Ventilation based do it yourself

August 7. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 872. Comments to record ventilation based do it yourself No

It is difficult to make the room comfortable if it is not provided with sufficient ventilation. This is especially true of the pantry and basement. High-quality ventilation allows you to prevent the development of fungus, mold, excess moisture, and also significantly extends the service life of the construction. Therefore, to the arrangement of ventilated ventilation of a private house should be suitable with full responsibility that many, unfortunately, do not take into account. Some owners know how important it is, but they do not solve themselves for such work. However, the arrangement of simple ventilation is completely valid by a person without experience in this matter. There are enough basic instruments and desire skills.

The main moments of the ventilation basement


In general, ventilation is a mining system, the task of which is reduced to the provision of air exchange. Without this, it is impossible to maintain the necessary values \u200b\u200bof humidity and temperature, and, consequently, without high-quality ventilation, there can be no comfort in the room. For basements and pantry uses various ventilation. Sophisticated system variants are a whole network consisting of a set of ventilation mines. The fans are placed in them, some of which work as exhaust, and the other - as a supply device.

You need to choose ventilation for the basement "with the mind." And the knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular air exchange system will help this. So, depending on the design, natural and forced ventilation distinguish. If the basement is small, it will be enough to use the system of the first type. In the basement of a large area can not do without forced ventilation. Such systems are quite expensive. Therefore, it is worth making sure that such a design you really need.

Varieties of air exchange systems

Forced ventilation


The principle of operation of such an air exchange system cannot be called complex. Everything is quite simple - the main air injection work performs the installed fan. Quality systems allow not only to receive fresh air from the street, but, if necessary, filter it, as well as lead to the desired temperature.

The most expensive part of such a ventilation system is air conditioning, but he could not provide air exchange without ventilation channels, air ducts and air intakes. In addition, in such a system there are air supply diffusers and tees that combine air flows.

Forced ventilation system has some significant advantages. The most weightful of them, of course, is a high-quality air exchange, which in the presence of the necessary equipment is easily adjustable. It is also important that the operation of the system does not depend on the weather. The main disadvantages are the cost and complex installation.

Natural ventilation

As for natural ventilation, its design is somewhat easier. It consists only of the supply and exhaust pipe, as well as blood. Such an air exchange system has been used for a long time and is still successfully operated. It does not require large financial costs for its arrangement.

Natural ventilation is easy enough. Air movement occurs due to the temperature difference inside the basement and on the street. Thanks to this, fresh air falls into the basement. The force of thrust in such ventilation is non-permanent and highly depends on the wind.

The advantage of such an air exchange system is, first of all, simplicity of installation and small cash costs for this. The disadvantages include the dependence of the system of the system from natural factors, in particular, from the wind, which is why the quality of the air exchange varies greatly.

How to make ventilation in the basement


To date, you can find pipes made from various materials. Those manufactured from PVC and galvanized tin are most popular. The first of them usually use those owners of premises who prefer to do everything alone. After all, such pipes are much easier to mount, rather than the design of tin. In turn, the arrangement of ventilation from metal will require some experience and skills, but such systems are considered more reliable. The choice of one or another material for pipes depends only on financial capabilities and personal preferences.

The most primitive version of the ventilation can be done, simply by breaking through the hole in the base part, which will ensure the influx of fresh air into the basement. But this option is not always relevant. For example, the hole cannot be made in the basement of the private house, the base of which is completely bundled. Therefore, it is suitable only for half-breeded premises. However, even in this case, it is not enough to just make a hole. It is also necessary to protect it using a metal mesh from trash, insects and small animals. It is equally important to provide the diameter of the ventilating hole itself. Only so you can ensure the correct ventilation in the basement. However, at the first opportunity, it is still recommended to equip a full-fledged ventilation system. For its assembly, you will need a pair of pipes with a diameter of 80-150 mm, protective metal grilles and heat insulator.

