Remove the plot of flowerbed from plastic

December 10. Plot. Views 621. Comments To write, we find the plot of flowerbed from plastic No

In the summer, people buy many soft drinks. Thus, plastic bottles are rapidly accumulated in the storage room. It is a pity to throw them out, and what to do with them, not everyone will come up with. It is not worth throwing away, since from this secondary material you can make a flowerbed in the country.

Plastic flowerbed. Advantages of plastic flower beds

Over the years, each real host is going to many unnecessary things at first glance, with whom I do not want to part. For example, plastic bottles. Now in every city there are special containers for collecting plastic containers, but not every owner is ready to part with his collection, which he may have saved several years.

What can be made from a plastic bottle? It turns out, a lot of things useful for the life. For example, a washbasin, a filter for cleansing water, scoop, bracelet and even slippers and cups! From whole plastic bottles, garden flower beds can be built.

What is the advantage of this material:

  • specially buying plastic containers are not necessary, because each person is gradually going to make several dozen bottles, which sorry to throw away. Many dackets will take them to the cottage, fold in the barn to use as a container under water, in case water will turn off on the household plot;
  • plastic bottles are lungs, you can say practically weightless. Therefore, to transport several dozen, you will not need a lot of strength. The only inconvenience is the volume, but for most dachas it is not a problem - loaded a couple of bags with empty plastic bottles into the trunk, unloaded on site in the barn;
  • in order to make a fence for the flower beds, the acquisition of a special tool will not need. If you need to cut a bottle, the plastic is soft and easily cut in a conventional knife or scissors, and also glued down (if necessary);
  • and you knew that in terms of strength filled with (water, sand, ground, small pebbles) plastic packaging is able to withstand a very greater load!


Features of flowerbeds made of plastic bottles:

  1. If on the flower bed, fenced by plastic package, plant perennial plants, then they will not spread out of flower beds. A barrier from plastic roots and weeds will not be able to defeat. It turns out that it is much easier to care for such flower.
  2. Land on homemade flowerbed from bottles does not dry up so quickly.
  3. Since the fence consists of individual items, if necessary, you can always change the form of the structure, replace the spoiled bottle to the new one.
  4. Recycling plastic - the problem is not easy, because plastic does not decompose naturally and strongly pollutes the ecology. And if you come up with how to use an empty plastic container, you can talk about great and environmental protection.
  5. Flowerbed can be done any size, which is also an advantage. And if you take a big 5-liter eggmarket, then it can serve as a flower bed or pots for growing flowers. Only you need to do several holes for drainage.


Plastic fences for flower beds are very popular, so not so long ago the release of plastic fences for flower beds was established. To buy garden fences for plastic flower beds in the department "All for a garden and garden" or order in online stores.

These products have several advantages:

  • durability (high-quality plastic does not fade in the sun);
  • the material does not change the form;
  • fences will not crumble, do not break if you follow the rules of operation.

The only drawback of plastic fences to create a flower complex is the price. She although low, but these are extra expenses. Therefore, you decide to buy plastic flower beds or make yourself from the cast material.


What plastic bottles are suitable for flowering flower?

In order to make a flower in the country area or near the house, standard 1.5 liter empty bottles are suitable. Choose the capacitance of the same form, but as for the color, then there are no restrictions. The only thing is to think through the design of the fence of the flower beds and alternate the empty container in color so that the original fence pattern is.

It is also possible a variant of the alternation of different in the form and height of the bottles, if you think in advance the location of the elements of the fence so that the flowerba looks attractive and neatly.


Ways to form a fencing of plastic bottles

Decorative plastic fences for flowermbrah can be made:

  • horizontal;
  • single-level vertical;
  • fold the bottles so that the flower bed is in the form of a vase;
  • break flower flower beds into small islands in the form of hearts, flowerfish, animal figures;
  • make a bottle fence or build a wall;
  • share a flowerbed from plastic bottles using a container as the main element of the mosaic.

As for the form of plastic fences, the flowerbed can be done in shape: standard round, square, rectangular, in the form of a triangle, polygon, waves, sigzagami, or come up with his design of flower beds. Roundings and curves fencing bends - the usual empty plastic bottle will also help with this.


How to make a plastic fence for flowerbeds

In order to make a low fence for fencing flower beds, a plastic container is used from under various drinks: milk, kefira, beer, water and beverages. The capacity is 2 l and 1.5 liters. Choose to create a bottle fence made from a dense material, then the fence will last several seasons.

