How to get permission for felling of trees

March 5 Useful advice Views 8185 Comments to write How to get permission for felling of trees No

Trees not only bring the well-known health benefits, but also make a much more attractive design area near the house. Proper care for garden plantings annually brings a bountiful harvest. A shadow of the spreading crown green plant makes a nice holiday in the fresh air in the sultry heat of summer. But, despite the usefulness of trees, sometimes you want to cut down one, and perhaps a number of plants. Solve the problem of the removal of the plant is not so simple. Necessarily require a special permit to cut down the tree.

What to cut trees?

There are a number of reasons why you want to remove the plant from its place of germination.


Here are the most common problems that can not be solved in any other way, as soon as the cutting of trees and shrubs:

  • Plant rotten or dried up, because of which no fruits, unattractive and creates the possibility of accidental fall virubka1.php
  • Wood settled pests, remove that otherwise can not be formed or hollow for unwanted animals
  • Bush sprouted in the thickness of the wall or roof
  • Necessary regular sanitary felling trees in the form of dead or dead trees in forests
  • The place of its location is located on the direct path of the gasket of engineering communications
  • A strip of green plantings is located at the design of the construction of residential or commercial buildings.
  • Remove the plant is necessary for clearing the territory or rescue of the life of a person after a hurricane or other natural catastrophe
  • The tree prevents the penetration of light into the building, which increases the cost of electricity and reduces the level of health of residents at home or employees of the company. virubka_Dereviev

What do you need to know before cutting a tree on your own plot?

Taking into account when preparing the removal of the plant, which the absence of an appropriate permission is the illegal cutting of trees, which is punishable in accordance with the current legislation not only with the fine, but even imprisonment.


The borders of the punishment determines the amount of damage caused by green plantings.

Important! The resolution of the Environmental and Public Service for Plant Protection is necessary not only for the spill of the trees on public or protected by the "Forest Law" of the territory. Even when removing on its own plot, a document is required confirming the legitimacy of your intentions.


Otherwise, it threatens the minimum recovery in the form of forced work on landscaping or a penalty for cutting down a tree, the size of which is regulated by the age of plants and the amount of solid green plantings.

In confirmation of the state's interest in maintaining the green zone and action of the punitive code during illegal deforestation, make sure that the report submitted below is similar to this phenomenon.

Where to find out information about the resolution on the cutting down of the tree?

By the decision of this issue today various state structures are engaged.


Here is just a small list of possible agencies to obtain a sanction on cutting down trees on the site:

  • City or district administration
  • Municipal Nature Committee
  • Hoc
  • Environmental control service
  • Gosnadzor.

    Important! Naturally, the harder the situation, the more high-ranking employees will make a decision on your problem. Defining criteria in this case - the scale of work, cultural value and the official owner of the tree. 1338193137_DSCN6888.

How to determine the importance and value of the growing tree?

The conclusion on this issue should also be executed properly. That is, simply speaking, what you think that the tree is subject to demolition absolutely nothing means from the point of view of legislation. Determine its value and state of special expert commissions.


To place an application Make the following:

  1. Apply to the state administration for examination.
  2. Pay for duty state fees, which will be paid for the work done.
  3. Check for all necessary signatures and seals when receiving an act on the result of a study with recommendations for further actions relative to the plant.


Standard package of documents for obtaining permission

Regardless of the situation, there is a list of standard documents that will be required to obtain a solution to cutting down trees on the site.


Check out it carefully before you begin on an independent campaign in all the statestations in search of the necessary information:

  1. The statement in which all the reasons for the need for spilling plants are indicated.
  2. The official act of concluding an examination of a tree condition confirming your application.
  3. The layout planning scheme on which green planting prepared for removal is marked.
  4. Documents confirming the right to own land plot.
  5. A contract with contractors on cutting down, if it is planned to remove a single tree or its location is characterized by a special complexity of the approach and limited to the surrounding buildings. illegal-cutting

    Important! In addition to this package, in each case, a certain list of other documents is added. Possible options of which, view below to prepare in advance and speed up the entire design process.

Order of cutting of trees

Given the fact that it is difficult to list all possible situations with the terms of the alleged deforestation, then consider only the most frequently arising questions:

  1. Rental land. To the standard package of documents, be sure to attach:
    • Rent contract
    • Power of attorney for the right to solve the issue of green plantings in the territory. DSC00316.
  2. Land belongs to a neighbor. In this case, the situation depends largely on how friendly and friendly relationships with the owners of the neighboring plot, in which the hindering tree is located. In any case, you will need:
    • The official statement of the neighbor or your letter request to it about the decision of this issue is necessarily with the date and signature.

      Important! Prepare to prepare in advance that the money costs for the removal and supply of duties are becoming most often "stumbling stumblingse", which the owner of the glood plant is not ready to pay.

    • Your written complaint about the creation of an emergency or another caused by the harm to the tree located on the territory of the neighboring site, if it failed to negotiate peacefully with its owner. 5
  3. Building or gasket engineering communications. When preparing a territory for future construction, an additional list is as follows:
    • Application from a construction company with provided by all contact details.
    • Act on permission to perform construction work on this territory.
    • Treaty on the lease of a land plot with specified contact details of the Agreement.
    • Construction design plan.
    • Dendrological scheme for the design of future gardening.
    • Documents confirming payment of damage in accordance with government compensation norms established by law.
    • Addresses of future places of transplanting trees, if such is planned.
    • Project gardening territory under the compensation contract. cutting-trees
  4. Workpiece of wood cutting trees or burvero on their own needs. In this case, consider that not only the spill of growing green plantings is punishable by current legislation, but also sanitary cleaning for the export of burvero without official notice. Moreover, expenses in this case may exceed the annual costs of the purchase of ordinary firewood. To avoid problems prepare the following documents:
    • A contract with forestry, in which you plan to carry out a deforestation.
    • Document confirming payment under the terms of the contract.

      Important! For reserves and national parks, the conditions are much tougher. In the first at all, even staying outsiders are not allowed without appropriate permission. Punishment measures in case of violation of laws on the protection of natural resources are even criminalized with imprisonment and confiscation of property.

    • The act of compliance with the volume of the resulting wood with the planned in the contract. DSC_4095.


In order to properly perform all the work on removing the tree after receiving the permission, view the following video instructions on the spillation technology below.


Require with all attentiveness to the process of obtaining permission. Inaccuracy in any document, visible inconsistency or missing number of one of the blanks of the entire list, not only slows down all the design, but also may entail an undesirable result in the form of attraction to justice in court.

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