Carved platband do it yourself

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On multi-storey buildings, wooden platbands can rarely see, but in private construction it is the most common element. Modern private house can be made original and stylish by installing a homemade carvings on the windows. In former times, unique patterned patterquitations were installed on each house, which were not only decorations, but also performed the function of the faith. Today in Russia there is a tendency to revive traditions, and many owners prefer to put a beautiful wooden ticket instead of "boring" metal-plastic frames. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to make a carved platband with their own hands.

Why do you need cas'

Modern platbands are made not only from wood, but also from metal, plywood, PVC and laminated MDF. Plywood and MDF products are not intended for outdoor use, since they are not able to withstand the temperature differences, humidity and exposure to ultraviolet.

It is useful: The correct name of the external elements of the window finish is a cash, and the platband is called an internal framing.


What functions performs cash:

  • decorative - window openings acquire a complete and aesthetic appearance. Properly chosen form of a platband is capable of visually pulling a low building or expand - narrow;
  • with the help of a competently selected pattern or ornament on a platband, it is possible to express individual preferences, traditional features of the family or region;
  • putnies help to combine all buildings in a single architectural style;
  • the cashbox performs a protective function, without allowing moisture, seater and dust to get into the slot between the wall and the window;
  • due to the additional wooden frame framing, heat loss at the points of the window frames to the walls are reduced;
  • sound insulation increases;
  • often, wooden platbands are the only permissible way of designing the window, especially if we are talking about a wooden house or litter.

There are no disadvantages from casters as such, but there are a number of features that need to be known to correctly install them and extend the service life. Thus, wooden carved platbands sooner or later rupture from the exposure to the external environment - after all, the tree is not forever and over time is destroyed from moisture, frost and sunlight. But at the same time, the treatment of anti-corrosion compositions will extend the "life" with beautiful homemade structures.

It is very important to correctly pick up the tree of the tree for the manufacture of platbands, as well as high quality process all the plots. It is necessary to regularly monitor their condition, to replace the damaged parts in a timely manner, tint the surface, etc.

If you plan to install a wooden ticket to plastic windows, you must very carefully pick up the drawing and color, otherwise such a design will look ridiculous. But often tree and plastic are simply incompatible. It is better to install wooden double-glazed windows, lamination under a tree or paint the platband itself in white.

Types of mines

To make carved platbands on the windows, it is necessary to decide with the method of installation and a variety of the design itself. So, there are telescopic and overheads. Telescopic is often installed on the windows, but on the doorways. They make special protrusions of the M-shaped form, which are moved to the grooves of the box. This is a rather complicated compound, but as a result, it turns out a very beautiful and harmonious framing.


Overhead platbands are attached to the window frames with the help of the weather-resistant glue on a tree or nail. Very often, cash is complemented by carved shutters, which make the facade of the house even more picturesque and authentic.

Choosing wood

Since the ticket is located outside the house, it should be made from the most durable and durable wood to withstand environmental exposure. For the manufacture of carved platbands, the material must also be supplied so that it can be easily filled with intricate patterns.


What makes a platband:

  1. Deciduous rocks with solid wood - ash, beech and oak. They are very strong and durable, however, from such a tree will not be able to make "lace" platbands, since they are very poorly handling. Choosing these breeds, it is better to limit the simple ornament.
  2. Deciduous rocks with soft wood - aspen, Lipa, Alder. In this case, the tree, on the contrary, is very fitful and allows you to cut unimaginable motives, however, with incorrect processing, your entire work will deteriorate very quickly. If it is easy to cover the finished platband with moisture-resistant varnish, it is very quickly cracking and rotates.
  3. Birch and pine are the most optimal option for the manufacture of carved platbands. In addition, these breeds are inexpensive, they have sufficient hardness for outdoor use, make it possible to implement rather small drawings and make neat cuts.
  4. Apple tree and sweet cherry are mainly used to cut small inserts, which then apply to the main pattern of the web.

Selection of template

To select a template for a carved platband on the window, you need to determine what you want to achieve or demonstrate to this pattern. If you just need to "revive" the facade, you can choose not too complicated pattern, especially if you need to make a ticket on the windows in all buildings on the site. So you will save time and strength.

If you want to emphasize with the help of carved platforms affiliates to an ancient genus or any nationality, reflect the cultural heritage of your homeland, we recommend to study traditional motives and symbols. At the same time, each region, moreover, each village or the city may have their own distinctive features.

If possible, make out all windows with identical platbands. The thread may differ slightly, but the same motives must be present. For example, on the kitchen window there is a platband with a deer framed by flowers, a bear can be collapsed on the window in the living room, surrounded by the same colors, etc.

Below we show a few examples of the templates of carved platbands, but not to repeat someone's work, you can copy only part of the pattern by adding it with your patterns. So you can be sure that the unique framing is banging on your windows.



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Useful: if you encounter a carving on a tree for the first time, practice first on a separate piece of wood of the same breed from which platbands will be made. Detach the casting skills in your hand, main movements and sections. Video lessons and tutorials for beginner wood cutters will help you do it quickly and right.


