Garden furniture for giving: choices

April 22. Useful advice, Plot. Views 2299. Comments To record furniture Garden for giving: Features of choice No

An integral part of a comfortable stay in the garden plot is a cottage furniture that should not only be as comfortable as possible, but also for the aesthetic parameters to approach the design of the entire site. The category of cottage furniture includes such objects like: sun loungers, chairs, chairs, tables, benches and small sofas. Modern furniture industry offers products made from various materials. It is wood, plastic, metal, rattan, yawa vine. Consider more detailed features of each of them.

Furniture selection criteria

  1. One of the main factors to be considered by choosing furniture garden for giving is the parameters of the site and its design.
  2. It is also necessary to pay attention to such properties of furnishing objects such as resistance to weathering, moisture and temperature drops. So that the products correspond to these operational characteristics, manufacturers are carried out with special protective equipment.
  3. Also do not forget about wear resistance, aesthetic properties and cost.
  4. Before buying, you should pre-make a list of furniture items, which will be needed in the country and specify the location of each on the site. You should also consider permissible dimensions. For a small site, it is not necessary to acquire massive furniture.
  5. Before starting the arrangement of cottages, it is recommended to determine the amount in advance that you can spend for this purpose. However, keep in mind that the purchase of excessive products threatens low quality and short service life. There is a chance that they will only serve one season.

Garden furniture. Photo:




Wooden furniture

Furniture from this material does not differ in high precision resistance to atmospheric influences. At the same time, in the production process, the product is processed by special antiseptics, varnishes and impregnations, due to which the protective coating receives several seasons. In the process of choice, you should pay attention to the processing of the inside of the furniture elements. Since the term of their service depends on the thoroughness of processing.

The fundamental criteria of choice are reduced to such aspects:

  1. When choosing a garden furniture, it is recommended to give preference to the products from larch or teak, since the wood of these breeds is the most resistant to precipitation and change in temperature indicators.
  2. For garden sites, furniture objects and acacia are manufactured. Such furniture has a rather attractive appearance, it is advantageous for the garden design, but it does not differ in durability.
  3. The least suitable option for giving is a pine furniture.
  4. Despite certain operational nuances, wood-based furniture has a rather favorable feature. With its use, you can create both stationary and mobile seats. Folding chairs and tables, if necessary, are easy enough to move.
  5. Before buying furniture for giving out natural wood, pay attention to the fasteners. As connecting elements for the construction of such products it is not recommended to use metal parts or glue. Only the use of wooden waders is allowed.


Wicker furniture

Furniture for giving and garden from rattan is a relatively new product in the domestic market, which is gaining popularity every day. For the manufacture of such furniture items use a yves vine. This material before the weaving process is pre-processing. Vine "copes" and is covered with varnish. For the manufacture of furniture, only thick-sized straits are used. Thanks to this approach, ready-made products are distinguished by stability to various negative effects and have a long period of operation.

Today, you can also find braided furniture products that are classified into two groups. They differ in the type of material used and the cost of the finished product.

  1. The first includes light openwork garden furniture from rattan. It has environmental safety, since it is made of natural material. Also, such products are very lightweight, resistant to moisture and high temperatures. And the cost of this product is quite affordable. The raw material for the manufacture is a rating palm tree, whose wood is characterized by good strength.
  2. The second group includes massive sofas with cane coffee tables, aqueous hyacinth or raffia. These products refer to a high price category.

To choose high-quality wicker furniture before buying, you need to sit on it. If a slight embaring is heard during such a check - this is an absolutely normal phenomenon for this product. In the event that a sharp crunch is heard, this furniture should not be purchased. Since this indicates damage to the attachments and fibers, respectively, such a product will not last long.

Extend the period of the service of wicker furniture items, observing certain norms of operation:

  • the sun rays affect the product data with a negative way, as a result of which the furniture cracks and breaks;
  • also do not leave products under the sediments or for a long time to keep in air.

Therefore, they need to be placed in places protected from atmospheric exposure, for example, under a canopy or trees. It is also recommended to periodically store in the house.


