Installing the window

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To understand all the importance and necessity of installing sings, first should be thought about the functional purpose of the windows themselves - protection against wind, rain, snow, maintaining heat in the house, natural lighting. Salves help all the water, settling on the glasses and frames, smoothly flush down, and not accumulate on the windowsill. If you do not install them, the windows will quickly start collapse and lose their operational characteristics. Today we will talk about how to set foals on the windows.

Choice of ties

Pretty the choice of sings is necessary before the installation of the windows themselves to comply with the installation technology. Think, because when you put the windows, then definitely make the windowsill from the inside, the sang can be considered an external window sill and the same integral attribute of any window.

For each window, an individual sampling corresponding to the configuration must be provided so as not only to successfully remove the precipitation, but also to protect the wall under the window. On homes without sings, you can observe gray drips under windows, which over time are rushing with moss and destroy. In addition to the protective function, the flows give the facade an aesthetic and completed view.


If you want to make the exterior more original, then instead of classic white tumps on the market you can find a strikingly variety of forms and colors of products. Aluminum coated with polyester or plastic, galvanized sheets or durable plastic is used as material for the manufacture of ties. There are models from copper, stone and even titanium, but the cost of them sometimes exceeds the price of the windows themselves, so in this case it is necessary to repel not only from its preferences, but also on financial capabilities.

The most popular option is cast for windows from galvanized steel sheets. They are inexpensive, sold in every store and delight a long service life. They are covered with a special anti-corrosion composition (polyester or plastisol) or decorative varnish with dyes of different colors. The abundance of colors also serves another reason for the popularity of galvanized sings - you can easily choose the tone of the original facade.

Aluminum flows are also quite popular, although they cost more than steel. This is explained by high strength and durability. In width, they reach 36 cm, and the length is determined by the customer depending on the parameters of the window, roofs, etc. Aluminum are coated with layers of oxides (anodizing technology), and they only have two colors - brown and dark brown. Of course, there are aluminum window sills on the market, but in this case the staining takes place with powder paint, which can eventually burn or crack. Aluminum material itself is distinguished by high climatic stability, so often serves longer than the windows themselves.


If you need very durable obors, choose products from epoxy resin - they are reinforced with fiberglass, immune to corrosion and can be used both independently and as overlays for previous fifth. The main advantages are the suppression of noise from rain or hail - while galvanized things of the "drums" on the entire district, epoxy resin almost silent. Of the disadvantages you can select a small color range - are low available in white, brown and black colors.

As for the configuration, when choosing the chips, make sure that they have a bend, corresponding to the windows, side bends, as well as the lower bend with the drip - precisely on it and will focus water. In the width, the sump should be so that 3-5 cm retreat from the wall so as not to give water to wet the facade.

Decoration for windows

Follows are needed not only to protect the house from moisture, but can be used as decorative elements. Choosing them for your home, it is necessary to take into account the color of the facade, facing, the general "mood" of the site. Salves can give the building originality, playing in contrast, or completely to ruin the romantic cozy exterior, turning it into the likeness of an office building.

In any case, the windows are slows should not be bulky and causing. They may differ in color from the facade and the window, but at the same time should fall into the total color gamut. Modern technologies allow you to make any colors, and if you did not find a suitable option in the store, you will easily make it to order. In this case, the sump will be made in accordance with the configuration of the window, so there will be no errors during installation.


Most of the manufacturers make standard foals adapted to the most popular windows. But if you decide to embody the author's idea and make a window of an atypical form, then under it will have to make a casting to order. For the convenience and expansion of the range of services, window companies began to engage. That is, you order a non-standard window at the same time, and all the necessary components for it.

Mounting mocking

Installation of the window will help not only improve the protection of the house from bad weather, but will prolong the life of the facade and create a reliable waterproofing of the space between the wall and the window. If you put windows without sings, especially modern expensive plastic or wooden, then they will serve very long.

General recommendations

The main thing when installing is to choose the right angle, making a slope of about 10 degrees. So water will be smooth down. At the same time, it is necessary to sew the joints between the tint, the window and the wall. The seams are squeezed with a special film or boil. If you install a long squeeze more than 1.5 m, then at both ends it should be temperature seams with a width of 5 mm filled with mastic.

When the fits are set, fixed and wrapped with sealants, it is necessary to make hydrophobic insulation outside and from the inside. To do this, on the inside of the window in place in front of the tump, they laid a steamproof film, gluing it to the wall and frame of construction scotch. Outside, the steamproof film is glued in such a way that it captures not only the joints, but also the corners. Also, the extreme part of the popular is inserted into the groove at the point of the adjuncing to the profile. Places of joining the wall or insulation are sampled with an elastic ribbon to provide high-quality tightness of the compounds. Thus, complete waterproofing of the sings is achieved.


Installing the plastic windows to use a suture connection with a window frame, but it cannot be performed at the points of the drainage holes. The compound is lubricated with silicone sealant and perform waterproofing under the tump.

If the tide is supplied correctly, it goes under the window. To make it possible, manufacturers of plastic profiles have provided special grooves for attaching sings. In the case of wooden windows there there is a special quarter to which the fasteners are attached with screws and rivets.

