How to make a nest for pigeon do it yourself

April 16. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 10206. Comments to record how to make a nest for pigeon do it yourself No

Pigeons have long been an integral part of our stems and parks. Beautiful, graceful with a variety of plumage, they can admire infinitely. Like each bird, the pigeon needs a place where it can spend the night, postpone eggs and hatching chicks - nest, in one word. How to make a nest for dove with your own hands, you will find out by reading this article.

Types of pigeons nests

There are several types of pigeons nests:

  • rectangular wooden;
  • round from different materials.

There are nests of plastic on sale. On request, it can make a nest from plaster or any other material, but much more interesting to make it with your own hands.

Build nests for pigeons

The exact dimensions of the nests for the pigeons are difficult: it all depends on the breed, but some mean numbers, yet, exist. Here they are:

  • box with parties 200-250 mm;
  • height of the sides - no more than 80 mm.


The nest in the form of a wooden box is most often found. Suppose, in our pigeon, Baku slaughter pigeons will dwell, the optimal dimensions of the nest for them are:

  • width - 250 mm;
  • length - 300 mm;
  • standard height - 80 mm;
  • nests are placed closely. Free space between them somewhere millimeters 200.

Material for nest

To make a nest of a lot. It's just:

  • board with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • metal mesh for the bottom;
  • nails.


Technology is simple:

  • we make markup;
  • we cut the board on the workpiece of the desired size;
  • knock the box;
  • we attach the bottom of the lattice;
  • carefully put sand, instead.

Places are placed on the shelves. If you have pigeons tribal, then for them it is necessary to highlight a separate place. The nests for them make a little large sizes than ordinary. Above the size of the sides.

Place for seating


We looked at the nest option, where the doves are postponed with eggs, but they need such a place where they will just sit. This is most likely not a nest at all, but a dispenser. So, we make this element. Would need:

  • board 20 mm. Width 150 mm;
  • plywood;
  • hacksaw;
  • nails.

Production process:

  • cut the blank. Length of 1st 200 mm, and the second 180 mm; We connect them so that it turns out an angle of 90 degrees;
  • from a piece of plywood, we cut the part of the triangular shape;
  • we drill a hole in the details for fastening the nest-wall on the wall;
  • fresh triangle, so, as shown in the photo.


Make such products you need as much as doves you have: for each one. Place each other by recovering about 0.5 m from the ceiling.

Round nest

Some amateurs use round jacks for pigeons photo See below: 17

This design is performed from wood and from plaster. The bottom of this nest is flat and concave inside. The gypsum nest has no cracks, and the material itself is very warm. The pigeons in them are comfortable. For the manufacture of gypsum nests use such a form. 4E6538A10667.

If you make a piece of gypsum for you, it is possible to pull the nest of exactly the same form of wood, and then close the cracks with putty and paint. But there is another interesting decision.

Polyflast nest

The nest from this material is very warm, and do it like this:

  • from the sheet of foam plastic, rather thick, blanks are cut in the form of rectangles;
  • heat the deep pan, the bottom of which has a swollen shape and corresponds to the size of the nest;
  • the parchment impose on the leaf and are well pressed the pan into the foam. It begins to melt and deepening is formed;
  • the workpiece is lubricated with PVA glue and are sampled by a construction bandage, otherwise the birds easily will easily fill their nest.

Racks in pigeon

In the arsenal of some barebovels engaged in breeding breeding pigeons, there are such mobile equipment as racks that include nesting compartments and limiters on the pilots.




They are put in the room when the birds lay eggs and remove chicks. Equipment racks performs functions:

  • pairing box;
  • places where the nest is installed, eggs are sitting;
  • pot.

If you have small and medium pigeons, then the shelf sizes are as follows:

  • width - 300 mm;
  • length - 300 mm;
  • height - 300 mm.

And when the device is large, the following parameters are followed by the following parameters:

  • shelves length - from 700 to 800 mm;
  • width - 400 mm; Height - 400 mm.

For pigeons-Kosmachi, pure tin, Altai Shalev, Rostov Belogruda, i.e. Breeds, with strongly faded legs, to planks, distinguishing areas, fasten the rails with dimensions:

  • width - 340 mm;
  • thickness - 25 cm.

Birds use this item like a nashe. Here you can and do not make a capital nest, but to use boxes from under import vegetables having 300x400 mm sizes, while:

  • in the center of the box, the hole is cut to prevent the egg roll. The paper is littered;
  • on the one hand, a high board is cut;
  • the box is installed on the rack in the socket compartment. Holes for ventilation there are already available;
  • after the pigeon is fixed and the nest will leave, it is simply thrown out.

And so pigeon life looks from the inside. The nests are visible here, and one pair is already wearing feathers there, apparently they will surround chicks:

Small nuance: If you install nests on the rack, then each top must hang over the lower millimeters to 50, so that the pigeons sitting at the top do not put out the litter of those sit below. The same rule concerns and.

Dove decided to settle on the balcony

Many scares such a prospect. But they say that the pigeon's nest on the balcony is a good sign: the atmosphere in your home is pleasant, the energy is positive. It is so, but the pigeons - the bird is not the most accurate, so if they fought the nest, you will have to wait until the chick hatch and they will fly away, but then take the precautions so that they no longer wanted to settle on your balcony:

  • the most reliable way is glazing;
  • if you make a balcony closed not included in your plans, then try to make a cat often appear on it, and you yourself come back there;
  • remove everything from the balcony, which resembles the pigeons of volatile or where can be reserved;
  • watch that there are no food residues, water;
  • if the birds, no matter what, you trust your balcony, tremble the foil strips along its perimeter. Their rustling will scare away pigeons;
  • you can still lubricate the railing on which birds are sitting, sunflower oil or take advantage of special anti-spikes from birds.

Look: the pigeons staged a nest on the balcony, the video indicates that the owners seem to be deliberately created for this condition: put a convenient container.

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