Pond at the dacha with their own hands. Recommendations for the construction of a pond

April 22. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 9398. 1 comment To write a pond in the country with your own hands. Recommendations for the construction of a pond

Own pond near the house is a great way to diversify the landscape of the entire site. In addition to the fact that it will certainly bring originality in the overall picture of nature, artificial reservoir will increase the comfort of your holiday in hot summer days, creating such a pleasant coolness and humidity.


To the pond has become really attractive general decor complement the local area and does not take much time to care, familiarize yourself with the formation of the rules consistently, accurately and carefully follow all the work. When the process of creating an artificial reservoir such an approach will be simple and very entertaining.

How to choose the style of the decoration of the reservoir?


To the artificial reservoir become a real decoration of the entire site, initially take care that it is harmoniously combined with all the other landscape forms. Choose the most suitable style, considering the features of your local area and the desired result.


In this regard, the correct form and method of decorating are most important.

  1. Oriental motifs. The tradition of creating artificial reservoirs originated in hot eastern countries, where water is sometimes more precious than gold. Allow yourself such a luxury, as a constantly pouring precious liquid, could only very rich people. The main way of design of the landscape is the placement of several small pools with fountains throughout the area. Be sure to design the right geometric forms adhered to the design. fOUNTAIN-GARDEN-600X416
  2. Chinese style. A distinctive feature of such a direction to highlight brown vegetation in the maximum compliance with natural landscapes. The pond in this case is the indispensable attribute of the entire site. If you decide to arrange your plot in this style, consider some features characteristic of the Chinese reservoir:
    • large area of \u200b\u200bwater stroit;
    • smooth, curved, sometimes suitable lines, emphasizing the naturalness of origin;
    • islet without connection with the coastal part in the center of the composition;
    • set stone or lonely growing tree on the island;
    • a small bridge with a lantern, connecting the coastal zone of the pond of not too remote areas. Foto_0620080813171755
  3. Japanese style. In this direction, some kind of asceticism of all forms is invariably. But necessarily for a complete harmonious picture the presence of all elements. Therefore, even in conditions of limited space, a vessel with flowing water or mini-pools with streams was determined. The rigor is emphasized by the correct shape of the square or rectangle. From the vegetation, preference gives dwarf trees and shrubs planted along the coastal line. And, it is impossible not to note such an important condition as stone blocks and boulders located in a carefully thought-out sequence. 5-Japanese-Garden-Fountain
  4. English style. In its kind, English gardens and reservoirs are one of the branches of the Chinese landscape design. The magnificity of vegetation and the riot of paints in combination with the original shapes of the ponds is welcomed. 5750_slider.
  5. French style. This direction was widespread in European countries and became the basis for the embodiment of many modern moda style ideas. Please note the following characteristic features that distinguish French artificial reservoirs:
    • large sizes of all landscape forms, ponds - are no exception;
    • careful layout and distinction of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plot;
    • exceptionally clear lines of verified proper geometric forms;
    • the height line of the pond certaintles is slightly above the coastal zone. 18

The sequence of registration of the pond


  1. Design.
  2. Choosing a place.
  3. Selection of technology.
  4. Selection of plants and stones.
  5. Preparation of soil.
  6. Registration of the reservoir.
  7. Choosing fish. landshaftnyj-Dizajn-5

What to take into account when designing a reservoir?

Before you start planning the site, view the pond photos presented in the country of finished projects.


Important! Such an approach will help develop a more interesting and original idea of \u200b\u200bits uniqueness.


Especially carefully refer to the dimensions of the artificial reservoir:

  1. Standard recommendations are prescribed to degrade the area, the size of which will be about 3% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe green zone. But, relate these tips with personal preferences. Pond11
  2. If more interesting in your opinion will be the solution of the landscape composition in favor of one pond, decorated exclusively by vegetation - will be an excellent option with a reservoir 2 * 2m or 3 * 3 with a depth of 50-80 cm. 1373741592_rasteniya-DEKORATIVNOGO-PRUDA
  3. In the case when you decide to settle fish in it - the depth will have to increase so that they can be comfortable in limited space. 9_3
  4. If the house gardening area occupies an impressive size of a plot, with a rather diverse creation, to rationally equip the pond in the country of greater size than it is assumed to be standard recommendations, or several mini reservoirs. 51(4)
  5. With a relief natural surface, an interesting solution will be a cascading waterfall whether multiple streams, the lines of which will wash the neighboring zones. e8248E.

