Garden and garden sprayers: species and characteristics

July 22. Instruments, Plot. Views 3403. Comments To write sprayers for the garden and garden: species and characteristics No

The garden sprayer is the same indispensable tool to care for plants, like a watering hose. It allows you to simplify their processing by various fertilizers, protective equipment, and can also be used for disinfection and plain cultures.

Appointment of sprayers

This equipment is used not only for disinsection, plants disinfection and fertilizer application, but also for blotching walls and trees. At the same time, it significantly reduces the processing time and creates a fine fog at a distance of up to 16 m.




Device of garden sprayers

The device of each such device includes:

  • pump control system;
  • adjustable tip;
  • safety filter;
  • supply hose;
  • pump;
  • high pressure bar;
  • safety valve;
  • sealer to prevent pollution;
  • storage tank.

At the same time, some units may have a spray nozzle, a fluid fence system, and not have its own tank. However, the most popular models are those that are equipped with a hermetic capacity.

Varieties of sprayers



Today, several types of sprayers are offered on the market, which differ in shape:

  • on wheels;
  • range sprayer.


However, among the summer residents most popular is the second option, since it is much more convenient. Such a device is fastened with straps to back, and spraying is created using the hose.

By volume, garden sprayers are divided:

  • large (up to 20 l);
  • small (up to 2 l);
  • average (from 5-7 liters).

Small are perfectly suitable for working in home greenhouses and for indoor plants, large and medium are used to handle summer sections.

Also sprayers can be:


  • slotless;
  • capacitive;
  • diesel;
  • mechanical;
  • rechargeable;
  • manual;
  • pumps, etc.

A manual sprayer is usually used on a small garden plot. Its device assumes a constant air pouch in a vacuum vessel to ensure the necessary pressure. The pump unit has a similar principle of operation - to work with it, it should be independently, by pressing the piston to pump a certain amount of air, after which spraying is created.

Features of garden sprayers

Sprayer manual


The garden sprayer is a small weight and sizes, while it is easily placed in hand and is ideal for use in everyday life.

Range sprayer



Ranger sprayers are hydraulic and used to spray large volumes of liquids, thanks to a wide range of work. At the same time, additional convenience in operation is ensured by the presence of pressure pumping handle. They moderately spend chemicals and practical in use.

Gasoline sprayers



These aggregates have greater performance and the disinsection drugs are much less, while conducting better processing. In addition, they create a low noise level and are equipped with an anti-vibration system. Such sprayers are conveniently used in farms and in the household sections.

Electric sprayers

This type of sprayers is equipped with an electric motor and, accordingly, does not need a fuel combustible. They can be safe to work for work on large areas. In this case, there is no hand pump in such models, and the pressure is created by pressing the button.




This type of equipment must be liquid fuel. It functions much more powerful hand, and jet height allows to spray garden trees with a height of 10 meters. Sometimes these units are acquired for household purposes, namely, to whitewash the walls and ceiling.

battery sprayer



Cordless sprayers are powered by batteries. Accordingly, they recommended to treat small areas of land.

mechanical sprayers



Such devices are by design the most simple, but at the same time, the most reliable. They can be used both indoors and outdoors.

pomp sprayers



The fluid in such aggregates is sprayed by air injection. However, they have a large enough volume to 12 liters. The device can be worn on the shoulder and for the convenience of fixing belt.

self-propelled sprayer




This type of sprayer is also called the hook-and is designed to work in
agriculture. PTO shaft is used to drive the pump of the tractor.

This equipment provides full three-stage filtration sprayed liquid, and the rod is controlled from the cab by means of a hydraulic device.

The choice of the sprayer

Exercising a choice of garden sprayer should take into account the parameters of the cultivated area and the type of plant. For example, at least 10 liters, to be small enough and 2 for a large area device to acquire better.

Also identified with the volume, pay attention to the coming flow of solution. So for the 1st adult tree will need up to 10 liters, and for the young - 2 liters. In processing the bushes on each plant takes about 1 l., In the processing of vegetables in greenhouses for every 10 sq.m. up to 2 liters, in the open ground - 1 liter.

In addition, before buying a sprayer should focus not only on their own preferences, but also on the financial possibilities. Usually, the price depends on the brand of the manufacturer, the power, functionality, and calculate the volume. So, the cheapest are manual machines, and expensive - motor, especially if they are of good foreign production.

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