How to choose a snow removal shovel

May 27. Instruments, Repair and construction work Views 4141. Comments to record how to choose a snow removal shovel No

Snow brings many joy to children. It cannot be said that in adults he does not cause delight, because these are the same children, only grown, but there is one circumstance that prevents rejoice in this miracle unconditionally - the need for its regular cleaning. To make it easier for yourself in the fight against snowy drifts, you need to properly pick up a snow removal shovel. Recommendations on how to do this, you will find in this article.

Criterias of choice

Shovel on sale Great set. They are different in shape, made from different materials: 1334DF9497242C5CEC104603B45A7435.


Made them from:

  • plywood;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum.

The material from which the shovel is made has an impact on its durability, but the form of the working part is of great importance. So that the process of snow cleaning occupied less time:

  • First, you need a spacious tool;
  • Secondly, a good shovel is the one that without unnecessary efforts the snow captures and also easily resets;
  • third, the working part must be performed under a convenient angle for operation,

All these requests correspond to a snow removal shovel in the form of a bucket, which is performed, both rectangular and trapezoidal. The bucket is bordered by the side, thereby increasing its capacity. A large portion of snow at a time is not bad, but do not forget that you will be hard to raise it.


Note: The optimal bucket size, for the mid-duty person, 500x400 mm.



On the convenience of your chosen shovel affects the influence of the cutting. The blade handle material can be:

  • wood. Usually this material is chosen if the shovel is designed to clean the snow near the house. Wooden stalks can be shortened if it is too long for you;
  • aluminum. The shovel with such a holder becomes much easier, but it is worth 7 times more expensive than wood;
  • plastic.

Important: It is convenient to work with a snow removal shovel with a cutlery that takes you to the shoulder. At the same time, the length of the bucket is also taken into account.

To work it became easier

Snow cleaning work can be facilitated by doing some manipulations, for example:

  • To the wooden cutter, attach a transverse pen with the axis, such often occur at bayonet shovel;
  • the muscles of the back are unloaded by the handle device in the middle of the holder;
  • it will make it easier for snow with an acute edge at the end of an aluminum shovel, which can be obtained using a file or grinding circle.

Several arguments in favor of plastic shovels

Most often bought plastic shovels. They are not so popular at all because of their own, often bright coloring, although it is also important - the shovel is not lost in the snowdrifts, as it is clearly visible in the snow. Among the benefits should be allocated:

  • ease;
  • the presence of sides prevents snow falling;
  • wide with wide ribs well slides;
  • smooth frost-resistant plastic surface;
  • does not scratch tile coating of garden tracks, as well as garden parquet.




And the disadvantage is that it is gradually erased from mechanical impacts and becomes fragile. Here is a review of the characteristics of several snow removal shovels of plastic:

Snow removal shovel GARDENA ES 40

It is produced in Germany by Gardena (Gardena), which specializes in the production of all kinds of garden inventory. It can be quite confident that it is snow removal shovel, the price of which corresponds to the quality. Her characteristics are excellent:

  • material - high quality flexible plastic;
  • it has the edge of spring steel, which provides high-quality snow cleaning on an even and slippery place;
  • stable due to wide edges;
  • well tolerate high negative temperatures up to -40 degrees C;
  • not separated by salt;
  • the manufacturer attaches additional nozzles;
  • simple, and at the same time, reliable fastening.




Two types of wooden handles are suitable for shovel:

  • gARDENA handle 1.3 m long;
  • GARDENA 1.5 m long.

You can also buy aluminum handles with the same length to the shovel.

Snow removal shovel Fiskars




In Finland, FISKARS produces excellent lightweight plastic shovels:

  • weighs the shovel 1.05 kg;
  • equipped with an aluminum handle;
  • on plastic blade there is an aluminum edge;
  • the length of the shovels together with the handle is 1.35, and the width is 0.35 m.

Snow removal aluminum shovels

Aluminum snow removal shovels and lungs:

  • if you compare them with wooden and plastic, then they are much stronger;
  • differ in flexibility;
  • do not rust unlike iron;
  • they are easy to restore after deformation;
  • the working surface is great sliding.

As for the shortcomings, this is a big value. From aluminum make snow removal shovels not only for home use, but also for motorists, climbers. Here is an example of a comfortable folding snow removal shovel, which enjoys climbers:

Ferrino Shovel shovel




Ferrino shovels are available in Italy:

  • weight shovel Ferrino Shovel - 0.65 kg;
  • both the working facility and the handle are made of aluminum alloy;
  • overall dimensions - 24x28 cm;
  • telescopic handle.

Aluminum shovel "San Tropez"

And loose, and blind snow easily removes with the help of aluminum shovel "San Tropez", produced in Finland. It has the following characteristics:

  • she has a convenient bucket height of 37 cm;
  • weighs 1.5 kg;
  • height 1.2 m;
  • width 0.5 m;
  • the stalk of this shovel is also made of aluminum and covered with rubber.

Shovel for snow "Snowball"

Convenience and durability There is a snow removal spade with a stalk "Snowball" from the well-known Russian company Centraink tooth:

  • depending on the modification, bucket, and the cuttings can be made of aluminum, and there are wooden cuttings on these shovels;
  • the bucket has a height of 350 mm;
  • bucket width 430 mm.


Shovel snow removal engine

A mansion among a snow blowing tool is a shovel-engine. It will come in handy you, if you remove the large area with snowstorms. There is such a shovel by the fact that:

  • she has a wide bucket, captures up to 1 m;
  • p-shaped handle;
  • sometimes the buckets are equipped with wheels, then the shovel performs the function of cars.




Such shovels and engines supplies Company Company:

  • they have a bucket with dimensions of 70x40 cm;
  • handle in the form of the letter P;
  • aluminum bucket;
  • at the edge of the bucket there is a steel pad, which increases its durability.

Snow removal electric shovel




With any shovel, of course, do not compare the electrical snow removal shovel. It efficiently removes snow cover, which is not higher than 100 mm thick. When working with this instrument, some conditions must be followed:

  • from the surface, be sure to remove branches, wires, otherwise the rotating part may be damaged;
  • it is impossible to direct an electrical snow removal shovel on itself;
  • on steep slopes it is impossible to work;
  • before starting work, hold the spade in air so that its temperature is balanced with the temperature in the yard;
  • there should be no moisture on the extension socket.

Here is a good example of an electrical snow removal shovel:





Excellent features have electrical snow removal shovels Forte.

Forte Qi-Jy-1300

With this snow blower, hard-to-reach places are easily cleared. His characteristics:

  • power - 1300 W. Single-phase electric motor;
  • captures 260 mm;
  • height by gripping 120 mm;
  • weigh 5 kg;
  • snow throws forward on 9 m.

Produced by a Chinese manufacturer. It has the following advantages:

  • the electric motor starts easily;
  • the design is distinguished by ergonomic;
  • there is an adjustable handle side;
  • women will easily cope with this snow blower, as the weight is small.

Small and compact Snowplow Stiga Electric 31


  • engine 1.1 kW;
  • snow captures the width 310 and a height of 230 mm;
  • performs a 4 m release;
  • equipped with plastic screw 14.5 cm;
  • the manufacturer from Sweden gives a warranty for 60 months.


  • convenient control knobs;
  • works quietly;
  • in operation is simple.

About different types of snow removal shovels and about their choice are told in this video:



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