Painting doors do it yourself

July 23. Repair and construction work Views 1243. Comments to write doors painting with your own hands No

The door painting is the easiest way of its transformation, so you can upgrade the old coating without making great efforts. This process takes some time and money, but it is important to know which materials should be applied.

When processing, the issue of burnt-colored, flashes on the surface decides. And using additional techniques from the old, irradiated canvases receive works of art. In the photo you can see all the stages of the painting of the door, which will greatly facilitate the task.

Organization of workplace


In any case, the initial task remains the preparation of the workplace. For painting doors with your own hands, the ideal option is to install two stools on a flat surface. Then the removed canvas lies at about 40 cm - it is convenient for performing the process without heavy loads on the spine. In addition, dust raised from the floor will not get to the painted surface.

Choosing materials


The definition of techniques and materials for processing depends on the characteristics of the door and the desired result. Some masters try to preserve the natural beauty of wood, others - completely hide the texture of the material. Therefore, both enamels and coloring compositions and impregnation, varnishes can be used. The most common embodiments of the compositions:

  • acrylic enamel on a water base is distinguished by practicality, good operational properties. When staining the surface, the composition helps to hide flaws, it is practically no different from oil solutions. Ideal for working with a brush;
  • alkid enamel is characterized by a drying rate, water-repellent properties and resistance to temperature drops. At the same time, the work makes a toxic smell, therefore it is used mainly for external work. But it does not interfere with its use for painting doors in specialized premises, such as a bath or pool;
  • nitrocraska is quite expensive, but the result obtained pays off due to its durability and attractiveness of the surface. But all work with this composition is worth conducting outdoors due to paint toxicity.

Preliminary processing


To obtain a flat layer of paint without flaws, the process of preparing the canvas is carried out in 3 stages:

  • first of all, the old coating is removed. Wood cleansing can be performed manually or with the involvement of equipment. In the first case, a small bar is used to which sandpaper is fixed. The mechanical removal of old layers is carried out by grinding machine or burner with a subsequent removal of the coating. Of course, there are special chemical washes, but they are used extremely rare due to an impressive cost;
  • grinding is used to eliminate small flares on the canvas. Small dents and scratches well removes medium-sized sandpaper;
  • large disadvantages are masked by a putty composition. When it is elected, it is worth considering the color of the mixture, it is better that it coincides with the finish layer option. After drying, the putty can be grinding the cloth again.

Painting of various types of doors


For painting wooden doors after careful preparation, the canvas will only remain soaked with the primer and apply the coating. As a primer, a special composition or selected paint for the finish layer, divorced in a ratio of 1: 3, is used.

In the process it is worth using the paintopult, then the result is obtained without drows. Initially, all the ends are treated, then cover the area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas. Begin to cover the surface on one side and to the end continue to paint in the selected direction. To the processing of the second side transition only after complete drying of the decorated surface. The duration of the composition of the compositions is determined from the instructions from the manufacturer. At home, it is more likely to paint on your own, the roller is chosen - this is the most affordable way to apply the composition without tramp.

Spryes are decorated in the same way, but with pre-repair. It is necessary due to weak design places - at the bottom of the veneer is often peeling. Therefore, before painting it, it is neatly separated from the canvas, we wash with glue for wood and fixed with dense pressing. After drying the adhesive, the doors can be painted.

If the process requires an update of the door from bars, it is painted not ordinary paint, but varnish. It should be applied several layers of composition, after each drying, the canvas are carefully sanded. This makes it easy to soak the canvas and get an even shade across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe product.

Design design


Directly canvate the door to remove for painting will not be difficult, but the box is treated in place. In order to not be staining nearby surfaces, they should be stuck with painting scotch. Typically, the perimeter of the box is fixed with a thin strip and carefully work in the process.

Apply paint with a roller or tassel, the first option is preferable. At the same time, to ensure a single shade of the door design, it is worth applying the same number of coating layers. With platbands, everything is easier - they can be removed for processing, the process also consists of sanding and paint coating. 51545706

DIY repair and painting of doors will be easier to accomplish after watching a video example:

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