    Important! Be sure to consider all the parameters of the protrusions and pockets for plants and decorative stones. To more clearly imagine the preliminary scheme that you need to create, look at the applied photo of the example of one of the projects. PRUD_SXEMA.shema-vodojom-2

  6. Another important nuance is the circulation of water in the pond. In order to prevent the reproduction of plants, the reproduction of harmful bacteria and flowering of water, and also significantly simplify watering care, keep in the layout of the arrangement of the streams, of which water will enter the bowl of the reservoir and back. Such an approach will exclude stagnation of water, which is particularly fraught with adverse effects during the period of sultry summer heat. 2003-1-ISR_26-500X375

How to choose the place for the pond?

To fulfill this work, there are a number of specific recommendations.


Carefully read them before making a pond in the country to avoid mistakes and prevent fast clogging or water flowering in the future:

  1. Prefer the open territory, and not a plot in the thick of weak trees. Following this rule will exclude pollution of the decorative pond in the country of the fallen foliage and its destruction by growing roots. ready-pond-from-film-500x344
  2. Limit the territory of the larger than the planned reservoir parameters. Such an approach will provide ease of further expansion and improve the landscape area of \u200b\u200bthis landscape area. garden-Pond Hands-500x375
  3. Do not use the pond at the cottage solar sections. Permanent water heating will lead to the reproduction of harmful bacteria and flowering. This in turn will affect the plants planted, contributing to their rotting and fading due to the nonlapping medium. 1336213946_Foto-Pruda-svoimi-Rukami
  4. Preference to an unproduced area to prevent the breakdown of thin and elegant plants, as well as excessive clogging due to a permanent dust, soil, weeding herbs and leaves from neighboring sites. 2-Artificial-Pond-500x465

Ways to arrange a pond in the country

The modern building materials market provides very wide opportunities for solving any task for the design of the landscape.


We give examples of the most popular options for creating an artificial reservoir:

What plants and stones are suitable for decorating a reservoir?

The process of direct decoration with the right selection of the species row will necessarily bring the joy and feeling of aesthetic pleasure.


When choosing a flora and other reservoirs, adhere to the main requirement - the naturalness of the established landscape and avoid excessive saturation and diversity. Excessive pureness can reverse effect and instead of an excellent picturesque picture that attracts his eyes, you will get a dissony spot on the plot.

Plants for a pond in the country


To more clearly imagine the task that should be solved, we define the groups of plants and the most interesting types of them, depending on the nature of the vital activity:

  1. Deep-sea. To disembark such species, the required height of the pond is at least 50 cm. It is very convenient to place them inside the reservoir in special containers. These plants include:
    • lotus;
    • water lily;
    • cube;
    • nymfeyman;
    • aponoghethon;
    • mulberry;
    • orontium. marv0187.
  2. Plants for which the soil is not required. To this group, we will draw those species that float on the surface of the water stroit. For their normal development, only the presence of useful substances dissolved in water are sufficient. Browse the list of some options:
    • water walnut;
    • azolla;
    • water hyacinth;
    • pythy;
    • duckweed;
    • wolfia;
    • watercraft;
    • hydrokeeis. Olympus Digital Camera.
  3. Plants contributing to the natural purification of water. You will certainly select several types of such colors. Their vital activity will provide carbon dioxide, in return to which they will give rich oxygen. Basically, they are unpretentious in care, but be sure to prevent the pond ingrowth in the darity and facilitate the whole process of care. It is impossible not to note the attractive appearance and the original shape of such plants. Among the most interesting species, we note the following:
    • ems;
    • rogolitnik;
    • sweep
    • rDEST. Rasteniya ----- Oksigenatoryi-dlya-oformleniya-vodoemov
  4. Coastal species. Carefully treat the selection of plants of this type. From how correctly the coastal zone will be framed, the smoothness of the transition line from one form of the landscape to another depends largely. The plants for which the most favorable medium of development is constantly humidified for this purpose. The following types are particularly popular in this regard:
    • coat;
    • water pine;
    • manna;
    • lobelia;
    • donal;
    • charter;
    • forget-me-not;
    • sedge;
    • sitnik;
    • cane;
    • aIR;
    • white. swimming-pond

What stones to choose to decorate a reservoir?

