Design options pigeon

May 26. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 13226. Comments to write design options pigeon No

Breeding pigeons is not only a fairly interesting occupation, but also very profitable. To evaluate all the advantages of such a solution, it is certainly worth not only to decide on the view of birds. In advance of the creation of comfortable conditions for their development and reproduction. Check out the design options for pigeons and basic requirements for the place of residence of pigeons to choose the appropriate style of the pigeon design.

How to make a draft pigeon?


As with the construction of any other design, initially create a preliminary project. Be sure to create the following requirements in the process of creating a scheme:

  1. Competent organization Device for birds for birds, in which the temperature regime will be distinguished by stability - no more than 20 s in a summer period and at least 5 with the winter.
  2. Correctly relate the sizes of birds and their breed with a total area of \u200b\u200bpigeon. Poland uncomfortable in a limited space:
  3. The number of departments, calculate the age of individuals - for young and more adult couples create various compartments.
  4. Separately select 2-3 degraded territories for females in the winter.
  5. Be sure to consider the compartment for storing the economic equipment and bird feed.

    Important! Such an approach will make the survival process for the dulls as simple as possible and fast. a3C32E565772.

How to calculate the size of the poultry house?

The pigeons of dilution of pigeons varies depending on many criteria. 4C91DED9FC6A.

But there are also standard solutions regarding the Dovenki device, which are shown below:

  1. Height - 2 meters.
  2. The size of the windows is 1/10 from the floor or 20 * 20 cm.
  3. The height of the location of the window openings:
    • for decorative species - 1 meter from the base;
    • for meat breeds - 20-30 cm from the floor.
  4. Dimensions of doors - 0.7 m * 1.8m.
  5. The height of the pilots is 10-25 cm, width - 10-20 cm.
  6. The dimensions of the sockets - 20-25 cm in length, 4-7 cm high.

    Important! Please note that the best pigeonne those whose all parameters correspond to suitable sizes for specific features of birds. 0_1C339_4E46D166_L.

Where to locate pigeon?

In relation to the place of registration of the house for birds of this type, there are a number of specific recommendations. Carefully read them and certainly follow these requirements:

  1. Post the house away from the multi-storey buildings and the accumulation of high trees - they will be an obstacle to the take-off and landing of birds. IMG_6063.
  2. Pay attention to the absence in the immediate vicinity of telephone and electrical lines.
  3. Check out availability of free access of sun rays.

    Important! It is impossible to install a pigeon next to other poultry houses or places of pets. These birds easily adopt various diseases and often tolerate them in more severe form. For the same reason, make sure there is no cesspool pigeon. golubyatna-Foto-23

  4. Prefer the well-ventilated space, but with the lack of drafts.
  5. Take care in advance about the protection of birds from the attacks of predators. Install the pigeon only in the place inaccessible to them.

What type of design to choose?

There are several standard sinking device options. To choose the right, pay attention to the recommendations for use and arrangement. b4076E2DE7BEE6325F73B9341FABEF70.

Hinged pigeon

This type of construction is the easiest, but suitable exclusively for the private site. The principle of the device is extremely simple - a wooden rectangular box is attached to the outer wall with a small indent from the roof edge. It is worth noting that the mounted pigeon, so popular until recently, is quite rare today due to a number of shortcomings:

  1. Climatic conditions inside such a design are not much different from natural.
  2. In this case, pigeons are practically not protected from predatory animals.
  3. The maximum number of pairs, which can be kept in such conditions - 3. 1285657238_1

Bowls tower

Such installations are more practical thanks to the improved design type. Their form has 4.6,8 faces or is performed as a sphere. This method of arrangement of the poultry house is excellent for those who are only constantly engaged in breeding pigeons. Among the advantages of the dignity of this type, we note:

Pigeons in the attic

In private homes, it is quite often preferred by this type of design. Its internal arrangement mainly corresponds to standard poultry houses, but its height does not exceed 2.5 m. The principle of formation is to distinguish between the wire mesh, plywood sheets or boards of the selected area. The outdoor side of the attic near the auditory window is built under the walking birds. 139459834436761353-500x333

Typical nursery

This type of house design give preference to arrange doves in urban areas. The current producers of these nurseries are developing models calculated on the maintenance of different number of individuals. Typical doves are more popular for 12 pairs. Before installing, in the case when a decision is made to use this type of the party, negotiate all the parameters with the local administration. 00_Big

In large cities, as a rule, typical pigeons, the sizes and forms of which are coordinated with the local administration.

Individual project

There are practically no restrictions in this regard. Properly relate your financial capabilities, types of birds, the required parameters, affordable materials, and build the original pigeon, focusing exclusively on your fantasy, supported by the necessary knowledge.


What material is suitable for the arrangement of pigeon?

When choosing a building material, prefer the most accessible option:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • metal.

