Repair toilet with his hands

October 10th Plumbing Views 4186 Comments to write their own hands Repair toilet No

Toilets, as well as other sanitary ware, can break. To save on repair work, they can be performed independently. To do this, we recommend using the tips and practical advice, arranged in this article.


device toilet

Before starting work on the repair of the toilet bowl, you need to know how it works. Any model of this type of sanitary ware is made up of two basic parts:

  • The first - a bowl. It stands on the floor or attached to the wall.
  • The second - the drain flank. This water tank. It is usually located at the top.

Toilet works by hydraulic locks operation. If you click on the sink, the flow of water by gravity flow from top to bottom, than wash away what is in the riser.

When you open the cover of the toilet tank of the toilet, you can see there is a mechanism, which consists of:

  • seals
  • special float
  • a system of levers.

This system allows you to accumulate water. In addition, it ensures its supply in the drain bar. Drain is adjustable using a shut-off valve. It is this mechanism that covers water that acts into the drain tank through the hose designed for this when the water has reached a certain level. Some toileties are equipped with two buttons. One button is designed for smaller drain, and the other for more. This is the device of the drain tank toilet bowl. Repair should not create big problems.


Preparation for repairing the toilet with your own hands

  1. To prepare the toilet to repair, you need, first of all, remove the lid. And this must be done with great care. The fact is that the lid is fragile and is not sold in the form of a separate detail. Therefore, if you break it, you will have to buy a new drain tank and change it.
  2. In addition, it is necessary to overlap the flow of water into this container. If there is a shut-off mechanism, it can be accidentally breaking that it will cause a large flow of water.

Frequent types of drain tank breakdowns

A drainage tank breakdown is always a surprise. In order not to have serious problems that require further repair of neighbors from the bottom, even small problems should be very quickly eliminated.

Most often, the breakage of the drain tank happens because of the continuous filling it with water. In this case, water is leaked through the top edge. These faults may occur due to such problems as:

  1. Twisted float.
  2. Poor holding mechanism float.
  3. Exterior shut-off valve.
  4. Rubber gaskets are worn.
  5. Exterposed seals.

Consider these and other types of breakdowns.


Skot Poplating

  1. To eliminate the problem of skewing the float, the tools are usually not needed. To do this, you need to raise the tank cover. After that, move the float hand. In this case, it is located at the bottom of the drain tank. It will be useful, for example, when repairing a toilet compact.
  2. If the problem arose due to the skew the float, then in this case the water is not able to decide on their own. Sometimes there is a situation when you corrected the float, but the problem did not solve. Then it is worth viewing the shut-off valve. The fact is that this valve can also shift and lead to such a problem.

The mechanism of the float does not hold

With this breakdown, the drain tank is completely filled. What kind of water pours over the edge. In this case, the input valve cannot hold the water flow. In order to check whether the problem actually lies in this, you need to raise the valve until you stop up. If the float mechanism is in order, then when picked up the valve, water usually stops. Otherwise, you need to remove this mechanism, buy a new one and replace them old.

Exterior rubber gaskets, shut-off valve or seals

To find out if the problem is really in this, you need to slightly clamp the locking mechanism with your hand. If at the same time the water will not flow, then you have found the cause of the problem. To repair the toilet valve, it is enough to replace the worn parts.

Water can constantly proceed due to the flooding worn. It sometimes forms some hole through which water will be seized. In this case, it is recommended to completely replace the worn float. If a new serviceable float for the model of your tank is problematic, then you can resort to another method. For example, try to glue the resulting hole with the help of preheated plastic. You can still wind up the float in the tank with a polyethylene package. In this case, the package is neatly fixed and fixed around the rack of the float lever.

Today there are membrane valves that are able to protect the tank from different mechanical damage and water pollution. True, the wear of such valves membranes occurs very quickly.

The membrane for the valve can be made independently. For example, from solid rubber. Its thickness should be about two millimeters. This membrane is best cut through the old worn item. It is important to comply with all sizes.

