Wooden wallpapers: characteristics, features of the finish

May 22. Repair and construction work, Building materials Views 2158. Comments To record Wooden wallpapers: Characteristics, Features No

Wooden wallpapers have long been the original alternative to the usual ways of finishing the premises - ordinary wallpaper, decorative plaster, mosaic, paint, etc. Under this name implies a variety of materials, but they all bring the style and real coziness to any interior. In this article we will tell about the types of wooden wallpapers, their costs and features of sticking.

Types of wooden wallpaper

The tree is the most ancient building material, and therefore the most reliable, environmentally friendly and valuable. It is used to decorate residential and office space in the form of panels, mosaic fragments, panels and wallpaper. Finding in a room decorated with natural natural material instantly creates a feeling of heat and tranquility. That is why wooden wallpapers (photos) do not go into any comparison with any other decorative coatings.


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Today, there are several types of wooden wallpapers on the market, depending on the raw materials, from which they are made and methods of processing. The same criteria are responsible for the price of products.

Natural tree

Despite the fact that these are the real solid panels, they are ranked with a variety of wooden wallpaper. They are tightly fitted to each other, the width of which can vary depending on the designer idea. The thickness of the panels is no more than 2 cm.

The cost of wooden panels depends on their dimensions and the tree of wood, from which they are made. There are pine, nut, oak, beech, birch and other options. To finish the room, it is better to use the same panels, however, there are cases when designers have learned to combine various colors and textures of rocks, creating real masterpieces.


Advantages of wooden panels:

  1. The decoration of solid wood creates a safety sense, comfort.
  2. Inside the room decorated with wood, a comfortable microclimate is created (the tree "breathes" and organizes natural ventilation).
  3. Wooden panels provide good heat and sound insulation.
  4. Each breed of wood has its own unique energy that can be used to create the desired atmosphere. So, Oak instills a sense of reliability and security, birch contributes to the disclosure of creative potential, the nut is ideal for casual conversations in the living room or children's room.

In Russia, the production of wooden panels is engaged in quite a few firms. The most popular domestic producer is "Gusvar". The Finnish UPM products use also in demand.

Thermomomed tree (TMD)

The concept of TMD implies a whole group of goods, combined with the method of manufacturing - wood is exposed to a strong temperature effect, pressure, pressing. As a result, the fire resistance of natural material increases (the tree becomes very dense), durability and resistance to external mechanical damage. For the manufacture of wooden wallpapers from TMD, various varieties of wood are used, including valuable tropical instances. At the same time, not every specialist will be able to accurately determine what tree the coating is made, so there is a risk of buying wooden wallpapers from pine, paying for them as for oak.


Wallpapers from TMD are characterized by the heterogeneity of the structure with a characteristic marble pattern and a variety of shades. For this reason, they can be easily combined with other types of wood trim.

The advantages of wallpaper from TMD:

  • high strength;
  • refractory;
  • durability;
  • resistant to moisture effects (they can even wash them);
  • high aesthetic indicators;
  • easy installation.


It costs to immediately make a reservation that real corkscrew wallpapers are made from the cortex of cork oak, and they cost a lot of money. But the price is completely paid off by the impeccable performance characteristics of the material, which you will not say about the fake cork wallpaper, which is full in the Russian market.

Cork wallpaper is distinguished by a rather thin layer of wood applied to the paper base. The surface is covered with wax spraying, which protects wood from mechanical damage, absorb foreign odors, chemical influences. Wallpaper are produced in the form of plates or rolls.

There are several varieties of cork wallpaper:

  1. Cork panels are the most expensive view. These are plates with a thickness of 3 mm and a size of 30x60 cm, consisting of two layers - pressed cork and veneer of the cork of cork oak impregnated with wax. The panels are very durable and not susceptible to moisture, so they are often used to decorate the bathrooms.
  2. Cork rolls are second in high cost. Their structure resembles a panel, but unlike the previous species, rolls have no wax impregnation. These wallpapers have several significant advantages. First, they are supplied in rolls, which significantly facilitates transportation and installation. Secondly, they can be painted, which allows you to choose a texture and color to your taste. In this case, the kel can be applied both to the bottom layer (crumb) and the veneer itself or both layers. The thickness of such wallpaper is 2 mm with a roll width of 50 cm and a length of 10 m. 5
  3. Ordinary corkscrew wallpapers are the cheapest, and therefore is a popular type of natural wood wallpapers. A millimeter layer of a veneer of a natural color or a painted with a kel is applied to the base of thick paper. The size of the rolls is the same as in the previous species - 0.5x10m. 6

Advantages of cork wallpaper:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • inexpensive;
  • resistant to minor mechanical damage;
  • repel dirt and dust;
  • fire-resistant;
  • moisture resistant;
  • you can combine with wallpaper other shades and textures.

Like other wooden wallpaper for the walls, they create a favorable microclimate in the room, in winter, performing the role of an additional insulation, and in the summer keeping a pleasant coolness. It is very easy to care for cork wallpaper - it is enough to wipe them with a wet cloth or clean the vacuum cleaner with a brush with a brush. If you accidentally put a stain on the surface, it can be removed by emery paper No. 0 or No. 1.

Wooden veneer

Wooden wallpaper from veneer are one of the most common and sold in any specialized store. They consist of natural wood of various breeds pasted on dense paper. Veneer is called a very thin layer of wood to 3 mm.

