Decorative bulk floors in the apartment

March 9. Repair and construction work Views 1366. Comments to record decorative bulk floors in the apartment No

Decorative bulk floors in the apartment is the best way to originally decorate your home. A variety of designs, high strength and long service life of a seamless polymer coating makes it a popular modern finishing material.

Bulk gender: dignity, disadvantages, types

Polymer materials from which the decorative bulk floor is produced are distinguished by a variety of positive qualities, for example, such characteristics include:

  1. Long service life. Self-leveling floor can be operated for at least 20 years, and for all this time, the coating will not lose strength and aesthetic species.
  2. The elasticity and strength of polymer materials makes them resistant to abrasion, shock, dynamic and stationary physical exertion.
  3. The polymers are not lit, and therefore are absolutely fireproof.
  4. The upper layer of such a floor is covered with a special varnish, which gives the coating anti-slip properties. This means that the material will be safe even in those rooms where it is often wet and water is often spilled on the floor.
  5. Bulk coatings of waterproofs are not afraid of steam and moisture. They are hypoallergenic and safe for health.
  6. According to customer reviews, decorative bulk floors are very simple in care and are easily laundered from any contamination. In the process of their purification, domestic chemistry and abrasive materials can be used.
  7. Another advantage is the ability to save the brightness of the shades for years.

Among the characteristics of polymer coatings, it is worth identifying and negative qualities:

  1. The price of decorative bulk floors 3d is very high, so this product is not available to any consumer.
  2. For the application of the polymer coating requires careful preparation of the base. Concrete floor should be aligned almost to the perfect state, and also be very durable. With its preparation, it is important to remember that the cost of decorative bulk floors is quite high, and if it is bad to align the screed, time and money will be spent in vain.
  3. Dismantling of such a coating always causes significant difficulties. It is believed that to lay a new material on top of the old much easier than removing the polymer layer.
  4. Pouring decorative floors can be only under certain conditions, given the degree of moisture and the base temperature.

The polymer coating can be made from several types of materials:

  1. Methyl methacrylate mastics are characterized by good strength characteristics and simplicity of laying. Their advantage is that it is possible to pour such a floor even in low temperatures.
  2. Epoxy materials also have good strength, resistant to scratches and shocks. Such a coating is difficult to damage not only by physical exposure, but also chemicals: alkalis, solvents, acids.
  3. Polyurethane floor is characterized by high elasticity, and therefore it is resistant to scratches and shocks. In the frozen form, polyurethane can be bent at any angle, and it does not crack it and will not break. Such a coating is also not affected by chemicals and tolerates high humidity.
  4. Cement-acrylic floors are made of dry mixes. Their advantages include good tolerability of temperature differences, strength, mechanical stability.


Types of decorative coatings

Depending on the material that is used to perform the decorative bulk floor, there are 2 main types of coating:

  1. Liquid linoleum is a polymer material that is often used as an finishing flooring in residential premises. Thanks to moisture resistance, such a coating is used in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, glazed balconies and balconies. In the construction market, the range of liquid linoleum is represented by more than dozen different shades. In addition, it is possible to supplement the design of the finish and some decorative additives that are called "chips". Such chips are multicolored fragments similar to confetti. They are stacked by an even unlucky layer of polyurethane and slightly interfere in its thickness.
  2. Decorative bulk 3D floors are more expensive, but also a more attractive coating analogue. They are performed from a transparent polymer material that flooded over the picture. The image can be pasted on the base or drew manually in such a way that when viewed at a certain angle, the picture seemed volumetric. Such floors for additional protection are covered by a thin layer of transparent varnish. The three-dimensional pattern can be applied to the vinyl film or painted by an artist.

Decorative bulk 3D floors, photo:





Making a bulk sex with their own hands

What you need to know

With the personnel of the polymer seamless coating in the apartment, you should pay attention to its structure, which consists of such levels:

  1. Basic working base. As a rule, this base is concrete, but it is possible to fill the polymer composition to other materials. Concrete screed before starting work should be aligned almost to the perfect state, it is also desirable that it has been polished.
  2. The second floor level consists of primer and base polymer, which performs aligning and protective functions. The appearance of the future floor depends on the correct application of the base polymer layer.
  3. The third layer of floor is decorative. In this case, the film is applied to the coating, drawing with paints or any other materials are used, for example, coins, sequins, beads, etc.
  4. The decorative layer on top is covered by another layer of polymer.
  5. Protective varnish is used as the final coating.

