The vaccination of fruit trees

February 13. Plot. Views 2230. Comments To write the vaccination of fruit trees No

The vaccination is the most common way of vegetative reproduction of trees. This method makes it possible to grow several different varieties on the same tree, including those that for any reason are difficult to take root.

Features of the vaccination of fruit trees

The essence of this process is to cross the various varieties by transferring the kidney or a cutken from one tree to another. A plant that is a donor for the starting material is called the trigger. And the tree on which the vaccination is carried out - inhibition.

Damage caused as a result of vaccination, the plant overflows thanks to Cambia. On the damaged area there is an extension of cambial fabric on both sides. In the future, the influx will grow up, and the fabric conducting the overall juice appears. Until the instigation of the trigger, the nutrients are obtained, which is necessary for it to ensure vital activity, from its own stocks, and moisture from the stock.

For this reason, in order to ensure a good result, the place of vaccination must be tied up, and then covered with garden putty. Make such a smelter by mixing dry wood with a resin. The presence of putty creates protection for the place of vaccination of fruit trees and prevents them from drying out and overvoltage.

Mazazka can be replaced with garden wrair or plasticine. Garden Var is on sale, but if desired, it can be prepared at home. This requires such components as:

  • pine resin - 50 g;
  • solidol - 250 g;
  • wax - 200 g

All ingredients, each individually heated to dissolution, after mixed and stored in a glass jar. If the mass is excessively viscous, some vegetable oil add to it.

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How to choose a batch and dive

  1. First choose the lead. To do this, it should be used branches located on the south side of the tree, which in their thickness twice the usual pencil.
  2. The tree to which will be given to the lead must be healthy. In the reverse case, the vaccination will not have any result.
  3. The barrel and branch branches should have a thickness of 3 cm to 10 cm.
  4. Durability, wood growth and yield depends, including from the quality of the stock. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to take into account its properties such as:
  • frost resistance;
  • the ability to adapt to the characteristics of the climate;
  • resistance to the lack of moisture or its excess;
  • compatible with grafted varieties. It is from compatibility that depends on how strong things will be.


Materials and tools that are necessary for vaccination

Tools for the vaccination of fruit trees will need a bit. Need to prepare:

  • knives for copulating and eyepling;
  • gardening scissors;
  • topor;
  • secator;
  • saw - hacksaw.

In addition, the strapping material should be available. It can be a film on a synthetic basis - polyethylene or polychlorial. Such films do not let the air and moisture and thereby provide favorable conditions for the blows of the cutting and stock.

For the strapping, it will take a film with a length of 30 cm and 1 cm wide. If the strapping is performed by such a film, in this case there is no need to apply a garden putty. During operation, it should be remembered that the vaccination of trees has a lot in common with a surgical operation and a positive outcome depends largely on the purity of the instrument used.


Ways to vaccinate fruit trees

There are two main ways to vaccinate trees:

  • okutyrovka (advent of kidney);
  • vaccination with a cutlets.

Ocaling of fruit trees

This method of vaccination is performed during the movement of the juice. This process occurs from July to September. Before the inculsion procedure, you need to perform certain preparatory measures.

  1. The tree should be emphasized and eliminate all weed plants, as well as pour a good root system.
  2. It is also necessary to prepare both the kidney. To do this, choose a healthy, quite ripened kidney and cut it with a bark with a cutter. Thus, we get a shield with a kidney.
  3. Place for vaccination should have a smooth and smooth surface.
  4. Also, this site you need to wipe dry by the rag. After such training on the cortex, the T-shaped incision is performed, which places the panel with the kidney.
  5. At the end, the vaccination place turns into a film.

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Methods of vaccinations Cherchet

This method is recognized as the easiest option. The vaccination by the method of a simple copulating is used if the input and the lead have the same thickness.

  1. At the bottom of the branch and cutlets   It is necessary to make the same in size, 3 cm long - 4 cm long.
  2. Next, the branch and stalks are connected in such a way that the sections coincide over the entire length.
  3. After that, the place of vaccination is tightly tied with a film.
  4. A cut on a cutlery for the vaccination of fruit trees needs to be smelted to Garden Warr. The result of this vaccination will appear in two months.

As a result of improving the foregoing method, an improved copulating was developed. In this case, the sections are made in the longitudinal direction and have the shape of the castle. Copulation according to the improved method is carried out as follows.

  1. The braid incision is done deep into. The length of the cut should be 1/3 of a part of the stem thickness.
  2. The lower cutting section is cut in the form of a blade in such a way that it can be placed in an incision.
  3. After that, the groceing and applying garden preparation is performed.


For adult trees, the vaccination method is applied:

  1. Skeletal branches are removed from the tree, the plant is cut to a height of about 30 cm.
  2. Pengs are made crackling up to 5 cm long, which are filled with clay.
  3. If the branch is thick enough, two or more cuttings can be placed in it. For a thin branch there will be one.
  4. The cutlets are inserted into the split, then this place is tied up and varied Var.

If the dive has a large thickness, you can apply the method of vaccinating the bark. The cutlets give a wedge-shaped shape, as in the lateral cut. A horizontal incision is made on the tree cortex and is formed by a special knife a kind of pocket. To avoid damage to the bark, it should be tied up before the start of work. For this purpose, the bandage or other breed material is suitable. Next, the cuttings are inserted into the incision, after which the standard actions are performed - the gardens and processing of the garden harder.

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Rules of the workpiece Chenkov

The stalk is a small part of escape with several developed kidneys. The most successful time for their workpiece is the beginning of the winter period.

  1. For vaccination, you should choose annual, growing vertically shoots.
  2. Cuttings per day before vaccination need to be placed in cold water.
  3. The first frosts make cuttings resistant to the storage period.
  4. To store the cutting should be tied in the bundles and to each attach the label with the name of the variety, then they need to wrap the wet burlap, and on top of the film or paper.
  5. Storage room should be unheated.
  6. A small amount can be placed in the refrigerator.
  7. It is necessary to ensure that the mold does not appear on the cuttings. For this you need to regularly inspect them. In the case of detection of the grinding mold together with the fabric, rinse in cold water, leave for some time to dry and wrap again into the fabric.



  1. Do not stick branches having a horizontal location. They will not give a lot of fruits.
  2. The vaccination location should receive a lot of light, as well as give sufficient space for future increases.
  3. When choosing a place to proceed from the purpose of the vaccination. If you plan to instill one branch, you can implement the procedure almost on any part of the tree. If the lead must replace part of the tree or completely the entire crown, it is important to choose a place where it will be provided with sufficient nutrition.
  4. When crossing, you do not need to combine the trees of summer and winter varieties. Trees should choose the ripening close in the period.
  5. It is also not recommended to vaccinate more than 3-4 varieties. In this case, it will be difficult to determine the maturity of fruits.

To determine how many branches can be changed to a new variety, you should proceed from the age of a tree. Young trees up to 4 years of age will move well to replace all branches. And for trees, crossed this line, it is better to preserve some of the branches, since sharp replacement will lead to a violation of the root system's balance and crown. You should also leave small thin branches, their leaves for the first few years will be performed by the task of the power supply.



The vaccination of fruit trees in the spring makes it possible to solve a number of tasks important for gardening. So you can grow several varieties on one tree, increase yield and make trees more resistant to various diseases. To ensure the success of this process, you should fully prepare for trees and choose the right place to vaccinate.

The vaccination of fruit trees. Video:

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