How to cook fertilizers with your own hands

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Organic farming is incredibly popular. Refusal to use synthetic mineral additives to increase yields in favor of the organications today is quite profitable. The demand for environmentally friendly food is constantly growing, smoothly, like the number of stores that sell this products. Today, at the expense of higher prices for environmentally friendly products, "green" farms can receive considerable profits. However, it is not necessary to assume that organic fertilizers are absolutely safe. Incorrect cooking and entering the ground may have a reverse effect. Soil can be contaminated with nitrates and other harmful connections. How to cook fertilizer and make it right - further.

Types of organic fertilizers


Organic fertilizers differ from minerals with their natural origin. They are nothing but a product of the decomposition of organic substances: plants waste, animal excrement, etc. Raw materials for the preparation of environmentally friendly fertilizer can be taken anywhere, even on its homeland, and most importantly, completely free.

Manure. Manure is considered one of the most popular types of raw materials for the preparation of organic fertilizer. It is necessary to clearly understand that the manure is precisely the raw material, and not fertilizer. Fresh livelihoods of animals (mainly cattle) cannot be used as fertilizer. For this, they must prohibit for a certain time. Prepare a borot fertilizer simply. It is simply laid for several months to compost heaps.

Overwhelming manure has a form of black homogeneous mass. It does not observe the remnants of the non-broken straw and plant seeds. By the way, in non-overwhelming dung can contain weed seeds, which are certainly not a place in beds. However, with the time of overheating, it also does not need to be delayed, because with each month finding the manure in it decreases the content of nitrogen, which, in turn, makes it less valuable.

In comparison with mineral fertilizers, in dung, as in another organic, the content of the useful component is much lower, however, its use has favorably affects the soil, improving its physicomechanical properties and filling the necessary useful microflora.

One of the disadvantages of manure is that it dries very quickly in the open form. Therefore, when making the manure to the ground, it needs to be thrown out on the same day, but to store in a compacted form, to the polyethylene film from all sides.

"Works" manure on light soils for 2-3 years, and on heavy clay up to 7 years. In these periods, the fertility of the soil, filled with manure, much increases.


Dung Zhig. This type of fertilizer is a beneficial carrier of the most important plants for nitrogen compounds. Especially often used for feeding various crops. Cooking the dung alive is quite simple. It is necessary to fill 1/3 of the barrel of cow dung and pour with water. Then mix thoroughly. The resulting substance (often has a name for a korovyan) should be wandering for 2-3 weeks, after which it is ready for use. Dung alkaline is the most valuable fertilizer for almost all roots, as well as for white cabbage. When applying the substrate is bred by water in proportion 1: 3.

Compost. The compost is called the output mixture of the residues of the organic. Thanks to this, it is also called humus. For the production of compost, the so-called compost pits are built, where the remains of the organic are dumping. As the latter, leaves, grass, food remains, branches, sawdust, ash, paper, etc. The different composition of the compost pits gives a different substrate in its properties. This must be considered, laying a compost pit. Disproportionate administration of organic organics in humus may result in a composition that not only will not increase yield, but on the contrary, it will cause it to reduce it or loss.


Bird litter. It is one of the most common fertilizers. Basically used in the places of the bornefactory concentration. Apply litter for fertilizers in the form of solid fraction and liquid solutions. The solid fraction is made on the autumn before drinking the garden. The liquid solution is prepared by pouring a small amount of water litter. As in the case of a cow, the solution should be overdone within 1-2 weeks, after which it is perfect for fading plants. The feeder is carried out with a diluted solution, adding 3-4 parts of water to the finished fertilizer. The most optimal number of finished fertilizers is 1-1.5 l / 1 m 2 treated soil. Chicken and pigeon litter possess the greatest value.

Rabbit litter. For fertilizer, beds with plants are used by the same scheme as the bird, however, has a greater organic value.

