Heating at home with fuel granules

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When arranging any private house, the problem of choosing a suitable type of heating system will certainly arise. Despite the fact that in the presence of a centralized water supply or electric line, most often preference is given to the heating device with such power sources, other modern technologies are becoming increasingly popular. For example, autonomous heating using fuel pellets is quite high.

Types of fuel granules

pellets Big.

The basic principle of classification, according to which the fuel granules differ is the application assignment. In this regard, share 2 categories:

  • for industrial enterprises;
  • for residential buildings.
    Important! Production and those and others are carried out on the same technology, but the quality of the pelelet for heating in the house is significantly higher. In industrial raw materials, the presence of bark particles and other impurities up to 10% of the total volume are permissible.pelleti.

Another significant nuance is the type of source material. Different types of biocosries with high energy value are used as the basis for the production of granules. Most popular options:

  • natural wood;
  • luzga sunflowers;
  • straw;
  • peat;
  • hay;
  • chicken litter.

    Important! For the heating of his own home, preference gives most often pellets from wood waste - chips, bark, sawdust.

Advantages of wood granules


The pattern of demanding precisely tree fuel granules is quite explained by a number of benefits. Note the most significant:

  1. Environmental purity of the raw materials.
  2. High heat transfer.
  3. A minor return of waste in the form of ash and carbon dioxide, which ensures greater purity of the heat generation process.
  4. Ease of storage.
  5. Easy transportation.
  6. High concentration of energy.
  7. The ability to use waste recycling as a fertilizer of the soil of your own area.
  8. No need to match the procedure for installing a pellet boiler with regulatory authorities.
  9. Fireproof due to the absence of pores in the structure, even when changing the temperature regime.
  10. Economic profitability due to the low cost of the energy source for heating his own home. pelet_1375170603.

Important! Separately, we note that the high power factor corresponds to the domestic - light pellets. Therefore, before buying fuel granules, choose the size of the particles in the range of 6-8 mm in diameter and up to 50 mm long. Also, in advance, calculate a more favorable solution for the packaging. Today, there are packages for sale with a small amount of 15-30 kg, but if after samples you made sure the effectiveness of the selected material, it makes sense to think about purchasing wholesale in bags, the weight of which varies within 800-1000 kg.                                                                          files-sfhfotografpellets26Large_0.

Comparative flow characteristics with other fuels

In order for you to independently calculate the profitability of such a solution, we give a visual example of the amount of necessary raw materials to obtain the same heat transfer. The flow rate of 1000 kg of wood fuel pellets corresponds to:

  • 1600 kg of solid wood;
  • 470 m3 gas;
  • 500 liters of diesel fuel;
  • 679 liters of fuel oil. 2014-07-16 19_39_00 pellets (fuel granules)

How do fuel granules make?

The process of production of wood fuel granules is standard in several stages:

  1. Initially, all the material is subjected to crushing on particles of this size, which can be comfortably and efficiently dried. The norm is considered a diameter of 4 mm.
  2. The drying process is performed until the water humidity indicator exceeds 10-12%.
  3. The following procedure is a thorough grinding, during which granules are obtained by fractions up to 1.5 mm.
  4. Regulation of the humidity level in the resulting mass with a pair or water. The nominal value corresponds to at least 8%.
  5. After that, pressing is pressed using heat treatment. Suitable temperature regime for high-quality molding of the granules - 90 degrees.
    Important! The gluing of wood particles occurs with the help of natural glue - lignin, which is released by increasing the temperature. At the outlet, ready-made fuel granules with a diameter of 6-25 mm are obtained. 10-Skhema.
  6. The final procedure is compatible with the subsequent drying.
  7. The resulting material is packaged and ship on sale.

How to fuck the house pellets?

The autonomous heating system in a private house is created by the project using standard components for heat distribution. Distinctive is the central element of the chain - the boiler. pelletnij-kotel.

To obtain energy from fuel granules, it is permissible to use such equipment:

  • granular boilers are one of the varieties of solid fuel units;
  • furnaces;
  • fireplaces.

Important! Review the video in which the principle of the pellet fireplace device is clearly shown and its advantages.

Distinctive features of pellet boilers are in the following characteristics:

  • high level of efficiency - not less than 93%;
  • fully automated fuel supply;
  • autonomous system management;
  • refueling is carried out 1 time in 7-30 days, depending on the parameters of the bunker. 775415

Sequence of creating a heating system on fuel granules

To arrange a system of heating your own home with the help of granules, during the execution process, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Designing the lines of the autonomous system.
  2. Choosing a boiler.
  3. Selecting elements of heating system for heat transfer - radiators.
  4. Acquisition of suitable components for connecting all parts of the chain and adjusting their functioning.
  5. Assembling system.
  6. Commissioning. pelletniy-Kotel-Dlya-Otoplenia-Doma

Important! If you decide to equip the home heating with your own hands, you will certainly read the recommendations of specialists in advance with the preferred materials and installation technologies of each device.


Considering the facts of the benefit of the use of fuel granules, it is quite natural that such a way is an excellent alternative not only to diesel and electric, but even so popular gas heating. The main task is to take the right decision in time to prevent the recalculation of personal funds during the construction of your own home.

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