How to make a purchase of land

July 23. Useful advice, Plot. Views 1555. 4 comments to record how to make a purchase of land

The number of transactions related to the design of the Earth is constantly growing for many reasons. But it is important to correctly arrange it in the property, then it will become an excellent investment. To do this, you can contact a specialized company or engage in independent fees of all documents.

It should be borne in mind that this process requires not only temporary and financial costs, but also the ability to understand legal issues.

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The need to solve the issue

The design of the land in the property is necessarily in four cases:

  1. When buying a plot.
  2. For sale.
  3. When making an act of donation.
  4. When entering into inheritance.

Registration of purchase and sale transactions preceded the preparation of land documents in accordance with the current legislation. With their absence, it will have to undergo a procedure in the prescribed manner. In order to dispose of the site at its discretion, there must be official confirmation of the right of ownership in the hands, only then the owner will be able to give or sell the existing land. Problems may begin when entering into inheritance, people learn about the improper design of the Earth by the testator. In this case, you will need to redo all the documents.

Procedure for obtaining a certificate


To find out how to make the purchase of land correctly, you can contact a lawyer, but, as a rule, people try to save money and begin to collect information from sources. The whole process consists of the following steps:

  1. Collecting and submitting documents by the applicant.
  2. Legal examination of the entire package.
  3. Verification of the legality of all items to prevent refusal to state registration.
  4. Entries in the USRP.
  5. Issuing a ready certificate.

If the land is not framed under property, then the first thing is to check the documents directly on the construction, because only the owner of this property can get the right to the site. Collecting a package of documents differs depending on the situation. That is, when buying a plot for construction, there is a procedure for the construction, and when the land is cleaned under the garage, separate permissions are needed. The legality of the transaction is determined only after checking all the documents provided and in the absence of contradictions between the declared and already registered land rights.


To arrange property to land, you need to submit the following documents to the relevant authorities:

  • statement;
  • copy and original passport;
  • an extract from the USRP;
  • documents on the property located on the plot;
  • cadastral plan;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

The statement is important to specify the purpose of use and data on the land object - this is the location and size of the territory. The purpose of the use of land is an important point, because according to the current legislation, there are types of territories and allowed their applications.

The contract of sale is a confirmation of ownership of the arranged buildings, but it is also necessary to make an extract from the USRP, where transactions made with this property are indicated. The cadastral plan should be certified by the notary. In the event of an application to another person, apply certified notarial power of attorney.

Simplified option


There is also a law on class amnesty, which involves the provision of a minimum package of documents. This ruling is valid until 2015 due to emerging difficulties with the design of summer cottages. The fact is that in Soviet times, people are massively provided with cottages under the maintenance of a subsidiary farm, but some owners did not register their property. Over time, it has become impossible to collect all the necessary documents, and the state proposed an alternative in the form of this draft law.

For registration of land related to the country's cottage sites, any of the listed solutions will be required:

  • on the distribution of the territory between members of the enterprise trade union;
  • on the allocation of land in perpetual use for the management of a country farm by the Board of the collective farm;
  • on the provision of a sector under the cottage to the cooperative issued by local governments.

In this case, you just need to fill in the declaration with the identity of the owner's personal data and the cadastral number. The master plan of the cell is attached to the declaration, which indicates the boundaries of the existing ownership. After submitting documents, the applicant gives the registration documents in 2 weeks.

Lack of official documents

In the event of the acquisition of real estate, it is required to provide registration documents to the legislative authorities:

  • confirmation of property rights;
  • application for approval of the boundaries of the Earth;
  • description of the boundaries of the site.

The first item involves the availability of documents on the purchase of the house, which were decorated until March 6, 1990. After this period, changes were made to the legislative base. The third question assumes to describe in a convenient form of the boundary of the site used. At the same time, for the orientation it is allowed to take near the arrangements, roads, lakes, etc. After submitting an application for one month, the project of the borders of this facility will be drawn up.

Next, an application for the purchase of land to local authorities is submitted to the house with the project and documents. Two weeks later, employees must provide a decision on the allocation of land in ownership. The owner then requires the design of the cadastral passport with further submission of documents already for registration. One month later, the applicant receives a certificate of state registration of ownership of land.


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4 replies on how to make a purchase of land

  1. Romanova.:

    The topic of the purchase and proper design of the land plot is currently very relevant for me. Be sure to take all the above recommendations. So far I look closely at offers on sites with ads. In the Property Sales section in Novosibirsk also found several favorable options regarding the acquisition of land

  2. Irina Ruth:

    It seems to me that even with an independent study of this topic, you can still miss important items. Because I am for an option that the entire transaction is drawn up with the help of specialists.

  3. Polina Ivanova:

    Repeatedly heard that various fraud schemes are held with the transactions of the sale of land. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive regardless of whether you seller you or a potential buyer

  4. Mamsik.:

    If you clearly adhere to all of the above items, it is quite easy to make an independent purchase of land. I had to buy land plots several times. Therefore, the information that is set out on the network, I was enough to arrange everything according to the rules.

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