How to create roccar with your own hands?

March 26. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 5009. Comments To record How to create roccaria with your own hands? No

There are many different forms of decorative landscape to decorate their plot near the house. One of the most interesting is a rocque, the creation of which will bring the unique combination of wild mountainous nature and bright colors of flowering plants. In order to correctly arrange the composition in advance with the requirements for the location and selection of all components. Please note that a correctly decorated rocarium will not only attract a look with its originality and beauty, but also will require some time to care.

The main components of Rokary


The main difference between the rocarium from the mixboarder - the use of sufficiently varied components. These include the following categories:

What are Rokaria?

Like any other form of art landscape design, rocaria is distinguished by several directions.


The first criterion for which the classification is performed is the design style. According to this principle, the following types are distinguished:

  • English. When adjusting the rocarium of this type, the focus is on conforming to a weatheted style to all other landscape design forms, mainly with classic lines. Therefore, when the plant is selected, preference is given to resistant coniferous rocks with their durable unchanging beauty, more clear forms than many other plants and the absence of screaming shades. Stones are used primarily as an additional nuance to emphasize the rigor of the style even more. eNGL
  • European. This direction is more democratic and provides a free choice in combining all elements of the decorative composition. The attention is evenly distributed between plants and stones. The basic requirement is a comfortable development of selected breeds in an existing climate in order to avoid inappropriate labor-intensive care. 1363160091_ROKARIY-V-EVROPEYSKOM-STILE
  • Japanese. In this style, all accents are shifted to the contemplation of stones to feel all their unshakable natural power and amazing beauty. Single plants perform only one role - emphasize some edges of stone fragments, strengthen the impression from, it would seem that the impossible combination of refinement and strength. The purpose of the arrangement of such a rocarium is to configure the meditation of eternity and to feel peace from contemplating such a magnificent picture of nature. 15

Another equally important point is the time of the rocarium. This principle makes it possible to identify such varieties:

  • Stable. Such compositions are equipped for a long period. When choosing such a rocory form, you must carefully consider even the smallest details in the planning process. Do not rush to start the project immediately after its creation. Give yourself some time, after which look at the scheme again. Is it just as attractive for you and interesting? Such an approach will reduce the risk of rapidly encouraging a monotonous landscape, which is the main problem of this style. gorki2.
  • Changeable. A more interesting option, but will require a regular search for new ideas and time on their embodiment. The main advantage of such a corner of nature is the lack of constancy of the picture, so that it does not disappear sincere desire to admire its purchase territory. lanscape5

How to arrange roccage with your own hands?


To create a rocque independently follow the recommendations for each process presented in the list below:

  1. Design.
  2. Selection of the site.
  3. Selection of vegetation.
  4. Selection of stones.
  5. Soil preparation.
  6. Rocarium formation directly on Earth.


This list is a standard sequence of actions when creating a decorative rocarium on its own area.



At the design stage, the main task is to properly relate all the elements.


To avoid gross mistakes, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. View the scheme and photo of already ready rockers, competently formed before performing this work. rokari77777.1-14
  2. In addition to the harmonious combinations of all elements of the composition itself, provide their compliance with the rest of the forms of landscape design on the plot - flowers, pedestrian walkways, artificial reservoirs must complement each other in one direction, even with bright, but thoroughly thoughtful, contrast. TUIN-01-500X375
  3. Be sure to create your own scheme with a clear layout on a suitable scale. rockery_1_112012.

    Important! Often, with independent planning, the owners of the sites prefer complex compositions, calculating that they will look more effectively and beautiful. But do not forget to take into account the time you are ready to regularly allocate in the future to care for the flower bed. If you are limited in this regard, then simplify your project so that it is well-groomed, it will make it more attractive than a multi-tiered flower garden from several species of plants, which occupies a large space, but not enough.


How to choose a rocque area?

Simultaneously with the design, select the most suitable area, focusing on the following rules:

  1. Rocarium dimensions should not cause difficulties in perception. For small sites, it is enough to limit the 5-10 m2. garden Rocarium
  2. Pay attention to the amount of incoming sunlight on the selected territory. It should be enough to develop plants.
  3. Prefer a smooth horizontal surface or a gentle slope without explicit irregularities. 0_78E7D_D693ADA3_L1

    Important! Please note that the possibility should remain for the formation of the soil in accordance with the idea, that is, artificially created hills in the design of the composition of several tiers.

  4. Given the peculiarities of the rocarium in combination of not only plants, but also stones that do not have any influence climatic conditions, feel free to place if desired in open places close to the house. Excellent option - patio or facade entrance area near the house.
  5. The type of soil is another criterion that needs to be taken into account. In order to eliminate the excessive growing of the selected breeds, which is why the attractiveness of the stones will be lost in the thick of greenery, the soil should not be very nutritious, but should provide a gradual growth.


What plants to choose for rokaria?