The easiest way to make patterns with round holes, because they are quite easy to drill even a newcomer. If you want a platband to serve as long as possible, give preference to templates with large elements, besides, it is easier to cut. Small details will require much more time and skills, and they will be in disrepair earlier, since moisture and small litter will accumulate in them.

Important: At the top of each platband, it is necessary to make a slope so that snow and water should be accumulated on the tree surface. Just a few degrees of the slope, and the moisture will quickly drain down, and the surface will dry faster.

Making a platband

A commemable desire to do everything with your own hands requires not only knowledge and skills, but also special tools. In the case of wood processing, you will need a large set of chisels, hacksaw, sandpaper of various grainability, cutter, drill and jigsaw. In addition, stock impregnation to protect the tree from insects, weather-resistant varnish or paint, mourn, if you are tinting wood.

To make the same pattern on platbands for all windows, prepare stencils. Cut it better on dense paper, cardboard or plastic.

IMPORTANT: Place the picture of the stencil along the wood fibers so that the thread does not crack, and the location where it will be necessary to make through holes, place color points.

There are two ways to thread:

  1. The slit - in the tree make through holes of various shapes, as a result of which it becomes similar to the lace. A very popular and pretty simple way to beautifully arrange the window opening. However, such platbands come into disrepair much faster, because they have more vulnerable places.
  2. The invoice is a fairly easy way, since it needs more subtle billets with which it is easier to work. If you do not have experience, we recommend starting from the overhead thread. During the work, the master creates individual elements, which then folds together like a mosaic, placing them on a smooth board-based. So you can decorate already available simple plates.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of wooden carved platband:

  1. Remove the measurement window.
  2. Tree for platbands should be carefully dried. The height and width of the boards can be any, depending on your preferences, but the thickness should be 3 cm for the rubber thread method, from 1 cm and more - for the overhead.
  3. Treat the tree with emery paper (first No. 3, then №1 and zero) - the surface must be perfectly even smooth.
  4. Cut stencils.
  5. From the back of the platband, select a layer of wood with a thickness of up to 2 mm, leaving small edges around the edges. So the ticket will be densely faced the window frame.
  6. Apply the pattern on the facial wooden surface with a simple pencil. Slide the places where there will be through slots.
  7. Start cutting pattern. First, it is more convenient to finish with through holes, and then take to work with the chisels. For through cuts, use drills of different size, jigsaw and milling machine. Purge the joy of the jigsaw with a drill - so the cut will be more neat.
  8. All holes thoroughly sink by sandpaper (from greater than less graining).
  9. From non-corded patterns with a brush or vacuum cleaner, remove all dust.
  10. The elements of the overhead threads are adjacent to the canvas with nails without hats. For more reliable fixation, apply atmospheric glue on the back side of the element.
  11. Wipe the cut-out platband with a wet pure rag, to finally dill the surface. The rag should be barely wet so that the wood fibers do not rose.
  12. Now you can tonodize the platband with a mourn or immediately cover it with weatherproof varnish. For this, an alkyd or yacht varnish is suitable - they reliably protect the tree from burnout and moisture.

Installation of trim

The durability of cash depends not only on the correct processing of carved elements, but also from the competent installation of it on the window. To do this, use two types of fastening: a deaf or through spike. With the method of deaf spike in the platband, the spikes fasten, and the voids of the corresponding form are drilled in the window profile. At the thorn applies weather-resistant glue and get it into the hole. This is a satisfied complex fastening, but very durable and neat.

To make a pass-through mount, set the spike in the most invisible place of the platband and fastening. This method is less reliable and durable, but it is much easier to implement it.


However, it should be borne in mind that these fastening methods can be used only for wooden windows. To fix carved coats on plastic or metal-plastic windows, use special high-strength glue or liquid nails in order not to disturb the integrity of the profile.

Interesting Facts

At the very beginning of the article, we mentioned that earlier wooden carved platbands were used not only as protection and home decoration, but also as security faiths for tenants. Application of certain symbols and ornaments protected the family and created a barrier for evil intents and black witchcraft.

Sony DSC.

In previous times, our ancestors believed that evil strength penetrates the house through doorways and windows, so these places tried to protect all possible methods. The most common and "reliable" way to protect the houses was to apply magic patterns.

Even today, in most templates for platbands laid out on the Internet, you can meet these protective symbols, but now they play a more decorative role. If you want to make not only aesthetic, but also a useful element on the windows, you can combine various security characters with decorative elements. It should be borne in mind that each country (region, village) is peculiar to their traditions. So, for example, Scandinavians were made to apply runes, and for the Slavs, an object image (animals, plants, birds) is typical.


Images on platbands helped not only protect the houses from unclean strength, but also to strengthen or develop certain qualities in man. So, plant ornaments always mean unity with nature and love to the mother of the Earth. The wings mean the power of the Spirit, and the whole bird personified unity of times. Snake symbolizes wisdom, and the cross said that the owners of the house seek to maintain harmony between the spiritual and material world.

Carved platbands: photo

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Carved window wooden platband

Carved window wooden platband

Carved window wooden platband

Carved window wooden platband


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