Chicken heating system with her own hands

April 16. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 14866. Comments to the record of the heating system of the chicken coop do it yourself No

The owners of the subsidiary farms often faced the fact that in frosty winter days, the chickens cease to be rushed. This suggests that they have discomfort and the reason for this is cold. It is possible to improve the content of chickens by maintaining the optimal air temperature indoors.

Basic heat insulating work

There are several options for the insulation of the chicken coop. Conditionally, they can be divided into 3 types:

  • flooring flooring on the floor;
  • insulation ceiling and walls;
  • artificial heating of the chicken coop.


The first two species belong to the natural heating. As a material for the litter, you can use:

  • chopped straw;
  • wood sawdust;
  • corn rods;
  • moss peat.

On the purified and dry base, the haired lime is poured (1 kg / 1 m²). After that, the bedroom material is stacked with a layer of 5-10 cm. When the litter becomes wet, then add fresh material. This procedure is carried out until the layer of bedding is within 25-30 cm. This type of natural heating becomes more efficient when the litter is regularly fried with a fork.

To prevent leakage of a large amount of heat, the walls of the walls and the ceiling of the chicken coop are carried out. As thermal insulation materials are used:

  • for ceiling - rubberoid or mineral wool;
  • for walls - mineral wool or foam;
  • for windows and doors - polyethylene film, blankets or other fabric materials.

There is absolute confidence that the chickens will carry eggs all year round when the heating of the chicken coop will be produced by heating devices. For the room it is quite suitable:

  • diesel furnaces;
  • bourgeisky furnaces or brick structures;
  • heating radiators;
  • infrared lamps.


Many people who are engaged in breeding nuclei chuckles are asked if it is necessary to insulate the walls and the ceiling when there is a heating system? Definitely need. Natural heating of the chicken coop solves two main problems:

  • prevents drafts;
  • it is an obstacle for atmospheric precipitation.

Chimney and radiator heating

There are several options for creating heating in the chicken coop. The furnace heat heating involves the use of a conventional brick furnace or "bourgeities". So that the chickens do not receive random burns, the heating elements of the furnaces must be coated with protective material.

Among the shortcomings of heating with these furnaces should be mentioned about:

  • the need to continuously maintain the optimal temperature regime;
  • the occurrence of rust in the "bourgeitog".

The installation of a diesel furnace is quite an interesting option. This equipment is different:

  • economy;
  • fire safety;
  • lack of smoke.

When purchasing a diesel furnace, the area of \u200b\u200bthe chicken should be focused. The power of the heating device will depend on this indicator.


Very sought-after product are buinlane furnaces. The main advantages of their use are:

  • functioning in any form of fuel;
  • uniformity of heat distribution;
  • efficiency.

You can consider the option with the installation of an electric canor or radiator. Such heating will provide a smoker with a constant temperature. The main requirement for the installation of electrical equipment is the prevention of bird touches to heating elements and wires. The disadvantage of this type of heating becomes a high power of the instruments, which is often the cause of maximum costs of paying for the use of electricity.

Reduced electricity consumption by installing an infrared heater. It is equipped with a regulator, with which at any time you can change the heating intensity of the chicken coop. There are also automatic regulators that turn off the heating device when a certain temperature is reached.


If one of the walls fit to the house, it is possible to create your own heating of the chicken coop by connecting to a common heating system. This is perhaps the most rational solution when heating the economic building.

Infrared lamps

The simplified option is the heating of the chicken coop of the infrared lamp. This method of heating the economic premises is very popular. Compared to other electric heating devices, the use of infrared lamps is characterized by maximum efficiency and high efficiency (up to 98%).

Also to the "pluses" of this type of heating include:

  • uniform distribution on the chicken coop of thermal energy;
  • easy installation and replacement (if necessary);
  • prolonged operational period;
  • minimal oxygen consumption;
  • creating optimal humidity;
  • reducing the cost of purchasing feed (with rapid growing river broilers);
  • lack of diseases in birds.

One of the best manufacturers of lamps for heating the chicken coop includes:

  • OSRAM;
  • Philips.


Specialists of the German company OSRAM are made by the production of infrared lamps that have transparent Siccatherm capsule flasks with mirror elements. Such lamps are set at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the consumer. Thus, overheating is completely eliminated.

Philips incandescent lamps are produced both transparent and red. The second is in great demand. Red lamps have a capsule form and are made of tempered glass. In infrared Philips lamps, you can adjust the brightness of the light flux.

Russian specialists are also engaged in the production of infrared mirror lamps (IKZ) that have a red or transparent flask. The main advantage of IKZ is a long service life, reaching 5 thousand hours.

Video on the device heating system of the chicken coop:


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