    Important! Pay attention to the harmonious combination of the type of doves and the material used for its design with the architecture of the house, especially when the poultry is planning to establish in the immediate vicinity on one site. pigeon3

Depending on the selected primary building material, the volume of finishing works will be varied:

  • for wood and bricks, it is quite difficult to carefully shuffle all the inner surfaces and gently suck the joints;
  • when using metal, it is not without a trim plywood.

    Important! Review the pre-ready-made pigeons, the photos of which in various versions are presented, both on the Internet and specialized stores, to extremely clearly present their project and implement it with minor costs in a short time. b3Adff63E6_920.

Carefully take advantage of the purchase of thermal insulation canvas to ensure the stability of the temperature regime at any time of the year.


View the video, which shows the inner structure of the pigeon, made of bricks and wood.

Sequence of building pigeon

Before proceeding with the construction of a nursery for pigeons, carefully calculate the required amount of all consumables, according to your project. 485Abad0fe9d.

Let us give an example of a sequence of work for the fulfillment of pigeons in the form of a separate building:

  1. Follow the territory of the appropriate area.
  2. Dig a hole to form a foundation to a depth of 30 cm.
  3. Prepare concrete mortar.
  4. Pour evenly over the entire demarcated territory.
  5. Wait until the solidification of artificial stone.
  6. Take wooden bars or metal rods of suitable length.
  7. Form construction frame. x_97a2fa47
  8. Obsheyte frame boards, plywood sheets or lay brick masonry to build the walls.
  9. Make the crate to the roof. x_d77d89d2
  10. Shut off the roof of the chosen material.
  11. On the ceiling is required to make a hole for ventilation.
  12. A short distance from the floor - 10-15 cm, cut a small window and close the grille.

    Important! Such a method will provide a normal microclimate suitable for the birds.

  13. Arrange the tap hole for the birds.
  14. On the side where the notch made in the form to corral for pigeons with a metal mesh section of 1.5 cm. 24732872
  15. Make a double door, one part of which - the metal grille, the second - any suitable available material.

    Important! This approach will provide good air ventilation in summer, when only closes part of the inner grid design.

  16. Make the inner lining of the floor and walls.
  17. When finishing the floor thoroughly check the clearances to avoid damage to the clutches of birds.
  18. Between the inner and outer walls guide the insulation layer.
  19. Spend a power line at the poultry house to extend daylight pigeons in winter.
  20. Prepare the bars of the selected material with a diameter of 3-4 cm, they carefully cleaned and covered with paint.
  21. Length perch calculate, based on the need for a special space of 30 cm. d4537526ed30912bfe

    Important! Give preference in this case, softwood such as poplar, aspen or elderberry.

  22. Install perch at a distance of 30-40 cm from the ceiling to provide the birds a convenient perch. IMG_0669

    Important! Check out their immobility.

  23. Prepare the board or make cuts of plywood sheets to make a few shelves for easy placement of all necessary in the care of the pigeon materials.
  24. Install them on the wall above each other in a more convenient for you to order.
  25. Set also shelves beneath the nest of the planks, the width of 30 -40 cm in length 0,7-0,8m. e087da14c133
  26. Prepare wooden boxes or take the form of gypsum for nests. 9650DF48C3790257C0E667C3122CF8D7.
  27. Set drinkers and feeders separately and for adults and for chicks.

    Important! For the latter, use automatic systems to facilitate their nutrition. kAK-POSTROIT-GOLUBYATNYU-560X420

  28. Make the calculation of the desired volume, based on the needs of 10 pigeons at 0.5 liters of water per day.
  29. Install birds for birds.

How to care for the dull?

From how correctly you will take care not only for the birds themselves, but also for their housing, their health and timely reproduction depends. 8E26B93711_920.

Therefore, after settling all selected species, be sure to follow the following recommendations regarding the maintenance of cleanliness and comfortable microclimate for them:

  1. Perform a daily cleaning in the nursery.
  2. Once every six months spend disinfection and general cleaning of pigeon.
  3. Twice a month, disinfect and hide drinking coils and feeders with boiling water.
  4. When performing general cleaning or disinfection, move the pigeons to another place.

Important! To perform prophylactic or disinfection disinfection, use any suitable tool or a solution of turpentine and fresh chlorine lime in the proportion of 0.1 ml / 1g / 1m3 rooms. 2F178EAF4729.

  1. For high-quality execution of all cleaning work with a more thorough procedure, remove all fixed parts and wash them separately. We especially carefully treat in the process of cleaning to fastening places.
  2. Regularly change the litter in the nests.
  3. In winter, pour hay or other suitable material on the floor of Pigeon.
  4. Under the litter in the nests and on the floor, put the wormwood, peritrum, grated tobacco leaf or ash from wood as a prophylactic agent from parasites.
  5. Store all the dry feed for pigeons to eliminate their disposition.
  6. To regularly add to the birds for birds protection against parasites. 2674Bacec618.


Regardless of what kind of birds did you prefer, and what type of dovers decided to install, certainly perform all the work gently and carefully at all stages. Only in this case, the organized nursery will bring actual benefits, care for it will not take too much time, and all birds will be healthy and will repeat you with their offspring.

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