For rokaria, several types of plants are used, each of which performs its function and provides attractiveness at a certain season.


The following varieties are most in demand:

  1. Coniferous. Constantly present in any rocaria. They are very harmoniously combined with a stony slide, and with separate boulders, and with a small squeezing rubble. Pay attention to the following breeds:
  2. Deciduous. In this category, various shrubs are especially highlighted, which can be given to any form of proper haircut and those that differ in their original natural shape.
    • dwarf azalea;
    • dwarc Rhododendron;
    • barbaris Tunberg;
    • barbaris Kobold;
    • japanese Spirea;
    • spirea "Golden Princess"; 159-500x375
    • spiray "Little Princess".
  3. Perennial. Such species are invariably present in stable rockers, and in changing, making them the basis. When choosing plants for Rokary, pay attention to those that are not very picky in care, so as not to become the hostage of permanent earthworks. Suitable breeds that are advantageous and variety of colors and resistance to various natural conditions:
    • saxifrage;
    • thrift;
    • aubette;
    • gentian;
    • iberis;
    • phlox;
    • geichera;
    • oatmeal;
    • labor;
    • molded;
    • feather grass;
    • vainiene;
    • heather;
    • alissaum rocky. alpijskaya_Gorka_rokarij_2-13_0.
  4. Bulbous. Such varieties are used primarily to provide a beautiful landscape in early spring. It is advisable to plant small areas or individual plants, creating a point drawing such species as:
    • tulip;
    • narcissus;
    • crocus;
    • gladiolus;
    • snowdrop; alpiiskaya-Gorka-Svoimi-Rukami-500x375
    • muskari.

      Important! Try to alternate and combine alkaline varieties with higher breeds, pay attention to the color tone and size of plants.


What stones are suitable for rocaria?

Pay special attention to the selection of landscaped stone. From how correctly the breed is selected and the form of all elements depends on the naturalness of the resulting landscape.


The most suitable breeds resistant to destruction are shown in the list below:

  • dolomitized limestone;
  • lime tuff;
  • marl;
  • sandstone;
  • quartzite;
  • granite;
  • marble. rokarii_3.

    Important! Prefer natural shades of beige, white, yellow, black. Such colors are perfectly combined with greens and bright colors, organic forming a holistic natural composition.


With respect to the form, all tips are limited to the following rules:

  1. The landscape must be diverse, but not too impaired. That is, use 2-3 size of the stone, such as crumb, blocks and crushed stone, for each individual area.
  2. Avoid using too much different breeds, especially different structures.
  3. Preference to dense stones for separate elements or layered to create a multi-tier composition. Compliance with this rule will create the most harmonious picture.
  4. Adhere to one form, even when using various fragments. A separate combination of various streamlined stones or cornerstone will give more attraction effect than emphasizing the artificial nature of rocaria with mixing all kinds of species.


How to prepare the soil?

The soil composition for Rokary has its own distinctive features. Pay attention to the required conditions to avoid the excessive fertility of the soil.

landscape design

In order to create the most appropriate soil, follow these works:

  1. Remove the top layer of the Earth.
  2. Prepare sand, brown peat, fine crushed stone in proportion 2: 1: 1 parts to 3 parts of the soil from the plot.
  3. Mix carefully.
  4. Spend aeration of the entire area defined by the rocker to ensure free access of oxygen to the roots.
  5. Pour carefully.
  6. Make a layer of prepared soil.
  7. Carefully scatter with robbles.

    Important! Do not use mineral and organic fertilizers.


How to issue a rocque?

The whole process will require you attentiveness and accuracy.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Perform work as follows:

  1. Transfer the markup of the scheme to the site.
  2. Install sequential stones in accordance with the project.
  3. Choose a more spectacular face for the facial outside.
  4. Large boulders and boulders in the soil, putting the polyethylene film under them. rokarij-Svoimi-Rukami-8

    Important! This method will prevent germination of grass and weeds that are difficult to remove under stones.

  5. Leave sufficient gaps for planting and developing selected plants.

    Important! Pay attention to this stage to the attractiveness of the composition being created. If necessary, adjust the dimensions of the selected items or delimited areas to achieve the most interesting result. 222222222222222222222222222

  6. Announce the number of plants in the allotted section under each breed or the exact location of the unit elements.
  7. Plant selected plants.
  8. Decorative layer in 3-4 cm made of small stone crumbs or pebbles around cobblestones and plants.

    Important! This principle of registration will not only add rocaria's attractiveness, but also prevents the drying and leaching of the soil.



Browse the video in which an example of a rocarium is clearly shown, namely the species used plants and landing them, as well as layout of stones.


The whole process of creating rocory, although extremely fascinating, but requires some skills and artistic taste. Therefore, if you doubt your capabilities, consult in the most difficult stage for you with a specialist or make a trial version of a small area, after which, increase its size or create a new rocarium, more complex shape.

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