Customer wicket independently

August 4. Building materials, Plot. Views 1200. Comments to record wicket from professional flooring yourself No

Surely, many people know that today professional flooring is a universal material for various construction and repair work. Many owners mistakenly believe that professional flooring can not be called a full-fledged material that can be used when built in the country or other private territory. However, the practice shows that the material has enough advantages to become one of the main construction resources of the territory.

There is already enough information about how to create a fence based on a barnstill. It is safe to say that ultimately the qualitative, reliable and attractive fences are obtained, which will definitely serve at least a decade.

Customer wickets are not uncommon. And the most interesting thing is that the fence itself can consist of stone, wood or other material, and the wicket - from the professional flooring. There is nothing wrong with such solutions, since it is quite possible to ensure an excellent combination of materials, as well as practicality.

Surely the strongest side of the professional flooring when creating a wicket is a variety of solutions related to the choice of material and methods of its attachment. Accordingly, the owners appear a certain freedom of action that is so lacking in many construction and repair events.

In this article, we will consider the main questions related to the creation of wicket based on the brastic. We will not bypass the side and some specific details of the process, which often and worry the owners who want to implement such a project.


Features of wickets from corrugated

First of all, it is worth saying that the gate on the site should be a certain protected place, through which anyone would not be able to pass. For this, many people use various security systems, or simply create a high height fence.

The wicket from the professional flooring is a truly good solution, as it includes external minimalism, as well as overall reliability.

Of course, it all depends on what they want to realize the hosts, and how many cash they are willing to spend on events.

Again, on the Internet, the craftsmen lay out numerous examples of how in limited conditions you can create a good gate. In many cases, precisely is used as the main material.

You can also focus on the fact that the wicket from the professional flooring is about the same building solution as the fence. Actually, the wicket is part of the fence, so all these things should be considered comprehensively.

You should not forget that today on sale you can find a colossal number of materials that can be used for certain construction activities. Almost always the choice of the best construction resource is a difficult task that often ends with failure. Accordingly, without the help of specialists who will share their recommendations, it is hardly possible to do. And above all, it concerns those owners who practically do not have experience working with construction materials and other resources. However, it is possible to argue with complete confidence that the professional flooring is a universal material and to create a protective part of the fence, and to set the wicket. Therefore, even newcomers who do not have enough experience to work with the material, can safely acquire it and carry out all the work.


Advantages of professional flooring to create wicket

  • Appearance. According to many people, professional flooring is a "draft" material that does not apply to create some decorative parts. You can confidently say that it is not. It all depends on which site we have, and what needs to be implemented. Often the owners who have created a wicket and a fence from the corrugated floor, have a small plot as well as a simple brick house. In such conditions, metallic products look more than harmonious. That the most minimalistic of the professional flooring is definitely a positive side, since simplicity and modesty is always in fashion, despite the presence of dozens of other decorative materials. In addition, you should not forget that on sale you can find a colossal range of professional flooring, which definitely positively affects the creation of original projects. Many companies produce professional flooring to order, which allows you to create just such a style of wicket or a fence that was scheduled from the very beginning. Accordingly, all this creates a huge freedom of action, and many decorative materials are still very far from such a level.
  • Durability. Modern types of professional flooring have special protective coatings that are extremely useful during operation. We are talking about protecting the metal product from corrosion, which is actively developing on unprotected surfaces. Do not forget that durability is provided only during production, so in the course of operation, professional flooring can be easily damaged. Accordingly, the absence of a protective layer means an urgent need to apply enamel or other coatings. These issues are more related to the care of the professional flooring already after creating a wicket or fence, however, you need to remember this before construction. Often, manufacturers argue that in acceptable conditions, the material can be quite easily stopped for several decades. We are talking about a professional flooring, which during this period remains in the initial state. It is obvious that few of the owners will exploit professional flooring for so long, but the material will delight with its original appearance exactly as much as it is necessary.
  • Easy installation and operation. Unlike the same stone or brick structures, which are created for a long period and with the help of specialists, projects based on professional flooring are always simple tasks in which it is difficult to allow an error. The thing is that the professional flooring is extremely easy to fix, and if necessary, it is easy to dismantle. In many cases, you can do without assistance and simply to spend the entire amount of work. In the case of creating a brick fence, it will be necessary to carry out some calculations, and during construction to do everything possible so that the design is sustainable. With a professional flooring, it is enough just to create a simple supporting structure. Such elementality attracts many people, as often there is fear that at one point something can go wrong.
  • Price issue. As we have already spoken, the price in many cases plays a colossal role. It should be borne in mind that in the conditions of the crisis, not everyone is ready to pay major money. If we are talking about repairs, then there are large financial spending, even if it is purchased exclusively professional flooring. However, the difference in the price when buying a brick or professional flooring is colossal. Again, the metallic material can serve as a temporary solution, and such savings will definitely bring a lot of benefit. Do not forget that at a bargain price, it is also possible to quickly replace the damaged units of the material, while not paying attention to the cash costs.


Manufacturing and installation of wickets from corrugated

Now we are as close as possible to the process of setting the wicket based on a professional flooring.