No lever for water descent


It happens, lever breaks, which is designed to descend the water. The reason for such a breakdown is damage to the thrust. For repair, it is enough to simply replace faulty traction to a new one. As a temporary solution, it is possible to make cravings from undergraduate materials, for example, from thick wire. Only such a traction will not serve for a long time. She can quickly begin to bend, and the problem will again give yourself to know. Therefore, buy a new craving will have anyway. It is also relevant to the repair of the Gustavsberg toilet bowls.

The drain tank is filled too noisy

The problem is often found at which the drainage tank capacity is filled with water with very strong noise. This is not the most serious problem, but many people have irritation, especially those who have a sensitive dream. It can be solved by two different ways.

For example, you can try to attach a flexible tube from plastics to the float valve, which will perform the role of the silencer. It must be installed where the entrance to the float valve is located. It is necessary to put in a vertical position above the water level. The bottom end of the tube must be immersed in water. This will make it so that the flow of water flows into the container below the existing level. Thanks to this, noise will decrease.

Instead, it is possible to fix the operation of the system using a stabilizing float valve. This type of float differs from the usual the fact that there is a stabilizing camera at its end. When water enters the piston into this chamber, then the pressure from the other side is aligned.

In order to resort to the repair of the toilet tank less often, it is recommended to periodically pay enough attention to him. At the same time, it is necessary to check the details of the main mechanisms for wear and dosage. Then an unpleasant splash and in general, no problems with the toilet will prevent your calm sleep.

Slow plums


So, for example, sometimes the toilet begins to beat the jet when washed or washes slowly. The problem of weak plum can be solved with their own hands. It should not be tightened with her because it leads to the fact that unwanted deposits begin to accumulate in the toilet. The reason for this becomes the fact that the rim is not rummaged.

First you need to find out where there is a problem place. To do this, take an empty bucket, pour about 6-7 liters of water into it and then pour into the toilet. Watch how water breaks. If it breaks slowly, then the problem site in this case is more than likely to be the flow of toilet.

If the water is neglected not immediately, and slows down gradually over time, the reason that caused this problem may be mineral sediments in the holes under the rim or the scored siphon hole.

If all the toilets located in the course of one sewer flow are slow, then, most likely, this problem is associated with the runoff in the main channel. The fact is that, as a rule, water from all the toilets is washed off into the only sewer stock. Therefore, the problem in individual branches can immediately be excluded. This may be caused by the fact that various foreign objects fell into the toilet. For example, dirty underwear, various means of female hygiene and other things that should not go there. In this case, you may have to talk to your households. And this question is centrally resolved.

If the problem lies in the fact that during the wash washed with water, the bowl of the toilet bowl occurs unevenly, or in the fact that the draining of water is carried out slowly, in this case they usually use pums or a special brush for the toilet. With these funds you need to clean it. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the places under the rim. This is an important piece of drainage mechanism for toilet. Repair is as follows.

  1. Small holes, from which water is usually served in the toilet, and places around them, it is advisable to clean from various deposits of minerals. To get to hard-to-reach places, you can use something thin and sharp. For example, for this purpose you can take a wire hanger. It should be done very carefully to accidentally damage the ceramic coating. Damage can lead to the fact that the deposition of minerals will be formed even faster. In order to look under the bezel, you can use a small mirror.
  2. If the problem did not dare, it is worth checking the siphon hole, which is usually next to the bottom of the toilet. When a complete drain occurs, the bowl completely becomes empty and a bubble sound is published, which comes from the siphon. To check the hole, you must first process the bowl using a vehicle, which will help you to drive water through it and thereby ensure easy access to the desired hole. When it is done, you can push into the hole finger to check if there is clogging there. It is necessary to do it carefully, because there may be the edges of which you can hurt. Foreign items can be reached from there with long miniature tongs.

How to replace a large pad


The appearance at the bottom of the Tank Tchechi says that the sealing gasket located between the toilet and the tank has damage. This repair of the drain tank toilet should not be problematic. To replace this gasket you need:

  1. Remove the barrel.
  2. Remove the old worn gasket.
  3. Wear a new gasket. It is important to arrange it over the nut fixing the siphon.
  4. If, due to the leaks of the tank on a plate made of soft steel, which holds a couple of tank mounting bolts, a rust appeared, then before collecting a barbell, it is necessary to remove rust with a metal washcloth. This is one of the types of repair of a drain tank toilet. The video published below shows the process more.

