Repair of wooden doors: Restoration do it yourself

March 25. Repair and construction work Views 2164. Comments To record Wooden doors Repair: Restoration do it yourself No

Doors, like many other elements of the interior, over time losing their attractive appearance. If he leaves much to be desired, then you can replace the door to the new one. But sometimes it is recommended to try it to renovate it, i.e. Restore the former appearance. Only for this will require the necessary tools and enough patience. About how the repair of wooden doors is performed with their own hands, let's tell me further.

Door Flat Repair: Troubleshooting


Often there is a situation when when closing an old wooden door rests on the box. Most often, an excessive swelling becomes the reason for this, which is further replaced by the drying of the wooden canvase. As a result of this process, the door box is deformed. Therefore, it is the reason that the doors stopped normally closed. This problem can be simply solved enough. Just need to know how to do it.

First of all, you should find out which of the boxes is most deformed. To do this, compare the gaps between the web and the box in places where the canopies are installed. If one rack has its dimensions at least 3 mm, then this means that the problem is in another rack. The door can be loosely closed and for another reason, namely, due to improper fixation of canopies. To find out this, you should explore the self-screws that they are attached. If the protruding caps of the fasteners are found, they only need to be twisted tightly.

In general, most often use the following two ways to solve the problem of sizing the door leaf:

  1. Deepening planting cannons.
  2. Forced deformation of the door rack.

The first way is suitable when the door canvas hurts the rack of the box. That is, in the case when it takes more effort to close the interroom wooden door than usual. This method lies in the deepening of seats under the canopy. This is done as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to remove the door leaf with the loops.
  2. Unscrew parts of canopies from the door frame.
  3. Next, with the help of the chisels and the hammer we deepen their seats by 4-5 mm.
  4. Then the doors can be collected back. After that, the door design should work normally.

If the door continues to close and open up, then, most likely, it will be necessary to more global repairs. Alternatively, you can simply reduce door dimensions. It is best to do from the side of the canopy. This cardinal way to solve the problem should be used only in the extreme case.


In order to solve the problem with the second way, some list of tools and materials will be required:

  1. Drill.
  2. Perforator.
  3. Wooden bar, which will be used for crushing.

The procedure for performing forced deformation of the door frame rack when repairing wooden doors:

  1. Initially, you need to remove all the elements that can interfere with work. So, for example, platbands are removed. In addition, it is necessary to free the space between the door frame and the opening from all over.
  2. When this is done, you need to close the door and see what kind of place the door canvas rests in the box. In the discovered "problematic" area, you should drill a hole in the box from the inside.
  3. After that, you need to take a perforator and through the previously made hole to drill another, but already in the door opening door.
  4. Then take the wooden bar and install it between the racks. Thus, we crush the door frame.
  5. In the previously made hole, you should install a long dowel or self-tapping screw. After which the bar need to be removed.
  6. If after that the door began to close freely, then everything can be put back to the places. The clearance formed between the door frame is better filled with the mounting foam.

Restoration of the appearance of wooden doors


Restoration of the appearance of wooden doors is a rather time consuming process, during which it is often necessary to completely remove the web with the loops. Although, if there are insignificant damages, then repair work can be carried out in place. Thus, the difficulty of restoring the door depends on its state.

Two ways to improve the appearance of doors:

  1. Elimination of minor damage.
  2. Full restoration.

In the first case, it makes no sense to remove the doors if you want to remove chips, small cracks and scratches. Damage data without problems can be eliminated using shtlock. After that, the damaged area is grouped. When conducting such work, a certain technology should be followed:

  1. The damage is removed by the decorative layer.
  2. The damaged area is cleared of dirt and dust.
  3. Then it is filled with a special putty, which is prepared from wood dust and plow glue.
  4. When the putty dries, you need to clean it with sandpaper.

We will tell you more about the full restoration of interroom and inlet wooden doors.

