How to independently put a tile

February 11. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 2468. Comments to record how to independently put tiles No

The decoration of the premises with ceramic tiles is one of the most common and beautiful options. In most cases, this material is used for facing the floor and walls in the kitchen and bathroom and kitchen. The simplicity of maintaining cleanliness in the rooms decorated with tiles is for housewives the most attractive feature of a tiled surface.

Benefits of facing material

Made from sand and clay, ceramic tile is distinguished by solid strength. It can with confidence to put in one row with the characteristics of the reinforced concrete. In addition, the main advantages of this finishing material are:

  • environmental Safety;
  • attractive appearance;
  • prolonged operational period;
  • versatility;
  • resistance to high humidity, ultraviolet rays and temperature differences;
  • fire safety;
  • easy installation.


The price of laying tiles is quite high. It is 10-15 dollars / m², which is comparable to the cost of finishing material. Many wonder how to save their funds. The only right solution will be the laying of the tiles with their own hands. And it is not necessary to have excellent knowledge in carrying out facing work. The main thing is to adhere to their specific sequence.

Preparation of the surface

Laying tiles in the bathroom can be carried out in three ways:

  • diagonally;
  • by dressing;
  • seam in seam.

The last method is most common. It involves facing the surface with a tile parallel to each other online.

Laying tile begins with surface alignment. An old coating is removed, dust and dirt removes. To perform work, you should use a special leveling mixture. Using two spatulas (long and short), the mixture is evenly applied along the wall surface (floor). In the level of alignment using the level, control over the quality of the performance is carried out.

When processing walls with a large area, rails are applied about 3 m. The rails act as lighthouses. Their thickness ranges from 5 to 10 mm. The more irregularities on the wall, the thicker it is selected by the Lena Rake.

The installation of ridges on the wall is carried out using a building gypsum that is grapped faster. It is applied with an interval of 40-50 cm. The rails are pressed against the wall in such a way that the solution goes through the opening side. The vertical location of the lighthouses will be checked with a plumb.

Next, the following works are carried out:

  • along the rails that are installed in the corners are clogged with nails;
  • the height of their placement should coincide with the surface of the REC;
  • between the nails stretches the fishing line;
  • over the fishing line the remaining rails are attached;
  • the distance between them is 1-1.5 m;
  • the solution is seized;
  • nails with a fishing line are removed;
  • along the rails are pounced plaster;
  • her surplus is cleaned by the rule.


After plastering the surface, it is subjected to priming. After drying, the primer can be processed to tile work.

Floor alignment is carried out in a similar way. If there are small cracks in the floor, the waterproofing material is better than it.

Tile work

Now directly to how to put the tile. In accordance with the instructions, the glue composition should be prepared. It should not be neither liquid nor thick. In the first case, you can face the problem of the spreading of the solution, in the second - with the complexity of its high-quality leveling. Due to the above, the adhesive solution quickly solidifies, it should be kneaded in small sizes.

Laying tiles on the wall is available below. The creation of a smooth tile plane is due to the high-quality installation of the beacon rail on the floor. According to this lighthouse, the first row of ceramic tiles are styled.

The exact horizontal arrangement of the facing material is achieved by tensioning the fishing line between the angular rails. The solution on the tile and the wall is applied using a toothed spatula. When the material is applied to the wall, the tile is easily and evenly pressed. The glue must equally distribute the surface. You can use a rubber hammer.


There is a small distance between the tiles (2-4 mm). It is called seam. It does not allow mechanical damage to the finishing material as a result of the temperature differences occurring. To get the seams of the same width, plastic cross are applied.

In obligatory, all edges of the tiles are missed by adhesive composition. Otherwise, emptiness will appear under the finishing material. And this is fraught with pumping tiles. Replacing the broken tile will be very problematic.

Almost always whole tiles are not placed in a row. You have to cut them. To do this, it is better to take advantage of the stoveture. If you need to cut the material with a small width, then this can be done with a grinder.

The laying of the tile occurs depending on the value of the material being cut:

  • when more than half of the tile is cut;
  • up to half tiles.

When the sliced \u200b\u200bportion in size exceeds half the tile, then its laying is carried out in the most invisible corner. If the magnitude of the facing material is less than half of the tile, then it must be cut half and placed along the edges of the wall.


Often come across the question, how to put the tile near the door. This work is carried out last. The masonry begins with the "blind" angle with the subsequent facing of the wall of the wall above the door.

All walls should be distinguished by the coincidence of the seams. The protruding corners are closed with a plastic corner. A day later, you can engage in the grout of the seams. For this, a rubber spatula is applied. Excess grout is removed by a wet sponge.

Outdoor installation of ceramic tiles is carried out by similar technology. As a clutching material, you can use: adhesive composition, concrete solution or bitumen mastic.

Tile works begin in the far corner with gradual movement to the door. Parallel rows are created using a stretched fishing line, strictly horizontal position of the facing material is set by the level.

Nuances of mounting tiles on plasterboard and old tiles

Alternatively, moisture-resistant plasterboard can be used as an alternative version of the leveling mixture. This material is often used just when the process of aligning walls by plaster is unprofitable from a financial point of view.

The process of laying tiles on plasterboard does not differ from the above technology. The main distinguishing feature is the correct implementation of preparatory work. The main complexity lies in the likely occurrence of plasterboard deformation when using adhesive composition.


To prevent such a situation, guide rails are used. The step of their attachment is 0.3-0.5 m. The less the thickness of the plasterboard sheet, the more often the installation of the guide rails is carried out.

The drywall sheet is also covered by a plaster grid of polypropylene. It passes with the help of PVA and is additionally attached by brackets. After that, double the surface is carried out.

When laying a tile on plasterboard, it is forbidden to use cement mortar. It is necessary to purchase tile glue, which is specifically used to work with plasterboard.

Finally, you should mention how to put the tile on the tile. Such work is made in extremely rare cases. But it remains in demand. Especially when creating a new floor covering.

The main advantages of this technology are:

  • the presence of a finished horizontal surface;
  • easy to carry out tile work.

Laying tiles on the tile includes the following work:

  • cafe washing;
  • applying mounting glue on a new tile;
  • glue tile;
  • shutters.

You can use a conventional soap solution for washing tiles. The subsequent installation of the facing material occurs when the old tile is completely dry.

Application of mounting glue on a new tile is carried out by a construction pistol. The glue must completely cover the surface of the finishing material. Close attention is paid to the corners and edges of ceramic tiles. If the sections are uncovered with glue, then over time the tile can crack.

When gluing tiles on the wall, you can not lay the following row until you dry glue on the previous one. This technology also provides for the creation of seams and their grout.

Video on laying tiles:


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