. The glass at the top and below is closed with covers, connecting with the sewage with a side end. Inside there is a septum that does not reach the bottom of the glass. Thanks to such a device, the water always remains at the level of the drain hole, in addition, a washed dirt remains in the glass, so if necessary, you can always get the randomly washed gold jewelry.

Accordingly, the siphon in the form of a pipe is installed in places of water drain without impurities, and the glass is used to delay the small garbage. Therefore, in the kitchen, as a rule, a second-type device is used to prevent household waste and fat in the sewer. Such equipment must be periodically disassembled and cleaned.

Causes of interference and ways to troubleshoot problems


The first signal for cleaning the siphon is the poor passage of water in the sink. There are four solutions to the problem:

  • application of vanza;
  • pouring household chemicals;
  • use of the cable;
  • disassembly and washing of siphon with water.


Vanutuz has a kind of rubber cap attached to a wooden handle. Under the action of the cap is formed a pressure drop, which contributes to the cleaner of the drain pipe. For cleaning, you need to fill the shell with hot water half, close the drain with water. Next, pressing pressure is created, then the plug gradually collapsing and trash passes into the sewer. This method is suitable for cases of combating small clogs. If the cork elements are large, then the vestum will not cope with the task.

When buying chemicals, it is worth considering the material from which the pipes consist, because the effects of substances are based on the dissolution of the garbage accumulated in the siphon. For example, if the pipeline is metallic or metal-plastic, then the means of the KROT brand is suitable, and the versatile compositions are "Mr. Muskul" and "Tiret". After using such flushes, not only trash is eliminated, but also the smell of the sink.

First you need to read the instruction, the total work algorithm consists of items:

  • pouring the solution to 30-40 minutes;
  • filling the sink hot water;
  • plum cleaned by Vanatouz.


In the absence of a home of special funds, food soda can be used and 70% acetic essence. One pack of soda and vinegar bottle will greatly replace chemicals for dissolving garbage in the pipeline.

Plumbing cable is no less than 3m long and has a peak nozzle. Thanks to such a design, the device copes even with solar pollution. The nozzle helps to break the formed plugs when screwing the cable into the sewer pipe, but it is worth considering the risk of destruction of the pipe in case of careless use.

Often you can cope with ordinary vanatoux or household chemicals. But these measures do not always help and then have to be seriously taken for cleaning the siphon for the sink.

In order to know how to clean the siphon under the sink, you need to know its structure. Two nozzles go from the main site: incoming sink and outgoing. To disconnect the equipment, it is necessary to immediately unscrew the nut at the top of the nozzle, then the shutter will go away from the sink. When removing plumbing it is worth remembering that it remains water that is important not to shed. Therefore, a glass of pre-tilt towards the nozzle, the liquid stalks into the sewer and the problems will not arise. After that, you need to remove the equipment to the end.

The siphon is finally spinning, removed the bottom and remove the accumulated garbage. It can not be washed off into the sewer, it is better to throw away with all household waste. The layer of soap deposits is well removed by a hot flux, so all the elements need to rinse thoroughly. Next, the siphon is collected back, attaching the outgoing nozzle, a glass and ingoing nozzle directly to the sink. For normal functioning, it is worth checking the tightness of the connections and, if necessary, tighten the nuts.

Sometimes even with clean equipment, water goes badly, in this case the fault is incorrect installation. This implies a deep fit of the incoming nozzle into a glass when the water pass is difficult due to the reduced hole.


Non-standard solutions

If there is no cantuze or chemical at hand, ordinary boiling water can be used for flushing a kitchen siphon, but only if plumbing consists of metal pipes. Boiling water is effective in the fight against greasy pollution, so after pouring a few saucepan, the plug will dissolve and the garbage will go into the sewer.

In the case of plastic pipes, hot water uses, but not boiling water. In 5 liters of water, a glass of washing powder is bred and poured into the pipeline. After 40 minutes, it is necessary to wash the drain with a flow of hot water. Some clogs dissolve, but if necessary, the procedure is repeated.

The folds of the corrugated siphon are quickly clogged, dirt and fat accumulates in them. For their rapid cleansing, the corrugation is unscrewed on both sides. Next, closes one side of the siphon, poured hot water and soak the second side by polyethylene. Holding the item in two ends, it is stretched and performing circular movements that contribute to the distribution of water and washing the clogs. It will only remain to solve the corrugation with running water and fasten back to the sink.

To decide how to clean the siphon in the bathroom, it is enough to know the actions algorithm for working with the sink, because the principle is the same. It is necessary to remove the siphon and rinse it, and then put it back. The process will take just a few minutes, but it will solve the problem of water stagnation and an unpleasant smell for a long time.

Each person should be able to cope with household trifles on its own, because the challenge of specialists takes funds from the family budget.


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One answer to how to clean the siphon in the sink

  1. Gennady:

    All this is crap. First, pay attention to the corrugated pipe! What is the bending? This is not a master. Secondly, the siphon below has a bottom that unscrew and remove the dirt. Third, it is not left-handed, it's a handshake!

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