Combined fence with brick columns: construction technology and advice from professionals

February 15. Construction, Building materials, Plot. Views 628. Comments To the record of the combined fence with brick columns: the technology of construction and advice from professionals No

Nowadays, the question of its own creation of fence for the site is sharp. The fact is that similar services from various organizations will cost too expensive, so at the first opportunity, all work should be done by your own hands.

In fact, there is nothing too complex in this case, just just decide on the design of the fence, as well as the components of this structure. After that, the construction technology is analyzed quite in detail, which allows you to fully take this project into your hands.

The most optimal and reliable is the design of the fence with brick columns. Practice shows that when compliance with technology, such a fence will definitely serve longer, but the most important thing is that even with the harshest conditions, the design will be distinguished by persistence and high reliability.

In this article, we will consider the most common designs of the combined fences used in the country areas. Now you can be confident in the reliability of the fence that will not only protect the site from the intervention of foreign people, but also, directly, will create a certain "fortress" around the house.


Combined fence with brick columns. Features of modern fences

It is worth recognizing that today private areas are quite rarely found with major fences. We are talking about small private territories, in which there is nothing too valuable. Practice shows that the hosts are used lightweight and simple fences, which are, by and large, only a visual component that is not able to protect the plot from some invasion.

If we are talking about a large private house, in which, obviously, do not live poor people, then in such conditions you can see large three-meter fences, erected on the basis of stone. It cannot be said that the major dimensions of the fence are able to protect the plot from hitting third-party people, but the fence itself looks safe.

In this article, we will consider fences that have medium sizes, respectively, and the level of security will be between massive fences and simple, raised based on metal products. An important aspect is the presence of brick columns, which may not be too large, but will ensure the high reliability of the whole design.

As for modern enclosing structures, considerable attention is paid to the appearance of combined fences. For some, it is important to protect your territory in such a way that no one can see what is happening inside. There are owners, which, on the contrary, try to do everything possible to look through the site. So much more solar light falls on it, and passersby can observe the attractiveness of the site, the arrangement of which was spent a lot of strength and money.


Brick pillars of combined fences

  • Brick pillars are supports along the edges of the enclosing elements of the fence. However, it is not necessary to think that the brick is the most support that provides high stiffness of the structure, and also allows you to make a fence really durable. The basis of the brick pillar is a metal pipe. Of course, you can use other decisions about which we will also tell me further, however, the metal pipe is the easiest and most reliable option.
  • The essence is that at the very beginning, when there is already information about where the fence supports will be located, the boring is used, with which the recesses occur in the right places. The depth of drilling may depend on both the terrain and many other factors. Most often it is not less than the 1st meter, since otherwise deformations are completely possible, capable of increasingly affecting the operation of the fence.
  • Now, when all pipe supports are installed, you can proceed to the use of bricks. The essence of the task consists only that this most building material needs to be settled around the metal pipe. Accordingly, the brick will perform a purely decorative function, since most of the loads it takes exactly a metal support. But after the cement is dry, the brickwork will also provide a fairly high level of strength of the structure.
  • It happens that the brick poles must have large sizes. To ensure this requirement, it makes sense to pay attention to a fairly simple version associated with creating a large concrete support, but for implementation it will be necessary to create a metal frame. In many ways it reminds the design of the foundation, but everything is much easier and less responsible than it may seem at first glance. It is necessary to create a wide recess, it should also be monitored to ensure that the depth provides a high level of reliability of the future design. Now the main task is the installation of a metal frame. It is best to use welding in order to combine metal elements among themselves, but you can pay attention to the usual wire. The frame is a metal bar, which are located in the corners of the recess. If the support should be too large, you can use rods and in the center, and in other places. After all, it is necessary to create a brick basis, as described in the last paragraph, and ultimately we get the space between the brick design, which you need to fill with concrete. After some time, the material will type the desired level of strength, which, ultimately, will allow this element of the fence of a kind of monolithic. Indeed, we get a design that resembles a foundation, and, most importantly, the strength should comply with this.
  • Brick poles can also be created on the basis of a ribbon foundation created specifically for the fence. It should be recognized that it is more than a successful idea, as we are talking about really high design reliability. The implementation of such a project is also characterized by sufficient simplicity. First of all, pipe supports are created, the installation technology of which is described a little earlier. Immediately after this stage, you can proceed to the arrangement of a belt foundation. To do this, remove a small layer of soil, create a deepening, which is usually happening when creating a foundation. Practice shows that the most important thing in this business is to do everything possible so that the deepening is on the same level so that after the fill the base went on one straight line. It will also be necessary to equip a small formwork, which will be a certain form for concrete. As in the case of a concrete support that was discussed in the past paragraph, a metal frame is required, which will ensure the strength of the fence. Next occurs the fill that needs to be done too fast, but at the same time the construction work is not delayed. Ultimately, when concrete freezes, you can create brick columns. The process is almost similar to what we said earlier, however, the difference is that here bricks are actually carried out for the most part decorative function, since the pipe supports and the belt base take on most of the loads.


