Canopy in the country do it yourself

April 18. Roof, Construction Views 1588. Comments To the entry canopy in the country do it yourself No

There is no doubt that the cottage without a big and high-quality canopy is not a completely full-fledged area for recreation. When using a canopy, there is an opportunity to relax in the fresh air even during the rain. In addition, under the canopy you can hide the car or any equipment actively used in the country area. Without problems, it is possible to build a canopy and with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to clearly know the work plan, as well as to carefully analyze the situation so that there are no serious problems during construction events.

Features of the creation of a canopy in the country

In most cases, the country canopy is erected in the country area. It is really easy to create, unlike a brick design. It will also allow to save money to significantly, as wooden bars and boards can be treated on their own.

If possible, wooden elements can be easily replaced with metal. Obviously, with the help of metal pipes, you can create a much more reliable design. It is worth noting that regular care will have to carry out regular care, as precipitation, sun and strong wind can negatively affect the boards, especially if they already have some flaws.

When using bricks as a carcass for a canopy, it is also necessary to create a small foundation, as well as buy cement. If such a design will have small dimensions, it will be quite simple to affect the integrity of the brickwork. This suggests that a canopy based on a brick design should have impressive dimensions, as well as massive supports.


Materials and tools for construction work

In this material we will consider the creation of a small arbor, the dimensions of which are 3x6 m. During construction work, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • profile pipes 100x100x4000 mm;
  • 15 boards 30x150x6000 mm;
  • 13 boards 50x150x6000 mm;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • 2 cement bag;
  • concrete mixer;
  • bulgarian.

Experts advise you to purchase all building materials directly before work so that there are no problems later. After purchasing products, you need to scroll through the entire script of the building process in the head. This will allow you to recall those materials that may not be purchased.


The beginning of the process of building a canopy for giving

At the very beginning, it is necessary to create a kind of markup, which will determine where the supports will be located. In our case, it will be a rectangle 3x6 m. Three supports will be located along 6 meters. In places where metal beams will be deepened, pits need to dig. Their depth should be at least a quarter of the length of the beam itself.

Also, for reliable fixing beams, it is pre-cut the top ends of metal elements with a grinder. The incision should be 100 mm. Next, you need to bend metal inside, so that you can use such a design for landing bars. In addition, openings should be drilled on the jams, which will be used for fastening with wood with bolts.

In order for the design to be resistant for long years, it is necessary to fall asleep a small amount of rubble on the bottom of the dug-off pit.


The main construction process of the canopy

After frustration, the rubble must be placed in the pits. With the help of stretch marks, it is necessary to qualitatively fix the structure so that there are no problems with its stability in the future. It is worth noting that one side should be higher than another by about 30-40 cm so that water flows to Earth during the rain. After fixing the racks, you need to move to the process of filling the space in the machines created. The mixture should consist of one part of cement, three parts of sand, as well as four pieces of rubbank. All this is poured into supports and do our best so that there are no free space in the holes. So that concrete gained strength, you need to wait from several days to a pair of weeks - it all depends on the brand of acquired cement.

It is important to note that the places that are poured with a concrete mixture should be supervised. With too low temperatures, it is necessary to cover the building material layer with insulation, with too high - you need to water the concrete with cool water.

The final stage of construction work

At the very end, it is necessary to create directly canopy, namely rafters and roof. In this case, we will need various fasteners, including self-tapping screws, nails and bolts with nuts. It is best to choose metal tile or polycarbonate as roofing material.

At the very beginning between the racks you need to place the beams. In this case, it is better to use wood bar. The mount is carried out using large bolted bolt connections. The mounting of beams to supports will occur through holes created on metal products at the very beginning of construction.

Next, you need to create the rafters, within which will be located crate. The distance between the rafters should be at least 75 cm. Across the case is created, on the basis of which the roofing material will be attached. It is necessary to provide a wood bar arrangement density to roof fastened without problems and securely retained on the surface of the structure.

After this occurs directly fastening roofing material to wood-based. The special materials are available for each type of coating used as fasteners.

At this stage of work, it is also necessary to take care of the creation of water drain from the roof. If it is not created, the precipitates will unevenly leave the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe canopy, thereby creating a lot of problems. The best solution in this case will be the acquisition of special plastic drain gutters. Fastening occurs with bolts and nuts. It should be provided with a special place where the whole fusion water will be. Most people use large barrels in which there are precipitation. Rainwater can be used without problems in the farm.


Other features of the process

In addition to the main actions related to the creation of a qualitative canopy for the cottage, it is also necessary to pay attention to some details that, at first glance, may seem insignificant.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that wood is far from the most endless and durable material. In order to somehow extend the service life of the wood elements that should be a lot in such a design, protective compounds must be used. In construction stores there are a lot of them, and for a wide variety of species of wood. With high-quality application of the compositions, it is possible to be sure that wood will serve for a very long time.

It is also worth seriously related to the choice of primer materials for coating metal pipes. To date, there are dozens of various types of primers in construction stores. In our case, it is best to make a choice in favor of colorless, water-repellent and anti-grapple primers.

In addition, it is worth thinking about creating a high-quality floor surface. When creating canopies, many prefer to leave a natural surface, that is, the grass or land covering, but the establishment of a concrete tie in this case is no difficulty. It is enough just to remove the upper layer (10-20 cm) of the Earth and fill it with a concrete mixture. Instead of concrete, you can use conventional crushed stone or any other aggregates. In this case, everything is most important to do everything that so that the canopy is really convenient and tempting place for daily recreation.

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