The material boasts all the "standard set" of the advantages of wooden wallpaper: ecology, ease of care, durability, etc. Products from the Belgian brand DecoSpan are most popular in the domestic market.


Disadvantages of simple wooden wallpapers:

  1. Due to the loss of moisture or temperature, gaps on the joints may appear.
  2. In a wet room, the wallpaper can turn around the edges.
  3. Possible damage to parasites and insects.
  4. Fire hazardous in contrast to panels and traffic jams.

Despite these shortcomings, veneered products are largely superior to their paper fellow and are popular since the beginning of the 90s. They allow you to quickly create an original interior, and the price of wooden wallpapers from the veneer is pleased with the eye. In addition, they are much thinner than a plug or TMD, so they will need to finish much less.

Plus, the use of various wood breeds, caller and textures allows you to create unique interiors. So, the birch veneer will help organize a light and airspace in a children's or living room, pine has more rich and warm shades, so suitable for the working office, the beech veneer will look good in the bedroom, soothing its deep dark color. A person with a good taste will be easy to find the perfect option for its apartment.

Another interesting detail - there are veneered wallpapers with inlaid, art painting and even thread. Such products will create a rich, though slightly frightened interior. 8

The small weight of the material makes it possible to use wooden wallpapers for ceiling and decorative barriers (zoning space). And the last essential advantage of a veneered finish is that it helps effectively hide the flaws of the walls - the curvature, small chips, roughness.

Features of the operation of wooden wallpapers from a veneer:

  1. You can not glue indoors with high humidity. Otherwise, an additional fastener will be required or a lacquer coating.
  2. It is not recommended to use for the trim of the rooms on the sunny side - faded in the sun.
  3. Wallpaper with a pattern must be glued very carefully so that incorrectly selected panels do not create a dissonance in the interior.
  4. Carefully treat the choice of glue - for veneered products will not suit the usual hub or composition for paper wallpaper. Buy glue together with wallpaper (preferably one manufacturer).

How to glue wooden wallpaper

As it was already possible to understand, the decoration by wooden wallpaper differs significantly from the installation of familiar paper rolls. But if you have experience with the clapboard, shove the wooden fragments will not be much difficult. If not, first carefully examine the theory and instructions.

If you are going to decorate the interior with panels or cork, it is desirable to have smooth walls. To align or create the most suitable surface, the base is a wallpaper substrate. In the most "running" cases, it is possible to make a profile frame from the crate and boards (drywall) to which the finish will be glued. However, then you have to sacrifice the space of the room. If you glue the wallpaper on the OSB, pre-process the sheets with protective impregnation from parasites.


How to stick wooden wallpaper in the form of panels? The system of fastening of this type of material resembles a cladding technology. You will need special carnations with small hats, to score that should be very neatly small hammer.

Veneered wallpapers are glued on the same principle as paper - apply the adhesive composition on the wall and roll off the roll. Claper fragments of the joint into the joint, but if it was not possible to avoid the formation of the gaps, it is very easy to make them - cut the thin strips from the remaining material and take them into the spaces like wedges.

A detailed video about wooden wallpaper will help you deal with the nuances of the installation:

Glue wallpaper from a tree on a wall or ceiling can not only with special compositions, so-called liquid nails, but also by kleimers. Kleimers are small fastening elements in the form of clips from a very thin metal. They will be useful if there is no possibility, means or desire to align the wall curves and create an ideal surface for wallpaper.

If you have purchased expensive wooden wallpapers, but we are not sure that we can cope with their sticking, it is better to hire a professional worker and not risking to spoil the material.

Installation of cork wallpaper

Corkscreen wallpapers, judging by the reviews, stick the easiest way, especially if we are talking about fine-based self-keys. You only need to tear the protective film and attach wallpaper to the wall. In other cases, the plug is fixed on glue for vinyl wallpaper.

Installation of cork wallpapers on a regular paper basis:

  1. Before starting to work, remove the cork wallpaper of hermetic packaging and leave for 2-3 days indoors where the repair is repaired. During this time, the material adapts to a new microclimate, and in the process of sticking there will be no problems.
  2. Cut the required number of wall segments. It is better to do it immediately to quickly cover the whole area. When measurements, add to a height of 3-5 cm.
  3. Make on the walls of marking with the help of a construction plumb - on them you will navigate in the blending process so that the wallpaper is easy strictly vertically.
  4. Put segments in the order in which you will glue them.
  5. Apply glue on the wall and wallpaper and wait 20 minutes. Special attention is paid to the edges of the glued segment. Distribute the wall on both sides of the vertical markup to the area of \u200b\u200b1 square meters. m.
  6. The first tile is attached so that its center coincides with the wall center (if the tile material is glued). Continue the installation in both directions from the central element.
  7. Tightly press the wallpaper to the wall and ride the rubber roller to drive the air bubbles. Swipe from the middle to the sides, moving from above-down.

In the video, the material below is demonstrated how cork wallpapers on the balcony and loggia look:

Photo gallery and the price of wooden wallpapers will finally give you a complete picture of this material:

Cork Wallpaper Eijffinger - Roll price 4800-5000 rub.


Wooden wallpapers (Pine panels, spruce, larch) - Packaging price 1450 rub. Length panels 3 m, in packing 5 pcs.


Wooden wallpaper embossed. The price of embossing varies from 100 to 300 rubles. / Traffic point meter.


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