Thermal insulation of the house made of aerated concrete. What insulation to choose for home

February 15. Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions, Building materials Views 655. Comments To write thermal insulation of the house of a housekeeping with their own hands. What insulation to choose for home No

The issue of housing insulation is often in the foreground, and in most cases the owners are ready to lay out large funds in order for everything in this matter is perfect. However, the practice shows that expensive material is not always the right choice, because it all depends on the conditions in which it will be, as well as the main resource used when building a house.

Ultimately, if you choose not that insulation, you can at least lose its effectiveness. In this case, we will discuss the insulation of the house of aerated concrete. This material began to be actively used in construction, and you need to think about what product to choose for isolation.

It is interesting that on the Internet you can find a lot of recommendations that for the house of aerated concrete and does not require insulation, since the material itself is porous and able to hold heat. But in fact, the other on the contrary, since the material although it provides certain efficiency, but it cannot fully protect the room from a low temperature. Experts provide and outdoor, and internal insulation, due to which, together with porous material, insulation turns out to be practically ideal.


Thermal insulation of the house of aerated concrete. Features of aerated concrete and insulation

  • First of all, it should be noted that today the aerated concrete is one of the best materials for those who want to save on construction resources, and at the same time wishes high-quality and environmentally friendly materials.
  • The aerated concrete itself is a cellular material, which includes cement, sand, industry waste and a foaming agent. All these components are mixed with water, after which they are placed in the form, which forms the finished product.
  • It is unambiguous to note that aerated concrete is not the most durable material. Ultimately, it cannot be used to build large structures, as well as responsible projects. Therefore, often on the basis of foam concrete there are small structures, when creating a small load, exactly as during operation. If there are some doubts about the strength of the structure, it is possible to supplement it with special reinforcing iron belts. However, the problem is that these most belts do not differ in the best way on insulation, since low temperatures are transmitted from the outside through the metal.
  • The negative side in the presence of porosity is that this material has a high water supply. Accordingly, if it does not organize the protection of the material from external factors on time, first of all from precipitation, it will be unfasteless enough. Therefore, not the best aspect here is based on the fact that after the construction of the most construction structure, it is necessary to immediately hold plaster or other processing of walls, since already in a short period of time the characteristics of the structure can deteriorate significantly. Most often on sale you can find special compositions that provide reliable protection against moisture and water.
  • Laying aerated concrete takes place as simple as possible. The thing is that the geometry of each individual unit of material is almost perfect, so the docking and other components of the styling process during construction will be held without the slightest excesses. Despite the overall simplicity of laying the material, it is necessary to take into account that work must be carried out by experts, otherwise it is unlikely to avoid problems. For laying, special glue is used, which eliminates the possibility of forming cold bridges.


Thermal insulation of the house of aerated concrete. Features of insulation and decoration of walls from aerated concrete

  • First of all, I would like to note that immediately after construction, take action related to insulation and surface finishing simply not recommended. The problem is that in production, the material has a certain humidity, which is preserved during construction, since directly in the finished form products are supplied in a special packaging.
  • Thus, if the decision is made immediately after the construction, warming up, it is formed a layer with low vapor permeability. Accordingly, the properties of insulation and, directly, the most construction structure, simply deteriorate, and after some time there may be certain problems with the strength of the building. In addition, the insulation itself will be wet, which means that it will not be able to perform its basic functions. However, it all does not end, since problems continue in the form of freezing walls, which may suffer from the main building material.
  • But at the same time, experts note that it is possible to carry out insulation or decoration of walls after construction, but only if there are some measures to protect gas-blocks from high humidity in the construction process.
  • At the same time, it is not necessary to think that if the above error is allowed, there are no colossal problems. In fact, everything is easier than it may seem, but then we are dealing with a rather long period, which is wasting to correct the situation. The essence of the idea is that the erected design must be conserved for about 4 months, and during this period, moisture is provided, as well as the use of a moisture-permeable film throughout the perimeter. Accordingly, when the walls dry completely, it is possible to carry out full insulation and not be afraid that some kind of problem will be created.
  • Here I would also like to say that it is often a result of construction and repair work, including insulation, depends on the terrain, the specifics of the construction and many other parameters. Obviously, without the help of experts, it will be very difficult to do, and only in isolated cases, the decisions of inexperienced in this area can lead to something successful. Thus, it is definitely worth spending certain funds, but to be sure that the money is not spent in vain.