Natural ventilation unit


The supply pipe ensures the inflow of air into the room. The requirements for its installation are such - the upper part should be removed and located from the surface of the Earth in about half a meter. This end is recommended to close the grille and disguise so that the appearance does not port the aesthetic appearance of the structure. While the lower end of the supply pipe must be at an altitude of 20-40 cm from the floor.

Basements in a private house are often used as a place to store products. Therefore, the exhaust pipe is better to place as close as possible to the place of storage. If the basement is intended for another purpose, it is enough that the end of the exhaust pipe is almost under the most ceiling. As for the upper part of this pipe, in order to prevent falling into it, it must be removed outside so that the upper end is located at a distance of 300-600 mm from the roof.

In the installed pipes during operation, condensate is inevitable. He should not get to the floor of the cellar. That this does not happen, the capacity is usually put a capacity of sufficient volume in which moisture will be collected.

Pipes for ventilation system are usually made from PVC or asbestos cement. These materials appreciate such properties as efficacy and durability that manifest themselves well when used in ventilation systems.

If the basement area is no more than 40 sq.m., the described above scheme of natural ventilation is quite suitable. In other cases, such an air exchange system will not be so effective. Therefore, forced ventilation systems are used.

The device forced ventilation basement


Such an air exchange system works at the expense of channel fans installed in exhaust and supply pipes that must work simultaneously. The work is only in one direction unacceptable. Air from the street in this case is absorbed by the fan in the supply tube. From the basement he comes out through the fan work in the exhaust pipe.

Disabling one of them is unacceptable. As for the power of these devices, it depends on the area and the volume of the basement. Competent power calculation can only be carried out by a specialist. According to the calculated data, the appropriate equipment is selected when purchasing. Only in this case the installed ventilation will be effective.

The fan is mounted in the pipe and securely fixed. Therefore, its size must correspond to the dimensions of the ventilation pipe. There is nothing complicated in the fan installation. Modern models are produced in special coves with reliable fasteners. In addition to the device itself, you usually have all the necessary parts and fasteners.

Today there are many models of fans, the price of which is significantly different. Some of them are equipped with timers that allow you to set the time to turn on and off ventilation. Such devices are very comfortable if you are not constantly in a private house. It should be noted that the quality of ventilation largely depends on how comfortable will be in rooms located on the first floor of the house.

If it is necessary, a combined ventilation system is installed quickly. Fan can be built into the system to accelerate air purification. For example, it may be needed when the work of natural ventilation is not effective.

Scheme of complex basement ventilation


For a large-sized home will be problematic to make high-quality ventilation personally. It is best to hire specialists for this task, especially if there is not only a basement on the ground floor, but also residential premises. In this case, the air exchange system must be equipped with air conditioning, which will heat or cool the trimming air. In addition, it is desirable to establish special filters that purify the incoming air. If possible, it is useful to additionally install humidification systems. Despite the complex installation and high cost of such a system, it has a lot of advantages.

Before starting the installation of such a complex system, everything is necessary to calculate and decide how profitable it will be. Perhaps, for your case, it is enough to do with simpler options. If the need for such a system of air exchange is really available, then its installation should be provided at the construction stage. Mount the ventilation in the already built house is much more complicated than to do it in the process of building a house.

Ventilation of cellars in which the products are stored must operate while maintaining stable humidity and room temperature. For example, for wine to ensure appropriate conditions is possible only when using high-quality climate control techniques. Preditly fulfill such assembly works will be very difficult. Especially if all technical requirements for the preparation of the basement will not be met. The same applies to ventilation in the garage with the basement.

If you allow the loads of loads to the output points of the power supply, not to take into account the ratio of the serviced area and the necessary power, then it will not work with high-quality ventilation. The required climate stability allows us to provide only installation of a similar air exchange system by a qualified specialist. The ventilation of the basement in a private house can be allowed only if during the work to adhere to all of the recommendations described above. The same applies to independently installing the split system in the basement.

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