Recommendations or how to make a bottle fence:

  1. If you need to make a border, it is desirable to choose the capacitance of the same shape and color. Suppose - green or dark brown.
  2. If there are many transparent empty containers available, then this is not a problem, but on the contrary - there are more opportunities in order to realize the idea.
  3. How to paint the bottle: the usual enamel paint is suitable for staining, you need to pour a bit of paint so that it is distributed only on the donkey of Tara. And the bottom is very beautiful, it is cast in the form of a flower with the 5th petals. If you pour carefully through the funnel, the remnants of white enamel only on Rodyshko, then turning the bottle after the paint is frozen upside down, it turns out a chamomile. Of these elegant bottles, you can form an unusual fence.
  4. If there are a lot of paints, then you can paint the bottles in another way: pour a bit in a bottle of paint, tighten the cap, make a pretty shake in different directions. Thus, you can create a unique pattern. The method of internal staining of empty containers is much more practical than staining the finished product outside. Over time, the paint will begin to climb and will have to re-refresh the fence of flower beds.
  5. As for the creation of a mosaic pattern. To help you - paints or a simpler and affordable option - choose the same bottles in shape and color, alternate with other different and color.
  6. Before you start work, it is advisable to wet each bottle to remove the label. If the bottles are dirty, then you will have to wash them.
  7. Note that to create a low border man, half of the plastic container will be deepened in the ground.
  8. To make a horizontal fence, you need to put the bottles parallel to the soil. They stick to the plastic container into the ground 2 ways: the first - you need to fill the bottles of sand or the ground, the trench is prepared (a 30 cm is deepened), the bottles are inserted one after one, the lumen is covered with the ground and threatened.
  9. The second way is more laborious, because you need to cut the top of the bottle before the place where the narrowing ends. Then insert the upper cut part into the bottom and then form a fence. The lumens also fall asleep soil, fit well enough to have a design.
  10. These are the main techniques, and then - as the soul wishes. As for the decor of the finished fence of the flower beds, the bottles are also cheated for stability, and then the finished fence in the desired color is chosen from above. According to many dackets, when they made fences for flower beds, they had to buy several colors of paint. It is more convenient to paint the finished design than to fill in a slightly paint into each bottle. How to do - decide for yourself.


How to make garden fence for horizontal plastic flower beds

In order to independently make a flower leaf, it is necessary to prepare the basis. A large metal container is suitable (for example, a metal barrel). Capacity should be cut into 2 parts, each part is a separate flower bed. In addition, the excellent material for creating horizontal flower beds is old auto strokes. Note that the size of the foundation is the main dimensions of the flower beds.

Procedure for work:

  1. Prepare bottles in advance, wash and dry, fold close to the place of work.
  2. Check the cement mortar from 1 part of sand and 2 parts of cement.
  3. Capacity should be missed with a solution, moving from the bottom of the base, upwards.
  4. The density of the solution should be such that the neck of the bottle was well held.
  5. A small portion of the solution was delivered, immediately insert the bottles, fixing in the solution.
  6. The first row is the most important. It defines all further work and serves as a support for subsequent rows.
  7. The next row needs to be laid in a checker order, in a different way and will not work. Free space Try to immediately fill in solution.
  8. It is important not to rush and give the opportunity to grab the first layer, then all the subsequent work will be accomplished neatly.
  9. The latter layer is not always beautiful, as the screed is visible and can see how the bottles stick out. But it first. This one can be corrected, since the flower bed will be filled with the earth.
  10. Bottles, located in cement, can be reapged by any grain material (moss, small pebbles, bumps, etc.).
  11. Filling capacity: down need to pour drainage from brick fragments, crumbs or small pebbles.
  12. Then the layers pour out soil.
  13. All, you can admire your work and plant your favorite plants.

Important: If the container is without the bottom, it can be easily moved to the site. It is very convenient.


How from plastic bottles make a flowerbed "God's cow"

In order to make a pretty flower bed with your own hands on the summer site or near the house, you need to stockplan with plastic bottles of black, red and white. This is the most difficult task, because bottles of this color are very small. But if you have the same transparent empty bottles, then paint them into the desired color.

As for the size of the working material. Too big bottles are better not to apply, otherwise the flowerbed will take a lot of space, and after all, the summer house is even a small block of land for gold weight. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the big club is better not to do, otherwise she will lose their relevance, and will not look attractive.

White bottles will need only 2 pcs. To make eyes of God's cows. Wings are made from red bottles, and black plastic bottles will go for the formation of the head and specks on the wings.


On the highlighted section of the earth around the perimeter, it is necessary to make a fence. Suitable border, stone, old tile. It is important to detain the soil in the flower bed so that it will not wake up for its limits. Put the selected plot under the flowerbed of the earth, scatter. Everything, you can now begin to "draw the insect" contour, laying out one for one bottle of the desired color. Do not hurry, work carefully so that the figure that was conceived. Rate the results of your efforts.

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