Laurel Tree from Leaf: Features of Growing

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The laurel sheet is called the leaflets of the laurel tree or the laurel of the noble. This plant belongs to the Lavrov family. It is believed that the laurel initially grew on the territory of Malaya Asia and the Mediterranean. In general, this culture is one of the most ancient spices. In addition, the Lavr was considered a sacred plant for many nations. It is known that the laurel sheets crowned the winners of sports competitions in the ancient Greece and the heroes of the war in the Roman Empire. It is no coincidence that the term "laureate" is just due to the word "LAVR". In the Middle Ages, the laurel tree was considered a symbol of good, able to protect against evil forces. There are many ways to grow a laurel tree on your own. Everyone will tell you more about everything.

Culture characteristics


Today, the laurel is grown in Greece, Turkey, France, Italy, Spain, in the Caucasus, in Portugal, Guatemala and Albania. The bay leaf is used not only in culinary, but also for medical purposes. In addition, it is used in the chemical industry as a raw material for receiving camphor and cinela.

The laurel tree is usually growing only on the sunny terrain, but during freezing and in the shade it feels bad. Collect laurel leaves in the fall and winter, starting from November and ending in February. At the same time, it is suitable for the collection of leaves only those trees whose age is 3-4 years and more. And this is done with branches. In this form they are dried, then separated and folded into special bags. In dried form, laurel leaves can be stored for several years. Only at the same time they should be in a dry room.


Lavra leaves are known for their specific smell, which they have due to unique essential oils in their composition. They concentrated by Kapron, Valeryanovaya, acetic acid. In addition, there are quite a few phytoncides in essential oils that have antibacterial properties, as well as fatty acids, tanning substances and trace elements.

How to grow a laurel tree

How to grow a laurel tree out of leaf


The laurel multiplies in several ways:

  • seeds
  • dividing bush
  • cuttings (leaves).

On the last method of growing a laurel tree at home, we will also describe further.

Stages of Lavra landing:

  1. Laurel cuttings should be harvested in the summer or early autumn. Shoots are cut in an adult tree. It is desirable that the cutting size is 7-9 cm.
  2. Next, it is necessary to remove all the lower and upper leaves with a seedling.
  3. One end of the cutting should be placed in a mineral mixture, stimulating the growth of the root system.
  4. Then the seedlock is placed in the seedlings for seedlings filled with half sand and peat moss.
  5. Capacity is covered with a polyethylene package. Only do it should be carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the cutting. Thus, the most favorable conditions for the growth of the root system will be created. This process is quite long. The first roots will seem just after 7-8 months.
  6. Next, the sprouted seedlings are sled into a special substrate consisting of moss and sheet soil. Immediately before landing, the soil is checked for the presence of pathogenic bacteria that can harm the cutting.
  7. Lached cuttings are wrapped in film, due to which moisture will not leave the soil. Please note that the seedling should be maintained in the room temperature +21 degrees.
  8. After the seedlock is captured, it should be transplanted into the pot, filled with land for landing. It should include sand, nervous soil, peat and manure.
  9. After transplanting, the landing container should be covered with large glass jars. This is necessary in order to maintain the desired soil moisture.
  10. Sprouts spray twice a day. After 1 month, you can enter soil feeding with mineral fertilizers and manure. The feed must alternate among themselves. Immediately before the fertilizer, it is necessary to abundantly moisten the soil.
  11. If a plant transplantation is needed, then the soil is used with the same composition in which the laurel tree has previously increased.

Growing a laurel tree from seeds


Seeds brought from the south are used. The most optimal period for landing is considered winter (February a month).

The order of landing in this way:

  1. For planting seeds, clay container is used. It should be pouring a layer of clay (3 cm), and then sand (2-3 cm). Next, the capacity is filled with landing soil.
  2. Lavra tree seeds plant for a depth of 1.5 cm. The soil temperature should be about 20-21 degrees. Seed growth time - 3-4 months.
  3. Before planting seeds, which rose, should be abundantly moistened by the soil. Until sprouts, the earth should be sprouting every day for 15-25 minutes.
  4. When the sprout was crushed, the plant needs to transplant. The composition of the soil should be such as when landing by the method of shifting (sand, nervous soil, peat and manure).
  5. At the bottom of the pot post drainage. Next, the layer of cooked soil is added.
  6. When the plant is transplanted, pour it. Watering is used for watering.
  7. After that, the container with a seedling should be kept in a dark and warm place for 2 weeks. Then it can be transferred to the windowsill.

