How to make a foundation under the oven

March 19. Foundation Views 1668. Comments to record How to make a foundation for the furnace No

When erecting the furnace, a special place is given to the device for a reliable and durable foundation. After all, the service life of the structure itself largely depends on the qualitative basis. On how to make a foundation for the oven, and it will be discussed in our article.

The need and criteria for creating a foundation

Before many people face questions:

  • do you need a foundation for the furnace at all?
  • do not install the furnace directly on the overlap panel?
  • is it possible to install a heating structure right on the wooden floor?


Let's start with the answer to the last question. The regulatory documentation has not found references to the installation of a furnace on a wooden coating. Most experts tend to believe that such a basis can withstand the load up to 700 kg. That is, a mass of 210-220 bricks.

As for the installation of the design on the overlap panel, then this technology should be resorted only if there is a long rebuilt residential building. And it is necessary to own comprehensive information on the bearing ability of overlaps.

In the absence of such information for calculations, the minimum bearing capacity is taken, which is 600 kg / m². Suppose the sizes of the furnace will be 2 * 1.5 m. In this case, the design panel can be installed in a weighing up to 1.8 tons (2 * 1.5 * 600).

If the construction of the house occurs from "zero", then immediately should be worried about the creation of the foundation under the oven. Especially since not only the mass of the design is a defining factor. If the work is carried out in a wet room and there is a likelihood of moisture penetration under construction, then the coating under the furnace can flow and deform.


You still need to mention one nuance. It lies in the fact that it is impossible to connect the foundation of the furnace with the base of the building. This is due to the fact that the loads on them are completely different. And this in turn can lead to cracks.

When the foundation device under the furnace, a boot concrete and pile base are most popular.

Boot concrete foundation

This design is the most reliable option because it does not give a shrinkage. At the initial stage, a digging is carried out. Its depth must exceed the level of soil freezing by 15-20 cm. In the width of the foundation under the furnace in the house should have a 5-centimeter bore on each side.

The process of creating a boot concrete consists of the following steps:

  • failure and tamper sand-gravel pillow thickness 15 cm;
  • installation of formwork from boards;
  • waterproofing of the formwork walls with two layers of rubberoid bonded by hot bitumen;
  • coating the base with a layer of large butte stone (the diameter of the stones should not exceed 15 cm);
  • filling the emptiness of the gravel;
  • pouring the foundation under the furnace with sandy-cement mortar (1 hour cement, 3 hours. Sand).


If there is too large area, laying the second layer of butt stone is carried out 24 hours after 24 hours. Works on the fill of the foundation are completed when approximately 7-9 cm remains to the first floor.

After carrying out such a process, how to pour the foundation for the furnace, its upper surface is aligned and covered with a polyethylene film. Within 7-10 days, a qualitative grasp of concrete occurs, after which the formwork can be removed. The side parts of the foundation can be covered with melted tar.

Pile Fundam

When it is created, you can save the amount of materials used. In addition, the volume of earthworks will significantly reduce. And due to the established piles, negative winter phenomena, resulting from driving driving and clay soils, are completely prevented.


The process of creating a pile foundation under the furnace provides for the following consecutive actions:

  • in the corners, where the stove will be located, the holes of the cylindrical shape are drilled with a diameter of 15-20 cm;
  • the bottom of the holes are covered with a 15-centimeter layer of fine gravel and sand;
  • the rubble and sand traam is carried out (sand can be poured with water);
  • ruberoid sheets are inserted into the bored holes, which act as a formwork;
  • makes concreting pits.

The drying of concrete pile pillars is carried out within 10-14 days. After that, it is possible to install a reinforced concrete plate. The upper part of the foundation is covered with waterproofing material (two layers of rubberoid connected by hot bitumen). On the stove will be carried out a masonry of the first brick row of the furnace.


Features of the foundation laying under a metal furnace

For the device of the foundation under the furnace, which is made of sheet steel, perform such works:

  • drove to the depth of 0.5 m;
  • the width and length of the pit depend on the size of the furnace;
  • the bottom of the recovery is aligned and covered with a 30-centimeter gravel layer;
  • careful gravel traam is carried out;
  • a concrete solution is poured over the gravel;
  • cement is captured within 24 hours;
  • after which there is a foundation waterproofing (a runneroid is used for this purpose);
  • a layer of concrete solution is stacked on top of the runneroid;
  • surface is leveled;
  • masonry made of several rows of red bricks;
  • the base must be derived to the level of the finished floor.

Video of the device under the foundation of the furnace:

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