Metallic sifts are installed along the bottom of the frame so that one edge goes under the bottom of the frame in the groove, and then fix it with the help of self-samples on the undercut profile. For metal products, special lines under the window are needed, which perform a noise insulation function and do not give molding too much during rain or hail. The extreme side parts of metal tumps are lit into the wall, bending the edges.


If you decide to install ceramic or stone sals, the points of adjoining them to the wall must be sealing with bitumen mastic.

It is useful: installation specificity and substitution material directly depends on the climatic conditions in the region. If you live in the north, where most of the year the temperature is lower than zero, it is better to choose frost-resistant materials. Plastic in this case will not suit.

Installation of sings

In this chapter, we will tell you how to set fetches on plastic windows correctly and without the help of specialists. The perfect tide should divert water from the window and the wall, and during the rain it is not too loud sounds. It must be securely consolidated so that even a strong gust of the wind could not harm the integrity of the window structure.


Since work is carried out outside, it is necessary to take care of your own security - to purchase or rent climbing equipment. If we are talking about installing treads on the windows in a high-altitude home, it is better to pay more and use the services of professional workers. If you have a lack of experience at the height, the risk of injury or errors is very large - you will not be able to focus on work, the fastener or myself can slip out of the hands, causing damage to neighbors or passersby below.

It is recommended to set fetches during the installation of the windows themselves. Often this service provides specialists from the window company themselves. Also in the contract, it is possible to discuss the decoration finish, but if you have already started repairs, then at this work can be saved, attacked the slopes yourself.


Do not think that for plastic windows are not needed, because this material is not afraid of moisture. Remember that the external "windowson" primarily protects the wall under the window from moisture under the window, and if it is not, it will very soon, it will begin to collapse, the moisture will penetrate inside, heasts the heat insulating layer, and it will always be raw and cold in the house. And all because of such a minor detail as a cast.

Important: In addition to the windows, the windows should be equipped with visors, side plugs and other additional elements that will extend the service life.

The video on the installation of the windows on the windows will help you better understand the whole process:

Installation Tips:

  1. Before buying or ordering a low tide, draw thorough measurements of the window length, the required low width (it should be such that the windowsill played for the level of the wall at least than 3 cm).
  2. Inspect the squeeze and find a special bend - it is needed for fixing to a plastic profile.
  3. For the rapid flow of water, provide a bias to low in a minimum of 10 degrees.
  4. When you installed the window profile, do not rush to conduct it sealing. It is at this moment that it is necessary to install a cast.
  5. The bend of the popular should clearly enter the special profile of the window frame outside. If this space is too big, do not leave emptiness - to make them a cement-sandy mixture and let it dry. If there is a bit of free space, it can be simply blended by the mounting foam after installing low tide.
  6. For metal-plastic and plastic windows, the method of fixing the sings to the profile is the same - with the help of self-tapping screws or rivets every 20-30 cm. Do it most carefully so as not to disturb the integrity of the outer surface of the window frame.
  7. The drop must be securely fixed on the profile, have a small bias and enter the side slope of the facade to a depth of 4 to 7 cm (in the same way as the inner window sill). This will prevent the penetration of flowing water under the window. It is very important to high-qualityly sew these places in the slopes, otherwise the moisture will penetrate the house. The danger lies not only in the reference. In winter, the water will turn into ice, will increase in volumes and create pressure inside the wall - it cracks, which will ultimately lead to even greater blown and freezing.
  8. When you fixed the tide on the window frame and in the slopes, pay attention to the space under it. The place where it is connected to the wall, it is necessary to blew the mounting foam. Before that, it is necessary to strengthen the central point of the mound so that it does not turn out due to the strong foam pressure. Usually for this in the center of the external window sill, make another point of attachment to the facade or set the strut between the window slope and the tump.
  9. Complete finish should be carried out after installing the sings. Before these joints in the slopes pour with a silicone sealant on an acrylic basis (resistant to wetting, temperature differences, frosts).

Recommendations of specialists

Setting the plastic windows with your own hands is a responsible work that is not immediately given easily and passes unmistakably. And to minimize all mistakes, we have prepared a list of recommendations from professional builders.

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Secrets of the installation of sings:

  1. In order to correctly put a tide, you need to follow, so that he does not have Contrulon. This is the most common embossing of many facade, which leads to the fact that water does not flow, but accumulates on the other.
  2. For waterproofing of seams and joints, choose the most quick-drying and weather-resistant sealant based on silicone. If you need additional protection of moisture seams, use a polyurethane compression tape.
  3. Be sure to press the squeeze in the center or even at two points so that during the sealing of the lower junction, the mounting foam did not raise it.
  4. In no case are not screwed down to the profile with screws and do not nail it with nails!
  5. Salves should have a greater width and length than windows so that the water does not register inside.
  6. When installing sings on the windows, it is necessary to ensure that the side bends enter the slope. This will provide additional fixation at the edges (it will not rattle from the impacts of the wind) and will not allow water to fall under the windowsill. It is most convenient to do this until the finishes of the slopes.
  7. If you install long and wide fasteners, you need to organize additional attachments in the walls.

Films on the windows, photo

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