How to tighten the nuts if the gaskets proceed

It happens that water appears outside the drain nozzle during washing. If so, then the reason is more likely to be the leaking gasket. In this case, you must tighten the nut connecting the bar and the nozzle. This work should be done with great care. If the gasket continues to flow, then you need to do the following:

  1. Disable water flow to the tank.
  2. Unscrew the nut.
  3. Pull out the nozzle.
  4. A worn rubber gasket should appear. It must be deleted.
  5. Then you need to wind the tongon tape fum. Ten revolutions usually grabs.
  6. Now you need to insert the nozzle in place and finally wrap the nut.


How to raise water in the tank

Often, when repairing a tank, the toilet should be solved with their own hands when the water level in the toilet is very badly descended or does not go down at all. In this case, it is recommended to check how the water level is located directly in the tank. So, it must match the upper mark. If this is not the case, and the water level is located below, then the angle of the float valve lever should be adjusted. This will be useful, for example, when repairing a Gustavsberg toilet.

The valve made of brass must be adjusted as follows:

  1. Break up the lever up a bit (you can loosen the battle fastening nut).
  2. A little moving the mounting float up to the desired angle.
  3. To adjust the plastic valve angle, it is enough to twist a screwdriver with a special adjustment screw.

Smooth slim descent

In the serviceable toilet, the flush occurs quite smoothly. If this is not the case, and the wash is performed by a jerk, then check the drunken lever, namely the mount on its axis. This lever must be fixed with the screw without a head. If the lever moves along the axis, it will not be lifted in the desired direction of the siphon rod. To repair a drain of the toilet, you should install the sloping lever in the desired position, after which to tighten the drainage mechanism.

Is it worth repairing the cover of the toilet

When the toilet cover is damaged, it is useless to repair it. It is better to buy a new one. Usually they are inexpensive. In addition, it will work and look better than the old one. It also refers to Ido toilet repair.

How to get rid of lime plates on the walls


The limestone can be removed using a paste, which is prepared from citric acid powder mixed with water. This paste is able to flash well and at the edges of the toilet. To solve this problem you need:

  1. Make below the water level in the drain siphon.
  2. With the help of a brush or mops push the water through the knee bending.
  3. The toilet must be blocked. To do this, you need to leave the mop (brush) there.
  4. Apply the cooked paste on the lime bloom and leave it up to the morning.
  5. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated again. This can be used, for example, when repairing the IFO toilet.

Use hydrochloric acid to clean the plaque

Salonic acid can be used when there are many mineral sediments on the toilet, which are not amenable to other known means. Only with acid you need to be very careful. It is very potent. Hold it should be away from children and animals. Carefully learn the following instructions.

  1. First you need to overlap all the water, which goes to the toilet and washed tank. The bowl must be completely dried. To do this, you can use vanatuz or sponge.
  2. Take a transparent piece of polyethylene and cover her bowl from above. At the same time, you should see the inside of the rim. You need to close as closely as possible. You do not need to cover the seat.
  3. Put in the toilet window of sufficient power a fan to pull the air. This will help strengthen ventilation.
  4. Now it is necessary to remove the cover of the wash tank, find the tube overflow and insert a plastic funnel into it.
  5. After that, to protect against acid you need to put on gloves, safety glasses and necessarily a mask. You still need apron and rubber boots. You will need another assistant, dressed as well.
  6. Now carefully pour the acid through the funnel. It will take about three liters of acid.
  7. Then you need to close the tube overflow the package, secure it with a simple gum, exit toilet and close the doors tightly.
  8. About an hour later, remove the package and replace the water dialing tube.
  9. Finally, you need to turn on the water and wash off a couple of times.
  10. If necessary, repeat the procedure. This acid is capable of leaving a plastic container. Therefore, it is not worth storing it for a long time without a case. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant consequences.


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