First you need to decide on the design dimensions. Obvious is the fact that it should not be done too large wicket, and too small will not ensure the proper level of convenience. Accordingly, experts advise to create a width of no more than 1 m wide, and not more than 2 m. Also worth emphasizing the attention on the fact that in some situations it is advisable to create a more massive design, but with such a situation there will be an increased load and wear of loops and locks. canvas.

In the event that it is decided to make a wicket higher (2 meters or more), this design of the upper crossbar should be supplemented. Ultimately, a one-piece design is obtained, which will reduce the load on the support pillar, and also closes the space above the entrance to the site.

Creating support racks

  • Despite the fact that many owners first of all pay attention to the professional flooring for the gate, the most responsible part of the design is precisely the support component. I would like to note in advance that there are no too harsh requirements for the support material, the main thing is that it should be done with the very loads that will be valid for it throughout the existence of the fence.
  • Often, supports are metal pipes, as well as pillars from brick or stone material. Most often, the owners make a choice in favor of metal pipes, as they differ in humble dimensions, as well as high reliability.
  • An extremely important aspect associated with the installation of support racks is the provision of a vertical level. Inexperienced builders often allow mistakes, and ultimately racks have small deviations that subsequently bring significant problems. We are talking about the curvature of the overall enclosing structure. Ultimately it turns out that the wicket and the fence can simply fall apart.
  • Under the support racks, it is necessary to create a recess of about 1-1.5 m. It is necessary to calculate that the lengths of the racks are enough for the size of the deepening and ground construction. Already after the racks were deepened in the wells created, you should fill the emptiness with a mortar from cement, rubble, sand. The mixture will gain strength for 10 or more days. Again, it is worth making sure that the racks are located vertically.


Creating a carcass gate

  • Making a frame - this is a rather difficult task, as it means the use of welding equipment. Thus, it is necessary to purchase a fairly profiled metal pipe with a cross section of 60x30 mm.
  • In the process, in addition to the welding machine, the Bulgarian will also need to chop the necessary components from the profile.
  • Immediately before the most responsible events related to the creation of the frame, it is necessary to clean the material using a metal brush based on the grinder. It is that the profiled material may have a rust, which is capable of extremely negatively affecting the overall condition of the structure. Immediately after cleaning, it is advisable to degrease the material, and to treat anti-corrosion primer.
  • At the same stage it is worth deciding with the dimensions of the future wicket. Accordingly, on this basis, there is a cutting blank blank at an angle of 45 degrees (such a chamfer provides high quality of the weld). Most often, two longitudinal elements up to 2 m are required for the wicket, as well as up to three transverse parts up to 1 m long. Thus, the elements are welded between themselves 2-3 cm by tacks around the perimeter every 25-30 cm. It should be borne in mind that the longitudinal and transverse components of the structures should be placed solely perpendicular to each other. It is also worth remembering that the distance between horizontal structural elements should be equal. This ensures an attractive appearance of the design, and creates additional strength.
  • In addition, it is often necessary to increase the strength of the wicket inside the frame, it is necessary to perform a smaller frame of pipes with dimensions of 20x40 mm. Interestingly, the welding process can be a little sparkling the main framework. To prevent this should be welded by performing taps in a checker order.
  • Already after the frame is made, you can start installing additional elements, including outer handles, canopies, as well as plates for fastening the lock.
  • It is worth remembering that when installing the wicket, it is necessary to realize the gap between the door blade and the coating of the track. This will ensure normal design work even if ice or snow is accumulated below.
  • It is also interesting that the so-called triangular "brazers" are often created, which are located in the corners of the frame. Such a solution allows for the additional strength of the entire metal structure.


Installation of gate

  • Now we are approaching the end of work. It should be remembered that after each serious process, it is advisable to visually inspect the design to detect errors or other disadvantages.
  • Immediately after the welding has been completed, the welding seams should be carried out. Next, primer and painting of all necessary design places are carried out.
  • Next occurs the fastening of the corrugated carcass, while the screws or special rivets are used. It is worth noting that the first option is the most optimal and reliable, but it is necessary to carry out extremely carefully, as the material can be damaged. It is important to note that the fixed distance between the fasteners should be present. It is necessarily only to fasten the professional flooring to the middle jumper of the frame.
  • Directly for mounting the wicket can be used the most common metal loops. In some situations, new polymer curtains are better suited. In the event that metal pillars are used as the basis of the design, the curtains can be welded directly to them. If the supporting design of the fence is a brick or stone, you should pay attention to the mount by welding to the profile pipe, which is fixed by anchors or dowels right on the post. It is also interesting that the readable wicket, which is made in advance, can be tangled directly on the support, after which it is to check the operation of the castle.

In some cases, it is necessary to ensure that the door of the wicket does not open in both directions. To do this, make a special limiter from a metal corner. In addition, the preliminary strips allow you to cover the same gaps between the web and the wicket racks.

Immediately after all necessary events were performed, it should be seen in the performance of the structure. Often it turns out that everything is done correctly, but some item significantly affected the condition of the wicket. Fortunately, the design itself is simple, so everything can be fixed with simple actions.

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