How to insulate the veranda

May 23. Interior decoration Views 1273 Comments to record how to insulate the veranda No

Almost every country house needs high-quality insulation. Without this procedure, in the cool seasons of the year, it is almost impossible to be indoors. Of course, there is no doubt that various heating systems and devices can be applied, but the proper effect will not give it. No insulation means that any warm air will leave the limits of the house in counting seconds.

It is also worth emphasizing the attention on the fact that funds for the heating of housing without insulation will leave much more than on insulating materials. With a proper approach, it is possible to save at all, however, for this you need to explore the process of insulation of the cottage.

In our case, we will consider the features of the insulation of the veranda. It should be understood that this particular process is the very beginning of the insulation of the country house. It is necessary to approach this issue very seriously, because the slightest errors can significantly reduce the effectiveness of insulation.


Features of the choice of materials for insulation

At the initial stage, the most important thing is the right choice of insulating materials. As mentioned earlier, it is possible to save money or significantly increase the thermal insulation of the room.

If we are talking about the insulation of the veranda, then for this we need to create a kind of crate. Already on its basis, you can post a variety of insulation. It is most important to understand that in this process the most important is the absence of gaps between the sheets (mass) of the insulation. In the presence of gaps, the effectiveness of insulation is reduced several times, therefore, it is possible to achieve the desired result, even cheap insulation, and vice versa - to fully fail the case with expensive material.

In our case, it is best to suit such insulation such as mineral wool, foam, polystyrene foam, as well as various chip stoves, which also differ in good efficiency in the process of insulation.

The lamp that will serve as a frame for insulating materials may consist of wood elements either from metal corners. There should be an equal distance between the frame elements. It must correspond to the width of the insulation sheets. It should be understood that this is the most important condition from which the effectiveness of insulation may depend. Metal framework elements are attached to the wall with the help of self-tapping and dowels.

It should be understood that insulation is needed on all sides of the veranda, so the cutter should be installed on the floor, and on the ceiling, and, of course, on the walls.

Interior insulation veranda

For internal insulation, the veranda most often uses the lamp in 50-60 cm increments. It is such a width that the most common insulating materials have. It is worth understanding that the insulation must be firmly fixed between the two guides of the crates, so the distance between them should be several millimeters less than the material width. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to first get the insulation, and then create a frame.

At the bottom of the wall after repair work, plinths are most often installed. Thus, for their installation, we will need a solid basis, and most often it is wood. Therefore, at the bottom should be located a wooden bar. In the same way, it is possible to install a wood element on the top of the wall. Often the hosts and there are various plinths and other decorative elements that need a strong base.

If the insulation sheets need to be cut in some way, it is necessary to do everything for them perfectly sucked. The space between the insulation must be immediately fill in the remnants of the material.

Before all procedures, it is also worth understanding that within the veranda there may be a socket, as well as other elements of communications. Thus, you need to cut part of the insulation or conduct wires (cables, pipes) to another room. It is necessary to seriously pay attention to this aspect, since neglects can lead to the need to parsing the frame and the layer of insulation.

On top of the insulation, you need to place the finishing material. With it, no one will even think that the veranda is completely insulated. Plastic panels are often used as finishes, wooden slats or MDF lining. For this process, it will also be necessary to create a kind of frame from two horizontal corners, based on which panels will be attached.

Floor insulation veranda

For the insulation of the floor it is best to use a polystyolster, since it is in this case that it is most effective. To create insulation, we need to do almost the same steps as in the past process. At the same time, it is possible to pay attention to the fact that the floor can consist of various compartments that are also perfectly suitable for filling in insulation.

If the main frame of the floor does not correspond to the dimensions of the insulation, it is better to create its own crate, as in the past case. However, with this scenario, the space of the veranda will decrease once again.

All seams between the material must be sealing with a sealant - construction foam. And again you need to take care of the plinths that should be based not on the insulation, but on wood bars.

From above, the main material of the floor surface is placed, which also should not have gaps and cracks, otherwise the effectiveness of the insulation can decrease somewhat.


Features of ceiling insulation

For insulation, the ceiling will again have to create a frame, the same as in the previous two cases. At the same time, the bar profile should be 30x30 cm. As a heater, a foam is often used, which can be easily fixed on the ceiling with a construction glue.

If the mineral wool is used, you can simply create a trim that will determine the weight of the insulation. Often, a drywall is used as such a plaster, which has a low weight and modest cost.

Outdoor insulation veranda

Even if there is an internal insulation, the external insulation of the veranda also does not prevent, but only increase the efficiency and maintenance of heat.

Outdoor insulation is approximately similar to the inner. In this case, we will need metal guides that are attached to a brick surface with large self-tapping screws. It should be verified that such a design is reliable, since in some cases it must withstand heavy loads.

As a heater, it is worth using mineral wool that is attached to the walls of the house with the help of tightening dowels. A construction grid is tensioning over insulation, after which the surface plaster begins.

In some cases, builders use several types of insulation at once to increase the efficiency of heat conservation inside the veranda.

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