With regard to the form, it is difficult to give unambiguous recommendations, the main selection criterion here is the landscape style.


Depending on the direction, the most interesting solution can be an axer of small pebbles, and several acute-angled blocks. Focusing when choosing exclusively on your artistic taste, but avoid excessive diversity, as it will only emphasize the artificiality of the pond.


Regarding the breed, the following stones of different shades will be excellent options:

  1. Granite.
  2. Quartzite.
  3. Marble.
  4. Gray sandstone. 14_166-500x375
  5. Gneiss.

Important! Do not use limestone breed reservoir, since they are not only quickly eroded, but also contribute to the rapid growth of weed algae due to the increase in water acidity. vodoyem.

The use of modern artificial stones, such as colored concrete and ceramic plates, will be quite an interesting solution. But if you prefer exactly such an option, note that the naturalness of the appearance of the water reservoir will significantly decrease. 311440-Svetik

How to prepare the soil under the pond?

The main task in the preparation of the soil under the reservoir - digging the right pit.


When performing this work, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Pre-mark the contour of the reservoir using pegs and rope. 626293293
  2. Consistently dug all the layers of the pond in accurately according to the project. Olympus Digital Camera.

    Important! Directly for digging, use special technical equipment if you plan a large water reservoir.

  3. Vertical sections of each stage make up an angle of 45 degrees. pRUD_07.

    Important! This approach will ensure not only the more attractive structure of the pond, but also facilitates the installation of decorative stones and plants.

  4. Make a canvas around the perimeter of the rod to be able to securely secure the material used to finish the bottom.
  5. Carefully scatter the entire surface.
  6. Check the absence of sharp stones or plant roots in the thickness of the land to prevent damage to the main material.
  7. Check out the level of horizontal line of each niche.
  8. Put the entire surface of the sand, with a layer of 5 cm. 1 Kottanova for Pond
  9. Slightly moisten it to provide greater density.
  10. Carefully, but thoroughly confuse and scatter.
  11. Prepare the waterproofing film (geotextile) as follows:
    • check the compliance of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir area;
    • fully expand the film;
    • check the center;
    • swim the envelope consistently from all edges. 1353425642_kotlovan-dlya-pruda

      Important! Such technology will significantly simplify the layout process along the bottom of the kittle.

  12. Spread the film over the entire surface of the future reservoir. 44460930
  13. Start certainly from the center, securing the stones. 1330878678_ISKUSSTVENNYY-PRUD-NA-DACHE-3
  14. Consistently unfold the canvas, performing cobblestone mount on each layer of the pond cascade.

How to create a reservoir from the old bowl of the bath?


If you prefer this technology, familiarize yourself with some advice on the design of an attractive reservoir:

  1. Get the drain hole of the bath.
  2. Install the bowl in the pit. decorative-Pond-Own-Hands-3
  3. Check for fastening reliability: The design must fit tightly to the walls of the pit.
  4. Fill on the edges of the sand and confuse the surface. 3_325211
  5. Apply on the inner walls of the bowl of the bath glue for tiles with the addition of the appropriate shade dye.
  6. Wait for drying within 1-2 days.
  7. Squeeze the chaise grid in the bowl of a suitable size.
  8. Prepare cement mortar and decor elements.
  9. Apply a uniform layer of cement composition on the inner surface of the bath.
  10. Position the sequentially all decorative elements, slightly pressing into the mixture. 4
  11. Wait until the cement is full before pouring into do. vodoem_iz_staroy_vanny_4.

How to make a water film?

Olympus Digital Camera.