Feces. This type of fertilizer is popular in rural areas, where cesspools are used in the absence of central sewage. However, due to the large concentration of nitrogen (it is 1.5 times more than in manure), feces must be made in the soil very carefully in order not to harm the plants. The most preferred type of use of feces is the preparation of compost. Since they are considered difficult to decompanying substances, feces should be in a compost for at least 9 months. Another feature of this type of fertilizer is the low content of potassium. To increase it, it is possible to add wood ash in an amount of at least 3% of the total mass of the compost.

Fertilizers from grass. It is also a fairly popular kind of fertilizer. Produce a lot from herbal plants. Mainly for the preparation of herbal clad products use finely linked leaves and stewed or sprouts or sprinkle. In the absence of the latter, you can use other weeds that are removed from the beds. The prepared material is folded into the container and poured with water. The mixture is stirred at least 1 time per day. The fermentation period depending on the weather may vary from 1 to 2 weeks. At the end of this term, the alien must be brushed, it means that it is ready for use. Cooked green fertilizer is diluted with water at the rate of 1:10 and poured under the root of the plant. Such a feedback is great for tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, but onions, and legumes such a fertilizer is better not to apply.


Peat. This substance is considered one of the best fertilizers. In addition to saturating the soil with useful elements, with the help of peat, it makes it mulching. By their education and the location, the peat is divided into:

  • Nizin
  • Transition.
  • Upper.

The first view of the peat, which is the most weathered can be immediately used for mulching or fertilizer. However, before this it must be used in the fresh air. The transitional and upper peat is too sour and is suitable only for bookmarking into compost heaps together with wood ash, which reduces the level of acidity. The minimum dose of ash for the transition peat is 7 kg / 100 kg of compost. Also as a deoxidizer, you can use lime about 4 kg / 100 kg of compost.

To accelerate the process of maturation of the peat-based compost, an even account, like all types of composts, they must be carefully and constantly mixed. Access of oxygen accelerates the process of rotting, which affects the timing of compost preparation.

Cooking compost with your own hands


Preparation of compost with your own hands The case is not quite complex, however requires certain knowledge:

  • All components of the compost are folded by layers, in the so-called stacks. Their height can be up to 1 m, and the width is 1.5 m. The size of the heap itself can vary, but a large height of the component layer can slow down the rotation process.
  • Composts are laying in compost heaps or compost pits. The first option is preferable, since the layers are ventilated, and oxygen, as is known, is a kind of decomposition drivers. In order to avoid a strong drying of the compost, a bunch of polyethylene, earth, or grass is covered with polyethylene, land or grass. The optimal composite temperature is + 60 ° C. To saturate the mixture by phosphoric compounds, 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof superphosphate is added to each 100 kg. To reduce acidity, you can plug up to 2 kg of lime per 100 kg of compost. However, it is worth noting that the lime can be harmful to rainworms that take an active part in the decomposition process. Also, wood ash can be used to reduce acidity.
  • "Wrap up" a bunch for winter is not worth it. When the temperature decreases, the death of harmful microorganisms, which can fall into the soil with fertilizer. Water after melting of snow and autumn rains will protect compost protection from drying out.
  • Also do not isolate compost from earthly cover. The worms should be able to go into the ground when frost occurs.
  • The process of pumping compost depending on its contents can occupy from 3 months to 2 years. Accelerate the process can be stirred by the contents of the compost heap. When applying fertilizer cooking, the compost must be set aside for at least 9 months to kill the helminty contained in them.
  • The finished compost must have a pleasant soil smell. If a malware is coming from it, it means that the rotation process slowed down and it is necessary to thoroughly mix the components of the heap.
  • It is allowed to use not completely overworked compost. However, it is laid in the soil in the autumn "under the pext".
  • Recently, special worms (Californian) are used to obtain biohumus. They recycle not overwhelming compost into a valuable fertilizer, which is 5 times compost or manure by the content of useful components. However, these worms are not too adapted to harsh winters, which often leads to a decrease in their productivity or death. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in the production of biohumus in heated premises.

How to cook fertilizer: video

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