Brick poles at combined fences and wood

  • Despite the fact that on sale you can find more and more modern materials, which are truly reliable and durable options, many owners prefer natural materials that have been checking time. The best example is the usual tree, which, with due process, provides a high level of reliability of the design, and also that for many it is most important, makes a fence attractive. There are many wood breeds, based on which more than successful projects are implemented. Of course, the price issue plays an important role here.
  • Creating such a fence is a fairly simple process, the most important thing is to get at your disposal of the board or bars of the same size and appearance. It is important to keep in mind that the basis for wood fence will be a metal framework, since there is simply no other option for the implementation of a project to create a wood fence. It is advisable to make these most metal frame elements pass between metal pipes that we spoke at the very beginning. Already after all this was equipped, you can start fastening wood elements. In this case, you can use conventional screws or screws. Mounts should be based directly on the frame. It is necessary to observe the step between vertical and horizontal wood elements, as there will be no single design, which is the most important thing in this matter.
  • It should be borne in mind that under the action of precipitation, the tree will quickly come into disrepair, so you need to ensure at least a small protection of the design. For this, peculiar canopies are created, protecting exclusively the tops of the fence. This solution can be implemented on brick columns. Used by a thin metal metal, which takes the precipitate to the side.


Professional flooring and brick pillars of combined fences

  • The solution that is based on the use of a corrugated floor can automatically be called economical, as the material itself is cheap, but at the same time looks quite presentable to use it for such responsible events. It is important to choose the most successful product so that it is combined with the brick columns, and with the site as a whole.
  • Here everything is about the same as in the case of the use of boards or wood bars. A metal framework is created in advance, on the basis of which the sheets of professional flooring are attached. It is advisable to work in such a way that the metal does not have to cut into parts. To do this, it is recommended to either place the material of the Vansel (the original profile of the professional flooring allows you to do this), or before the start of work, it is recommended to determine the dimensions of the envelope part of the fence, after which it is exactly such a professional flooring, the size of which is ideal for current work.
  • Fastening is based on self-tapping screws. It is advisable to be careful here, since this product has a protective layer, when there is a damage to which there is a fairly rapid propagation of corrosion and other types of metal destruction. Therefore, even during operation, it should be reacting immediately to all sorts of flaws on a professional flooring.
  • The combination with brick columns is quite good here. It pleases what you can easily pick up both the color of the professional flooring and the profile itself. The positive side of this decision is that when choosing a professional flooring, you can immediately choose the material and to protect the elements of fence from precipitation. Again, it is desirable to choose the most successful color solution that would correspond to the main enclosing element of the structure.


Use of stone in a combined fence with brick columns

  • Immediately it is worth recognizing that the brick and the stone are not always well combined. It is obviously all the very essence of these resources. The stone is a natural material, while the brick is the result of human labor. But with the right approach, even such a combination will look very good. In any case, if necessary, the use of bricks can be hidden using the same stone.
  • The main part of the work related to the creation of a stone-based fence is a masonry, but the difficulty of the process is in various shapes and dimensions of natural material. Laying occurs quite wide layer, preferably using reinforcing elements. To save stone, you can sell peculiar spans in which they will be present, for example, wood elements.
  • It is also desirable to think about the appearance of all materials used to erect the fence. You can make a choice in favor of stone and brick of about one color scheme.
  • Not the most good news is that it will cost such a fence expensive, even if it has modest sizes. The thing is that large units of the stone themselves are quite expensive, and the brick is not the cheapest resources now.

Combined fence with brick columns. Concrete and brick

  • Concrete is one of the most optimal options among numerous materials on the market. The essence is that it is inexpensive products that ensures the most important thing - the high strength of the building structure. Of course, creating a completely concrete fence is not the best idea, but you can always use this building resource as the basis of the fence.
  • For example, even if the fence does not have a full foundation, you can pay attention to the creation of the lower part of the concrete-based fence. The most elementary formwork is created, which is filled with reinforcing elements. After that, the fill of the entire formwork occurs.
  • Now there is an opportunity to implement almost any ideas associated with the fence. You can use again in the process of concrete, or take advantage of any other options for creating a fence that we have said earlier.
  • It is important to remember that all of the above actions are carried out only after work on the creation of brick columns was carried out. Thus, supports are the most important part of the combined fence, they take on most of the load.


Combined fence with brick columns. Other features of the process

  • Indeed, brick poles are the most reliable and durable part of the fence. To date, there is the largest range of this product, so you can implement almost any project without any difficulties. By and large, bricks can be a purely decorative component, so the possibility of creating a decorative component of the fence is significantly expanding.
  • The strength of the fence should be at the height so that the design can be with no extra difficulty withstanding at least large gusts of wind and various mechanical damage. In this case, the crucial factor are the very supporting parts of the fence. It is necessary to establish the most optimal step of the pipe support, and it is best to use information from the Internet (experience of other owners, specialist advice).
  • Create a completely brick fence is an ungrateful matter, as it all will go too long, especially if the fence is large. Moreover, the standard brick size as part of a large fence will look not entirely presentable. In addition, it is also too expensive, since a durable and attractive brick is too expensive. In the framework of the project to create a small fence brick - often a fairly good solution.
  • Well, at the end I would like to say that before creating a project, and even more so before construction work, it is worth a look at the ready-made solutions that are quite a lot in the worldwide network. Practice shows that the very ideas that are still "digested" in the man's head, do not always correspond to what happens in the end. Therefore, it is definitely worth implementing what already exists "on paper". Only in this case can be confident in good agreement. Moreover, there is an opportunity to familiarize themselves with technology and many other intricacies of the process.

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