Plastic-based furniture

Plastic furniture for cottages has a number of positive properties, among which such features should be allocated:

  1. First of all, this is the convenience of transportation. The weight of plastic is small, therefore furniture items based on it are compact and light, as well as collapsible. If necessary, they will not be difficult to transport the car in the trunk.
  2. Such furniture is convenient not only to transport, but also to store. After all, in the folded state, it occupies very little space and will not create difficulties regardless of the patronage of the country house.
  3. An important advantage of polymer furniture products is resistance to various climatic influences. Plastic material will retain its appearance in conditions of dampness, precipitation, low and high temperature. This is quite valuable quality. Especially for giving, which is mainly not heated in the winter. For example, wooden furniture in this case is needed at the end of the season to transport in the city apartment. Garden furniture plastic can be left without fears in the country until the next summer.
  4. Another advantage of this furniture is a variety of color gamut and models. Each potential buyer will be able to choose products according to its taste and style of the plot.
  5. Also a distinctive feature of garden furniture made of plastic is a small cost. However, you should not give preference to too cheap item, it may be poor quality.

The only disadvantage that can be found in plastic furniture is its aesthetic appearance. In this regard, it loses woven, metal and wooden subjects.


Metal garden furniture

Furniture elements from this material is divided into two types:

  • forged;
  • cast.

Forged products are absolutely not susceptible to climatic influence. This quality makes them most suitable for exploitation at the cottage. Features of the operation of such furniture objects are reduced to the following aspects:

  1. By purchasing such furniture, it is worth considering that it is not mobile. You can only install it in a stationary way due to the high weight. If these products are planned to be placed on the veranda, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the floors, and if on the site - the presence of a stone site.
  2. Forged furniture make from low carbon steel. The production process is based on the old technology. The work is completely performed manually using traditional tools, so that it is possible to achieve the uniqueness of each product. At the initial stage, a forging of individual elements are carried out, which are subsequently connected by rivets, bracket or welding. In the completion of the process, the product is painted. Such features determine the high cost of products.
  3. Seams and connecting sites are thoroughly polished. This is a rather important stage, if it is missed by a layer of paint crackles and the product will be affected by rust.
  4. At the request of the customer, the surface of the furniture is artificially awarded that she gives it a special "vintage" appearance. Such furniture can be supplemented with mosaic, glass and marble elements.
  5. By purchasing forged furniture items need to check for special flat spyers. Without these elements, the furniture will damage the surface on which it will be placed.


Raw materials for making cast furniture are casting steel or aluminum. Quite often, such objects of furniture are complemented by glass, stone, wooden and plastic parts, with which the aluminum frame is well combined. Also, the foundry furniture is decorated with artificial rattan, fabric and polymer harnesses. In its advantage, such furniture has a silvery color, which is natural to aluminum material. But there are other color solutions. Features of operation look like this:

  1. Aluminum-based furniture is highlighted with a small mass, resistant to the appearance of rust does not need special care.
  2. It costs it is significantly cheaper than forged products. As well as wicker and wooden furniture.
  3. But besides advantages, this furniture has disadvantages. In particular, the aluminum material has a property in hot weather, and at low temperatures it becomes unpleasant cold.
  4. Buying litient furniture you need to make sure there are plastic plugs on her legs. Their destination is to maintain the integrity of the furniture surface, the cork data will avoid the formation of various damage and scratches during operation.
  5. In addition, you should pay attention to the thickness of the legs. If these details are too thin, the furniture will fall into the soil.
  6. Metal furniture is not good in care. But it periodically still needs to be cleaned from pollution to prevent the appearance of rust. There are abrasive gentle products on sale, specially designed for this purpose.


Registration options with garden furniture

With the help of furniture, you can make a plot in various style directions. Consider the most bright of them.

  1. The "French cafe" style is created using openwork forged furniture elements of black or white colors. The decoration of pink details is complemented.
  2. Wicker furniture is used for registration in the style of "Tropical Island". Additional design elements are bright accessories and high plants.
  3. The style of "Eastern fairy tales" combines stone sofas, elegant elements and a plurality of pillows.
  4. Japanese style design is suitable for minimalistic form lovers, as it implies strict discreet forms.



Full vacation at the cottage is impossible without high-quality furniture. Today there is a wide selection of these products. Modern manufacturers supply dacha furniture from different materials, each of which has its own positive and negative properties.

Wooden garden furniture. Video:

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