Installation of metal plastic doors

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Metal-plastic doors have become one of the popular interior details. A low price in comparison with wooden models, practicality and ease of installation made metal-plastic doors with frequent choice among builders. This type of material can also boast of material and excellent performance.

The process of installing a metal-plastic door is not too different from the method of installing other doors. As a rule, they are made to order depending on the size of the doorway. It is quite convenient, as in the case of non-standard sizes, it does not have to expand the day, which saves time and means. Often manufacturers of metal-plastic structures provide services for their installation. This is quite convenient, however, it is worth noting that in the ultimate cost of the metal-plastic door, the cost of installation is occupied by more than 30%, and if you can easily try, you can easily save these tools.

Tool for installing metal plastic doors


The following tools will be needed for installing metal plastic doors:

  • Impact drill or perforator.
  • Roulette, ruler and construction level.
  • Screwdriwer set.
  • Mounting knife.
  • Wooden wedges (if not, you need to do from a bar).
  • Nail holder.
  • Hammer and rubber cizyanka.
  • Hardware (dowel, anchor bolts, screws, nails).
  • Sealant, mounting foam and gun for applying them.
  • Polymer glue.

Preparation of the opening for the installation of metalplastic doors

Before installing metal plastic doors, it is necessary to prepare the opening in which it will be mounted. It should be cleared of construction waste, the remains of the design of the old door, do not contain traces of moisture and mold. Before starting work, it is advisable to simply project the opening of deep penetration with primer. In this case, the foam that technological gaps will be filled will be better seized with the surface.

The dimensions of the doorway should be a little more than the size of the door frame. The width of the technological gaps varies in the range of 15-20 mm. If the manufacture of the door was made to order with the measurement of the installation site, there should be no problems with fit. If the door setting is planned with the threshold, then it is necessary to make sure the strength of the base to which it will be installed, otherwise the threshold can progress and give a crack.

Preparation of door before installation


In most cases, manufacturers supplies inlets of metal-plastic doors assembled for the convenience of transportation. To install it, it is better to deal with its disassembly, because the box without the canvas is much easier. It is quite simple to make it, there is nothing complicated in mounting the canvas.

Installation of metal-plastic doors is carried out in two ways: on an anchor or on special brackets. Naturally, the second method is most preferred, because it does not provide for a violation of the integrity of the profile and does not spoil its appearance. If the fastening of the box will be made on special brackets, they need to be fastened to the involve side of the frame in advance. To do this, on the back side of the box profile provides special seats.

Until the complete end of the installation, including the device of external and internal slopes, remove the protective film, both from the door, and it is not recommended from the box, because during the work there is a high probability of damage to the upper layer of plastic.

How to install metal plastic door


Work on the installation of metal-plastic doors is best carried together. In this case, this can be done faster and much better. The process of installing PVC doors can be divided into several steps:

  1. Installing a box. The box to the installation time should be collected. If it has a threshold, that is, sufficient rigidity, then with its installation there should be no problems. Otherwise, it is necessary to connect box racks from below with a wooden plank.
  2. In order to make a little easy task, you can mount the stops around the perimeter in the doorway. In this case, there will be no need to keep the box on weight. To do this, you can use ordinary dowels.
  3. Next, it is necessary to prepare several wooden wedges and linings. It is necessary to design the door so that it does not move when securing. Wedges and lining are made of screaming board and timber. It will be best to use waste, so it will be cheaper.
  4. First, the box is installed on the lower stops. Then with the help of wedges it is leveling in terms of level. The device is put on the threshold and the box is adjustable until the air balloon in the level capsule accepts a steady average position.
  5. Then the box of metal-plastic door is installed in terms of tilt in relation to the horizon. This is also done with the help of wedges and levels.
  6. Spelling the box, you need, carefully tapping in it with a queen, align it in all directions. Making sure that the box should be smoothly, you can begin to fasten it. If it is installed on an anchor bolt, then after mounting the door level, you must drill in the box 8 through holes (2 in each rack).
  7. Then an anchor bolt is inserted into the hole and clogged inside. Initially, the anchor should not be tightened. You need to do it gradually, checking the orientation of the box. A dreaded bolt can exit the box racks, violating it with geometry.
  8. When installing on the brackets, the door box is set by level. Then the holes are then drilled in the doorway, through which the brackets are attached to the doorway, thereby ensuring the fixability of the box.
  9. After completing the box fastening, you need to install the door leaf. Here you need to understand the device of a metal-plastic door. With the interior door everything is extremely clear. The canvas is simply hanging on the loop installed on the box. With a balcony door a little more difficult. This is due to the fact that most balcony doors have a swivel-folding opening system to perform the function of ventilation. Simple words, when turning the handle to the middle position, the door opens, at the top - leans, leaving the necessary gap to access fresh air. In this case, the first thing is melted to the bottom canopy.
  10. Then the door knob is set to the "closed" position and combine two halves together, after which a special pin is inserted into them.

On this installation door is completed. Now it is necessary to take the sealing of the gaps that were formed between the box and the doorway. To do this, use the mounting foam. Conducting this operation does not require any special experience of work and any special knowledge. However, it is necessary to comply with certain rules.

  • First, it is impossible to open a metal-plastic door until completely drying the foam. It is necessary to wait a little more than a day, until the sealant dry.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to apply a foam on a moisturized surface. The fact is that foam when contacting with a humid surface is faster than polymerizes, which provides its best froze and a connection with a box and a doorway. In the polymerization of the foam increases in the amount of several times, therefore the field of cooling its residues must be cut with a wobbly knife.

Connection device after installing metal plastic doors


Unfortunately, dismantling the old balcony or interior door is necessarily accompanied by the destruction of the slopes of the doorway. Naturally, no one will leave the broken slope after the end of the work. Next, we will tell about how to quickly restore damaged when replacing the sloping door.

At present, very few people holding these jobs with the help of plaster. This method requires certain skills, so few people will be able to cope with it on the first try.

Now the slopes of recovery is carried out using plasterboard (for internal work) or plastic (for outdoor use). Inside slopes recovery room is better to produce with the help of drywall. The advantage of this method is the speed of finishing.

To carry out the work will need:

  • Sheet plasterboard wall.
  • Glue for drywall.
  • Putty knife.
  • Mixer.
  • Finish putty.

Procedure for work:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to conduct measurements of the side and the right part. All of them will take the shape of the trapezoid. The door should be slightly smaller than the edge of the opening. After measurements were performed, it is necessary to cut all the necessary parts from drywall. Make it easy. With the help of a knife on the lines, they do not too deep furrow, after which the carved piece is laid out, and cut it off from the second side.
  2. Cutting the discovery of a metal-plastic door, you can begin to install them. To do this, cook glue. The dry solution is poured into a bucket and, constantly stirring, add water. The solution must have a consistency of very thick sour cream. When applied to the opening and plasterboard, it should not crawl. The solution must be prepared in small quantities sufficient to glue one part. Otherwise, during her fit, he will have time to frozen.
  3. First, the side parts are glued, which are flattened with a level. After they stick, mount the upper part. Here you have to work a little, namely - to hold the top, while glue grabs.
  4. After the end of the installation, the slopes are ground in the primer of deep penetration, and after drying it. Putchal need to be sweetered, brew and paint with waterfront paint. The last stroke of the restoration of slopes after the installation of the metal-plastic door will become sealing the slots between the elements of the slope and the door frame. This is done with the help of acrylic sealant.

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