Principles of chainsaws and electric copies. Main characteristics and differences

May 13. Instruments, Repair and construction work Views 3226. Comments to record principles of chainsaws and electric copies. Main characteristics and differences No

Dacifices or hosts of private houses, as a rule, seek to acquire all the necessary tool for the care of the garden and the adjacent territory. This is primarily attributed to benzo- and electropuls, without which it is almost impossible to do in the farm. In particular, the saw will be useful for cutting trees and harvesting firewood for the winter, cutting branches and repair work, as well as performing many other operations.

Principle of work chainsaw and electropolis, features of their application

Given the large range, submitted today in the market, for many of us the question of such equipment can cause some difficulties. We will try to figure out in detail what is better than benzo-or electric saw for work, what their differences and features of application are.

Chainsaws and electric saws have a similar device somewhere. They consist of a shaft and saw chain, which is connected to the ring. As a result of operation of the engine, which drives the shaft rotation occurs chain along the guide bar.

  • The only thing that differ from each other chainsaws and electropolis is the type of engine used (motor or gasoline internal combustion engine). In addition to the sawing chain, a cutting disk can be used.
  • Electric and chainsaws were widely used both in everyday life and production to perform a wide variety of tasks. They can cope not only with wood, but also with such materials as laminate, plasterboard, ceramic tiles, stone, brick and even steel sheet with thickness up to 12 mm.


  • The tool market offers a large selection of various models of similar devices, which differ between their cost, shape, size, weight, power, as well as trademark. Most popular world manufacturers today: Stihl, Bosch, Hyundai, Solo, Craftsman, Husqvarna, Patriot, Efco, Makita and others. The choice depends not only on financial capabilities, but also directly from what and how the saw will be used.

Advantages and disadvantages of application Electric

The main difference of electric copies from its gasoline colleagues is that it is powered by electricity, and therefore its application is possible under the condition of free and continuous access to the power grid. At the same time, such a tool has a lot of advantages, namely:

  • environmentally friendly - the absence of exhaust allows the electric copier even in closed rooms without harm to the health of others;


  • efficiency, which is manifested in a lower cost of electricity compared to gasoline;
  • ease of operation due to the absence of the need to prepare a gasoline mixture in advance;
  • low noise;


  • low weight;
  • affordable cost;
  • the ability to smoothly adjust the revolutions, which allows to cut even thin boards and a tree along the length, unlike chainsaws.

However, you should not forget that the electric saw has a long cord, which in some situations may interfere with work and cause although small, but discomfort. In addition, such a tool is afraid of increased humidity and is not able to withstand intensive loads for a long time. As a rule, electric copies are calculated 15-20 minutes of continuous operation.


Electric saws are two species, depending on how the engine is located: across or along. The latter is narrower, so they allow you to make beautiful and neat curly cuts, which is almost impossible with a chainsaw or a transverse type electron. In the process of operation of such a tool, as electric saw, it is very important to follow the tension of its chain and the presence of oil for lubrication, which is usually enough for 50 minutes of operation.


Thus, the electroly saw is a good and effective tool for repair work indoors, which is best used in everyday life.

Advantages and disadvantages chainsaw

Chainsaws are rightfully considered a real professional instrument that allows you to effectively cope with many tasks not only in everyday life, but also in production. Most chainsaws are much more expensive than electric copies. At the same time, they possess such qualities as:

  • portability - chainsaw can be freely moved with them, it does not depend on the power supply;
  • high power and performance - chainsaws are able to easily and quickly cope with a large number of thick and dense trees;
  • unpretentiousness in work - unlike electronics, the chainsaw is not afraid of either snow, no rain, it can be used in any conditions without losing the quality of work;


  • the duration of continuous operation of chainsaws is approximately 8 hours, which does not matter any comparison with the electron.

As a rule, chainsaws are used exclusively outside the room due to the large number of exhausts or under the condition of good ventilation. Before starting to work, it is necessary to prepare a special gasoline mixture in advance or some manufacturers offer ready-made mixtures. Chainsaws are more than electric copies, require constant control of the presence of lubrication of the chain and the engine in operation, as well as they are considered the most traumatic, and therefore, to work with such a tool you need to have a certain skill and experience.


Read more about the choice of electric saw and chainsaws on the video:

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