Growing blue spruce from seeds with their own hands

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Coniferous plants are not losing popularity due to attractive species, spruce plant on different sections as decoration. Such a needle, like a blue fir refers to the disappearing mind and is listed in the Red Book, so the cost of seedlings is high enough. A feature of this species is the needle of needles, but with independent cultivation, only 30% of individuals have the desired color, the rest are standard green coloring.

Many owners of country houses purchase a blue fir cutlery for further cultivation, but financially has a more profitable option - receiving plants from seeds. In addition to saving funds, the gardener gets healthy, adapted to the environment tree.


Methods for getting

Ate can be multiplied by three ways:

  • vaccination;
  • stalling;
  • seeds.

The easiest way is the sealing - copies rooted in a greenhouse, open soil adversely affects a small cheva. In order to plant a blue spruce, specialists recommend using winter cuttings, they are 3-4 times fast will give the result. They are rooted when swelling the kidneys, it is important to maintain the optimal conditions of humidity and temperature. After 5-6 years, the growth of spruce reaches 1 meter, then it is transplanted for a permanent place.

Painstaking work


Getting conifers from seeds is a rather long process in which it is important to adhere to all recommendations and initially choose the right material.

Collection of seeds

To grow a blue fir alone, we need a boarding material - the seeds get out of the cones. The optimal time for collecting cones is considered February, the middle of the month will become the perfect option. The bumps are folded into the tissue bag and are located near the heating device for their disclosure. So in a few weeks you can easily get seeds without damage. Next, they are purified from the winner, gently shared between themselves in the bag, and to remove the essential oils are washed with flowing water and dried.

To protect against bacteria, the seeds are washed with a weak solution of manganese and wipe the cloth. They are stored for them in a clean glass jar with a tightly closing lid and put in the refrigerator until mid-March. Natural storage in the cold seeds before sowing should be carried out in natural conditions, that is, with the help of snow. But for a long snow period, it is not always necessary to calculate, so they are replaced with a reliable indoor refrigerator. On the market you can buy seeds already processed and ready to land, but you need to know a good manufacturer.


Preparation of soil

For the correct growth of the seeded specimens, the soil must be prepared, coniferous plants die when places of planting of vegetable crops are placed. The optimal option is the earth after lawn grass, mixed with soil from under the needles. In the ground, it is necessary to make peat fertilizer. In greenhouses, two fit methods are used:

  • directly to the ground;
  • using additional tanks.

In the case of planting seeds in a pot, a mixture of peat, limestone flour and ammonophos are prepared in advance (6 kg there are 35 g and 20 g of substances, respectively). This mixture is falling asleep in the containers, which will be buried deep into the earth in the greenhouse. If you do not use containers, you will need an additional upper layer consisting of coniferous sawdust and peat.



The landing of the blue spruce is carried out with the surrounding temperature + 15̊, it is important to accurately determine the date of sowing. Because after changing the temperature, cooled seeds are stored no more than 50 hours. Before boarding, they are taken out of the jars and are treated with foundazole, for this prepare a solution (on 10 liters of water there are 20 g of substance).

The soil must be well moistened, therefore, before the start of work it is wetted. In containers, the seeds are plugged to 1.5 cm, covered with a film from above. And in the open soil, the cheva is not seeded, it is first a thoroughly tram. The seeds are laid on top, coated with a mixture of peat and sawdust with a layer of 1 cm. The distance between the individual seeds should be 3-5 cm.

First results

Olympus Digital Camera.

The first shoots appear after 10-15 days, with a frequent location of seedlings ate blue is worth to break the plants. Only strong specimens leave, the distance between them should be 6-7 cm.
At this time it is important to withstand the optimal conditions of content:

  • watering is not carried out, but only spray shoots 2 times a day;
  • the temperature should be not lower than + 13 ° C, but not higher than 15 ° C;
  • night frosts and straight sunny rays adversely affect young plants.

After a month, seedlings with a blue cheese height of 3-4 cm can be observed. It is worth noting that the sunlight has a positive effect on the intensity of the growth of instances. To prevent damage from damage from the root rot, they first contribute to fungicide, then the plants are directly treated with an insecticide solution.



Getting a beautiful blue spruce is impossible without transplanting annual plants, which is carried out early in spring. After the seedlings have reached a certain level, it is necessary to sear the available specimens, it is important not to lose plants during this period.

Pre-prepared pits for seedlings, they add ground from under the needles for further development. Little Christmas trees dig out of the soil and separate the roots of individual plants, work quickly and carefully to not damage and do not overcover the instances. Next, the roots are treated with a clay bolt and planted on the garden.

Subsequently requires standard care, by the third year, as a rule, only half of seedlings remain. Then the transplant is then needed - it is needed to ensure a sufficient place of the root system of ate. Then the copies are seated at a distance of 1 m.

Recommendations of specialists


When choosing a blue ate for landing worth paying attention to the color of small specimens, annual plant already have their own characteristics. At the same time, unscrupulous sellers may argue about the appearance of the blue coloring of the needles only at a three-year-old.

When determining the quality of the seedling, they look at its root system - the sample is 10 cm with a height of 10 cm should be the roots of at least 15 cm.
High indicators of the accuracy of copies are celebrated in March and November, in other months, experts are not recommended to conduct transplantation manipulations. A transplantation from special containers is better to do immediately with a lump of land, the integrity of the root system is not disturbed. Soil mixtures exist on sale, the cultivation of ate in which it becomes a simple task.

Get strong and beautiful plants from seeds - painstaking work, but with proper care, the result exceeds expectations. The photo of the blue spruce can serve as a good stimulus to start the process, then the small trees will delight their growth.

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