Restoration of wooden doors

Most often over time, the appearance of decorative coating suffers. Therefore, under restoration, usually understand, just work on its restoration. In order for the result to justify itself, it is necessary to approach the solution to solve globally. Thus, a phased disassembly of the door canvase will be required, removal of old coating and applying new. This method can restore wooden doors painted with varnish or paint.

Preparatory work


Disassembling the door leaf and box is the necessary stage of restoration work. Since if this is not done, it will be very difficult to remove the old coating. From the tools, first of all, we will need a Bulgarian with a round nozzle to which coarse sandpaper will be installed. With it, it will spin the door leaf. The surface should be handled the surface so that it does not remain the old paint and small dents left. Large pothy will be eliminated later. With the help of the skin, it is quite possible to delete almost all traces of mechanical damage.

When all available surfaces are processed, it is necessary to search for installed connective tongs. They are usually located in the corners of the door, and look like scored in the canvas round pins opposite wooden jumpers. In order to drill the tongues, we need a drill with a suitable diameter drill. Then you should take a rubber image and with the help of a strike on the protruding parts of the door from the center to the edges, carefully disconnect the cloth into separate planks. In order not to damage the wood, all work should be done carefully. Only minor damage is allowed.

Removal of old coating


Now it should be a little more detailed to remove the old coating. To clean the door canvas in a disassembled form, you can use a grinder with an empty paper nozzle. After the old coating is removed, the facial surfaces should polish fine-grained sandpaper. Polishing of interroom doors - simple work. For this, after each passage, the skin should be reduced gradually its graininess. So, for coarse treatment, sandpaper No. 100 and 200 is quite suitable. For finishing, it is necessary to take the skirt much smaller, for example No. 400.

Build the door frame and canvas


The assembly should be carried out in the reverse order of disassembly of the door frame and the canvas. If you stick to exactly this scheme, then problems, as a rule, does not occur. Parts of wood are connected to each other with the help of PVA glue. For greater reliability, you can pull the box elements with long furniture config terms, whose caps are best to close widths with glue. When the putty dries, they should be cleaned with the sandpaper.

How to eliminate deep damage


Such damage cannot be called rarity. In order to close them, it is useful to small wood dust, which can be collected during finishing. It will work out a very good putty for wood. Wood dust is usually mixed with PVA glue until the liquid is obtained, the consistency is like a thick paste. The finished mixture is simply pressing in potholes. When the glue dry, the place that was subjected to repair should be cleared with sandpaper. As a result, large potholes will become almost imperceptible.

Applying a new coating


This is the final stage of restoration work. It is important to know that the final appearance of the doors depends on the quality of the new decorative coating as a whole. If painting or varnishing will be done not carefully, then all your efforts will be useless. A new decorative coating is desirable to apply with a spacing. With its absence it is allowed to use a roller or brush for this purpose.

The most important condition for high-quality and beautiful painting is to apply decorative coating in layers. At the same time, before applying the next layer, you should wait until the previous one will dry. This will reduce minimizing the risk of drills that can spoil appearance.

To obtain a qualitative result, each second layer is recommended to polish with fine-grained emery paper. It will remove all irregularities. If a lacquer or paint is used as a coating, retaining the structure of the wood, with the help of polishing the skin, you can get an ideally transparent coating. After processing with emery paper, you need to carefully remove dust and degrease the treated surface with alcohol.

Most often damaged doors covered with veneer or laminated. On such canvases can cope with scratches and chips, for example, with the help of special colored wax. This tool is usually acquired in the building materials market. Wax you need to pick up the door of the door. The acquired material should be softened like a plasticine, after which it rubs into the "damaged" places - where there are chips, scratches, cracks. The wax then needs to be carefully smoothed. When it freezes, it should be polished with his piece of felt, moistened with a conventional furniture polyrol. In this way the independent restoration of the doors is performed.

It should be said that other funds exist to restore the door surface. For example, chemical solutions are used to remove the old decorative coating in the form of a special washing. The door canvas can also be shed using autogena or soldering lamp. In general, the process of restoring doors remains the same.

More information about the restoration process can be found in this video lesson:

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