The specificity of the internal warming of walls of aerated concrete

  • Internal insulation can cause no less problems than external. The thing is that after insulation, condensate can be formed, which simply reduces the effectiveness of the insulating material to a minimum, and the process of rotting this product will begin. This problem arises for the reason that after all this process, the dew point shifts into a thickness of the wall. It should be noted that the problems on this basis are also not rare, so it definitely makes sense to use the services of specialists.
  • But if the whole process of the owners take over, then you need to understand that without additional resources, it will not work a qualitative result. We are talking about the use of a special waterproofing layer (similar products are presented in a huge range), as well as a ventilated layer. In most cases, these 2 layers are a rather effective way to combat high humidity or even just water. But at the same time it is worth understanding that the level of humidity and other aspects may differ significantly, therefore, some waterproofing mess may be not enough.
  • At the same time, it is worth understanding that small structures are often based on aerated concrete, therefore various layers that are created by the owners or specialists, occupy the most useful space. Accordingly, it should be borne in mind that internal work is not always a need, therefore, in certain cases it makes sense to abandon certain actions in favor of free space in the house.
  • Professionals note that the thermal insulation of the house from the inside houses has a significant advantage associated with the overall ease of arrangement of this warming itself. To do this, you do not need to use any technique that is usually used for events outside the house. Internal insulation for many owners means the lack of necessity in the internal, and in this one definitely makes sense. But practice shows that external insulation provides much greater durability of the building, and also demonstrates a little more efficiency. Therefore, it all depends on the climate, the operation of the room and other factors to which it is clearly worth paying attention.
  • Again, if the house itself has not too large dimensions, then the characteristic of insulation is not the most important during the operation period.


Warming of external walls from aerated concrete

  • It is known that for insulation of the house from aerated concrete, classic insulating materials will not fit. The thing is that the building material has large vapor permeability, due to which gas exchange is essential. Accordingly, first of all, it is not necessary to give preference to foam and materials with a similar structure. It is known that when using the moisture foam will be condensed between the wall and the insulation, so that the wall will be significantly moistened. Of course, this leads to really sad consequences, since the wet wall gradually collapses, and it is not necessary to count on a long period of operation. Moreover, the manufacturers of aerated concrete notes that the material begins to rot from high humidity, which ultimately leads to the formation of mold and the development of various organic foci.
  • The best resource for insulation of walls from aerated concrete is polyurethane foam, whose characteristics correspond to almost all conditions in which building material may be. But it is worth understanding that the polyurethane foam can have different parameters, so it is worth selecting a resource that is best suited for surfaces that do not carry elevated humidity. Do not ignore information about the climate situation.

In this case, we will consider the process of insulation of walls based on mineral wool. As practice shows, this material demonstrates far from the highest efficiency, but at the same time it is a budget version that will provide a sufficient level of insulation.


  1. The initial stage of work is limited to fairly simple actions associated with surface leveling. In addition, various contamination, which can also be present on the wall, create a lot of problems. Full cleaning will definitely not be superfluous. Significant irregularities that often have a place on the wall should be embedded with plaster or special thermal insulation.
  2. Also, the surface must be predicted to boldly begin to the next stage of work. There are many types of this product on sale, so it's not difficult to choose the most suitable material. The basic requirement associated directly with the surface treatment is the absence of skips that way to create problems with the final quality of repair work.
  3. For the process, we need mineral wool in the form of mats, the other will not fit. It is also desirable to decide on the dimensions of the material so that each unit of products fit well into the existing framework. Of course, the material can be cut and cut, but these are additional difficulties. Practice shows that in most cases, mineral wool is cutting, and a lot of attention should be paid to this process.
  4. Mineral wool fastening is based on a special adhesive mixture. The range of this product is also great, so it is not difficult to find the most suitable option. Dowels cannot be used for fastening, as it is a completely unreliable option, as well as it does not provide any effectiveness of thermal insulation material. In extreme cases, a peculiar formwork (or frame) is created, on the basis of which mineral wool is placed using classic fastening elements.
  5. On top of the minvate, the reinforcing layer consisting of fiberglass occurs. The need for such a layer is caused by the fact that it does not disintegrate under the influence of the alkaline medium of the plastering layer. Again, the installation and this layer occurs based on glue, in this case you can use silicate material.
  6. Ultimately, after drying the adhesive, you can start the next stage of work. However, it is worth noting that often during such works there are certain problems associated with not the highest quality fastening, or simply the lack of insulation in specific sites. A full-fledged check will definitely be superfluous, especially in cases where the warming is a large wall area.
  7. Now you can start in the most part to decorative work. You can use stucco, as well as staining based on this layer. Obviously, all this is done carefully, since the mineral wool in any case remains fairly sensitive material.

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