Lavra Tree: Care


  1. Laurel "Loves" Mineral Fertilizers and other feeders. Feature the soil follows 1 time in 3 weeks.
  2. In addition, the plant must be very often watered. In the summer period, it is necessary to water once every 3 days, and in the winter - 1 time in 4-5 days.
  3. The laurel tree should be transplanted every 3-4 years. It is best to plant a plant in wooden boxes.

Why is it worth growing a bay leaf?

Exquisite spice


Perhaps no other seasoning is used as often as a bay leaf. As a spice, fresh and dry laurel leaves are suitable. Sometimes its seeds are used. The bay leaf is able to improve the taste of almost any product. It is used to prepare meat and fish dishes. In addition, it is added to marinades, sauces, broths and soups. In particular, it is used in conservation of cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, patissons and other vegetables. The best laurel is combined with beets, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage. Essential oil is obtained from laurel leaves, which can be used in the production of confectionery products and alcoholic beverages.

In dishes, the Lavr is recommended to add before the end of cooking. Otherwise, he may begin to give bitterness, which will only spoil the dish. It is good to put a lot of laurel leaves in a dish, but for a short time, after which get them from there. In this case, they will give only the best notes of their fragrance.

About the benefits of the plant


Even in antiquity, the laurel sheet was used to treat various diseases. In particular, it is believed that it can reduce pain in childbirth, and the oil obtained from the plant helps for cramps. In addition, the ancient healers used the laurel at nervous voltage, pain in the joints, to relieve shortness of breath. Seeds and bark of wood were used to prepare a decoction with urolithiasis and cholecystitis.

Today, the bay leaf is used to improve digestion, appetite, to reduce blood pressure, removing swelling, to reduce the development of tuberculosis, with diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis. Lavra is considered a good natural antibiotic. It is also used to improve metabolic processes. Thanks to the tanning substances, it allows you to remove edema and inflammation. If you correctly prepare a decoction from the laurel sheet, then with regular use, it will be an excellent tool to strengthen the immunity and the restoration of the body after a long disease.

It is also known that the laurel has good diuretic and astringent properties. It is used as antifungal and antibacterial agent. In addition, it can help with stomatitis, fever, disorders of the nervous system, amenorrhea. This is an efficient vomit and campphic. It is used in folk medicine for the treatment of stretching, bruises and with pains in the joints.

Essential oil of leaves, flowers and fruits of wood are used as an insecticidal and disinfectant. It is also used to prepare therapeutic soap and ointments. The decoction of laurel leaves is necessary to accelerate the removal of excess salts from the body. In addition, it allows you to get rid of salts in the joints, gallstones. The same decoction is useful in diabetes mellitus. Just do not take it every day. It is quite enough for the year to hold a three-week course.

How to choose a bay leaf


The laurel retains its beneficial properties even in dry. Therefore, it makes no sense to look for somewhere fresh leaves. In dry leaves, there are almost as many essential oils. They also retain their anti-cancer and antibacterial properties. Thus, you can use both raw and dried bay leaf. Just need to be able to choose it correctly. In particular, you need to pay attention to the outer side of the leaflet. It should not be any stains. The leaves, as we said, are collected from November to February. Therefore, buying Lavra is best during this period.

Laurel Sheet Storage Rules


The bay leaf must be protected from moisture. For this, any hermetic packaging is suitable. For example, you can take a glass jar and close the lid tightly. Sometimes the Lavra is already sold in a hermetic packaging, which does not penetrate the air. This is the so-called reusable zip fastener. Despite the fact that the bay leaf remains long enough. Do not store it longer than it implies its shelf life, which must be specified on the packaging. If the laurel leaf "takes away", then he can begin to be very proud.

How to grow a laurel tree: video

About how grown laurel, you can look at the video:

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