If you decide to independently make a bulk decorative floor, it will be lower than in the case of the involvement of specialists. But so that the coating is durable and beautiful, some subtleties should be known:

  1. Thoroughly think about the floor design, as changing the coating will not be easy, and change the drawing is generally impossible. The decorative layer must be well combined with the design features of the room. It is important to be sure that the picture does not get bored you after a short time.
  2. The bulk floor allows you to show fantasy. Even if you can not afford a 3D image, cheaper decoration methods will not be worse. In such a case, there are a variety of materials: coins, cash bills, pebbles, marine pebbles, seashells, multi-colored sand, beads and everything that your fantasy is capable of.
  3. Make a bulk sex with your own hands possible, but this is a difficult job, requiring not only special tools, but also certain knowledge. Before starting the process, do not be lazy to learn technology, for example, viewing detailed video tutorials.
  4. Perform work qualitatively, consistently and neatly. Do not hurry, the final result directly depends on your efforts.


Preparation of the working foundation

The first stage in the manufacture of decorative bulk floors with their own hands is the preparation of the base. If the floor in the apartment is concrete, it should be well aligned, making the screed. Even if initially the base did not have significant flaws, the thin layer of the screed is still needed. Especially the degree of flatness of the floor is important in the case when it is planned to decorate the coating with a three-dimensional pattern. Small elements like pebbles, sand, pebbles or coins are able to hide minor defects, but the drawing will noticeably suffer from them.

Preparation of the foundation includes closeing all the cracks and elevation, cutting protrusions and convexities, as well as thorough grinding. The floor should also be cleaned of oil and fat spots, garbage, construction dust and other contaminants.

The next step in the technology of performing decorative bulk sex is to apply primer. The primer layer is necessary in order that the polymer is well clusted with the surface, he did not hurt anywhere, did not crack and did not booke. For such work, it is best to use primers of deep penetration, which will be filtering all the pores. Apply a primer with a roller or a large soft brush, the first option is more convenient. Drying the first layer, the base is treated with the same composition again. About 5-6 hours after that, you can proceed to further stages of work.


Production of polymer coating

  1. On the dried primer, the base layer of the coating can be applied. In this case, either a concrete screed, or a polymer material is used. The screed is good if the floor is decorated with pebbles, pebbles, sand or some other small fragments. The polymer is better to use when it is planned to decorate the floor with a large image. The polymer base layer is smoother and well kept drawing. Whatever coverage you have chosen, remember that air bubbles should not be present in the frozen material. To remove them from the thickness of a fresh solution, you should use a needle roller. The layer evenness must be checked several times.
  2. When the basic coating is freezed, you can proceed to decorate it. If you use small details, just scatter them by the floor as it is conceived by the design. You can make any ornament, distribute the decor with a uniform layer or scatter chaotic. If you decide to decorate the floor in the picture, you will have to make a lot of effort. For such a job, you can invite an artist who personally will apply an image to your gender. This exclusive work is expensive and can be saved if you use a finished film with a three-dimensional pattern. But the installation of the film is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, because the material must be put in such a way that the folds, the races, bubbles have not formed anywhere.
  3. The next stage in the creation of a decorative bulk sex is an opening of its finish layer of polymer. The thickness of the material in this case should be at least 3 mm. Information about which thickness should be such a layer, it is better to get a consultant in the store. This indicator will depend on the complexity of the image, on the type and manufacturer of the material, the features of the composition of the composition. During the preparation of the solution for the finish coating, all its components are thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer, then poured into the floor and smash the rule. The layer must be uniform, and to remove air bubbles from it, the cheese material passes with a needle roller. The roller work until the polymer starts thick. If you do not comply with this requirement, bubbles can be formed in those places that have already been processed. The polymer mass thickens within 30 minutes. At this time, on the floor, you can move on special shoes - paintups, the soles of which are equipped with spikes.
  4. When the polymer is grabbing, it is covered with polyethylene or foil and leave for several days until the floor hardens finally.
  5. The last stage of the work is to apply a protective varnish. Such a substance will protect the coating from damage, fading into the sun, make it stronger and more beautiful, give glossiness and attractive shine. If the room in which the floor is placed, has a high level of humidity, it is better to choose a varnish with anti-slip properties. In this case, the coating will be safe even when water spilled on it.

Decorative bulk floors, photo:






Decorative bulk floors. Video

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