Frame pool with your own hands

January 23 Plot. Views 3109 Comments recording frame pools with their own hands No

The huge popularity of holiday frame pools due to the low cost of their construction and the lack of clean rivers and reservoirs. On hot days you can not do without water procedures.

Advantages and types of constructions

The walls of structures can be built from both metal and wood. Top of them is laid a solid awning mounted or plastic bead, you are connecting a water filtration system.


Carcass pool to give has such advantages:

  • easy installation;
  • ease of use;
  • removably structure.

Prefabricated frame pools are divided into frost and seasonal products. The only substantial similarities between them - is the presence of stairs. This can be seen in various photo frame pools.

Seasonal designs going for a few spring days. The kit attached to them:

  • cartridge filtration system;
  • Nozzle 2: ejecting and water extraction;
  • hoses.

Construction differ frost reinforced edging and, in addition to the above elements, equipped with a sand filter and a skimmer.

preliminary work

Before installation, frame pools should decide on its exact location. However, there are a number of requirements that should be followed. The main ones are:

  • proximity of the water supply network;
  • maximally smooth surface;
  • the presence of dense soil;
  • ensuring safe supply of electrical wiring.

It is not recommended to install a design on a platform and loose sandy soil. The soil must withstand the load of the filled pool with people in it. The boundaries of the location of the structure are delineated by pegs, cord and ribbons.

There is an excellent opportunity to build a frame pool with your own hands. Indeed, there will be no special knowledge and special tools for this work. For the manufacture of self-made design it is better to use PVC fabric. It is used for the production of awnings for boats, trucks and canopies.

In the sizes of the rectangular frame of 4.5 * 2 * 1 M, the tent fabric is able to withstand the load of up to 8 tons of water. In addition, this material does not pass water at all and is almost not stretched. Nowadays, you can buy an awning for the frame basin of any color and with different density. The most optimal option is a density material of 650 g / m².


Deciding with the location of the structure, the following works are manufactured:

  • removal of the upper layer of the soil;
  • cup of all plantings;
  • creation of a 10-centimeter sand pillow;
  • installation of beacons from CD profiles.

To build a wooden frame, it is better to use a pine bar with a cross section of 10 * 5 cm and an unedged board with a thickness of 2.5 cm. All wood is processed by an antiseptic.

After marking the corners of the design measure the diagonals. They must have the same length. A shovel or a brown is digging several holes with a depth of 50 cm. They are designed for pillars under the pool. In addition to angular racks, intermediate posts are installed. The distance between them depends on the size of the design and is usually from 1 to 1.5 m.

Technology creation design

The frame of the frame pool consists of such main stages:

  • installation of columns;
  • creating a frame;
  • installation of stairs;
  • fastening of tent tissue;
  • filling the design with water.


Poles are mounted on one line. For this purpose applies cord and level. After installing the post, the backstage and the rambling of free space in the pit is made using fine crushed stone and sand. Bar, which will be in the soil, is covered with bitumen waterproofing material.

After reliable fixation of the bar, he is tied up with boards. When creating a frame, comply with such requirements:

  • in the upper part, semi-rubber boards are installed;
  • they are strictly in a horizontal position;
  • the lower part is trimmed with a sledge;
  • the attachment of the boards is carried out by self-testers with a length of 45-50 mm.

Intermediate posts are equipped with spacers that will help to withstand the maximum water pressure. After strapping pillars, their extra part is cut. Only a number of issues are left for attaching additional elements: stairs, shelter and canopy.

Installation of the stairs for the pool involves the installation of an additional pillar of 60 cm from the corner. Two tents are made from the unedged boards. Their attachment is carried out to the base area of \u200b\u200bthe lower part of the pool, to the pillars - in the top. The manufacture of intermediate steps is carried out from a wide row based on the support bars. They are placed 25 cm each other. Usually 4 steps are made.

The PVC fabric mount can be made using special adhesive compositions or by hot air welding. The best frame pool is obtained when the latest technology is used. To carry out this work, you will need a construction hairdryer with a slit nozzle.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Welding works provide for the execution of such consecutive actions:

  • laying the awning canvas with an overlap 2-3 cm;
  • warming up the material with a hairdryer (without burning);
  • pressing seam with a special roller;
  • bending the top of the age of 5-7 cm and its welding;
  • creating a mounting holes (step - 50 cm);
  • inserting chalves into the holes;
  • installation of rings designed to tighten the rope.

After cooking, it is screwed to the sides of the design. For this, self-tapping screws with press washers and additional washers (for chalks) are used. Tent fabric should be well stretched and pressed. Performing work is done very carefully. It is necessary to avoid damage to the canvas.

Filling the pool is carried out in stages. First, it is filled with water by 3-5 cm. This is so checked the height difference between adjacent and parallel sides of the structure. In the presence of a slope, the water merges, and the design is re-exhibited correctly. The final water level in the pool should be within 15-20 cm from the top of the design.


Modern products from ІNTEX

Some of the demanded structures are skeins of ІNTEX. They are characterized by excellent operational properties:

  • reliability;
  • strength;
  • stylish design;
  • simplicity of installation and care;
  • resistant to mechanical loads.

Some models can not be dismantled even in winter. They are made of frost-resistant material. Thanks to galvanized support pipes, the ІNTEX pools are distinguished by maximum stability and long operation. A huge range of products allows you to choose a pool for children and for adults.

Frame Basin Assembling Video:

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