When arranging a pond film PVC or butyl rubber rubber, stick to the following sequence:

  1. Film dimensions Choose taking into account the length of the pond and twice depth.
  2. Leave the area of \u200b\u200bthe area around the half meter along the edges.

    Important! To perform work, select a sunny day to ensure good elasticity of the canvas.

  3. Gently decompose the film along the bottom, ranging from the center of the structure. 6_cimg1397
  4. To exclude shifts, as the work is performed, press the cloth on the ledges with large stones.
  5. Form the pockets for plants and other decorative elements. pRUD-NA-DACHE-FOTO-09
  6. Carefully scatter, but do not allow tension. The film should be slightly saved on each layer.
  7. On the banks of the pond over the entire perimeter, fasten with plastic pipes of small diameter and stones. 71E87737E74B.
  8. Pour water. how_TO_BUILD_A_GARDEN_POND_02_062012.
  9. Lose day so that the film fully accepted the right form. pRUD-NA-DACHE-FOTO-10
  10. Cut the remnants of the film on the sides, leaving the gap of 25-30 cm for reliable fastening and to prevent water flow under the canvas. 87389872_vodoem4.

How to form a pond from the finished plastic bowl?

To install a plastic pond for cottages, work as follows:

  1. Check the integrity of the bowl. 7261DDCD0A8D4C5E5A6382DCAB48C750.
  2. Install it in the dug pita. 22062010012
  3. Check the sideline horizontal.
  4. Gradually pour water inside the shape. pRUD-IZ-PLASTIKOVOY-FORMY
  5. Outside, pour sand into the slit.
  6. His trambl, slightly mois.
  7. Perform such a procedure until the gaps are equal to the coastal zone. DSC022743.
  8. As you do, check the level of installation by level. pRUD-S-ISPOLZJVANIEM-EMKOSTI
  9. When decorating, pay attention to the fact that the load is distributed evenly. pRUD-NA-DACHE


Browse the video in which the entire process of forming an artificial water branch is clearly shown using a film and the finished plastic bowl to more clearly present the scope of work and make sure that they are fulfilled.

What fish to choose for a pond?

Olympus Digital Camera.

If you certainly decided to breathe life in the reservoir and possess a sufficient number of time to carefully care for the whole site, when choosing fish, carefully relate the conditions for their content with the capabilities of your water branch. Acquire only healthy individuals, and to start the breeding process, it is desirable and not very demanding for care.


Here is a list of some species that enjoy a special demand for the formation of an artificial reservoir due to its bright beauty, the absence of aggressiveness and ease of care:

  • ordinary goldfish;
  • voualehvost;
  • decorative carps;
  • blue Orfa;
  • gold ORF;
  • schubunkkin;
  • comet;
  • fanochvost. goldfish-02

Methods of artificial decoration of the reservoir


To increase the attractiveness of the decorated area, do not ignore and modern ways of design:

  • surface lighting; Lighted_pond
  • underwater lighting; 11
  • decorative fountains. Sanyo Digital Camera.

    Important! Such decoration methods will not only help create a truly fascinating landscape fascinating, but will allow them to enjoy them at any time of the day.


After all the work on the arrangement of the pond in the country is completed, it's time to start a full-fledged holiday near him, contemplating the result of his work - a picturesque landscape.


But, do not forget about the simple rules for the care of the reservoir, the observance of which will ensure the preservation of its attractiveness for a long time:

  1. Clean the water surface regularly from weeds, filamentous algae and garbage with a robble or stitch.
  2. Regularly check the chemical composition of water in the pond using special litmus paper sticks.
  3. In the spring and summer period, at least twice performed the chemical cleaning of the reservoir with special means.
  4. Pull the water in the pond as it dries into hot time.
  5. For the winter, transplant plants that do not stand low temperatures.
  6. Returning leaves on time from the surface of the water to prevent their lowering on the bottom where it will be more difficult to get when cleaning.
  7. In the spring, be sure to clean the walls of the pond and remove the dried cuttings of the plants.

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One answer to the pond in the country is your own hands. Recommendations for the construction of a pond

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