Material for bearing walls at home

August 7. Repair and construction work, Building materials Views 3990. Comments to record material for carrier walls at home No

The house is usually built not only for yourself, and also for descendants. So that he stood the century, you need reliable, strong bearing walls in the house. From what material to erect them, consider below.

Possible options for bearing walls

Before choosing a material for the future at home, order his project, and then based on it, you can close the purchase of material. Walls carrying the bulk of the main load from:

  • brick;
  • concrete blocks;
  • stone, which, like brick and concrete blocks, belongs to materials heavy. Under them and the foundation need the appropriate;
  • wood that is easy and can be saved on the foundation device;
  • also from different modern materials that are usually small weight. We are talking about aerated concrete, bar glued, ceramics.

It is necessary to proceed from such considerations:

  • how severe climate in your area;
  • will the house be one-story or planned to build 2-3 floors;
  • what materials really acquire in your market;
  • will your finance enough to acquire certain materials.

Consider several options for bearing walls.

Carrier Wall in a Brick House

If you build a house from a brick, then according to financial costs it will be expensive, but it is tight and securely, because this material is tested by time. By purchasing a brick, you should know what it happens:

  1. Ordinary. This is the material from which the walls carrying the main load are placed. It is in mind that it is subsequently plastered or lick. It is released both with inner holes and monolithic (full). Hollow brick is less durable, so monolithic is more suitable for the construction of a carrier wall in a brick house.
    The disadvantages include:

    • the fact that he is the hardest of all kinds of bricks;
    • that he poorly retains warmth and walls need additional insulation;
    • brick white silicate very much absorbs moisture;
    • it is possible to transport it only on special equipment.


    2. Facial. It is clear from the name that it is used for finishing. Sellers call it facing or facade.

    A little more about the rank hollow brick:

    • holes in it are of different shapes both through and dead on one side. All these voids up to 13%;
    • air in voids acts as a heat insulator, so the walls are better stored heat;
    • the mass of the brick is smaller, and therefore the foundation is required easier;
    • i am inferior to full-scale brick at cost. It is cheaper because the material is less about it;
    • it makes outdoor walls of lightweight type and partitions, called self-supporting.


    In the photo you see the hollow shaped and facial brick, the quality of which was estimated in many countries, and produced in Germany by Feldhaus Klinker.

    Bearing walls in a block house

    Bearing walls from concrete blocks are much faster than bricks. In addition, they have more benefits:

    • they are better stored heat in cold weather and cool in roast;
    • do not rot;
    • fire-resistant;
    • durable;
    • cheaper brick.

    What is not very suitable, so it is:

    • the difficulties arising from redevelopment with which the inhabitants of the height are often faced. It turns out - all the walls of carriers, so during reconstruction, special permissions are needed;
    • in a concrete wall, even a simple nail to score is a problem.

    Carrier walls in a panel house

    With the same problems as in a block house, residents of panel houses are faced. Carrier walls in a panel house, even if you really want to expand your apartment, you can not touch, because the whole building can suffer. To partially disrupt the integrity of the carrier wall, for a niche or opening device, for example, it will be necessary:

    • order a project in an organization that has a license;
    • strengthen designs;
    • conduct changes to the project architect.

    And to be sure that the Wall is carrier, make sure that next way:

    • first, measure the thickness. Normally, the bearing walls, the thickness ranges from 14 to 20 cm, but if the house is very old, maybe 12 cm;
    • the second path is suitable if you know the standard series of your home. Finding her description on the Internet, learn and what walls in your apartment bearing.


    House of wood

    Bearing walls in a wooden house are performed from:

    • round logs;
    • timber;
    • shields;
    • glued timber.

    And the walls in it can be:

    • framework;
    • frame-shield.

    Carrier walls in a chopped house

    For the construction of the carrier wall in a wooden house from the logs, i.e. chilled, use:

    • larch, spruce, pine, cedar. They are well in contact with moisture, do not rot, the wonderful aroma emit, they look respectfully;
    • logs from high-quality forest with a diameter of at least 22 cm, taken from the middle part of the trunk, there is the most durable;
    • well dried tree, purified from the bark.

    For some, a significant disadvantage is a precipitate, which is sometimes for years to 3.

    So that the carrying walls retain their natural protective properties experienced carpenters come like this:

    • remove the Corre carefully using a scraper or a bra blablower. Cambies are removed, otherwise the thin bark will germinate;
    • after the construction of the carrier wall in a wooden house, her slightly, purely for cosmetic purposes, grind;
    • sponsaling the appearance of irregularities on the logs are cleaned with the reference, it is important that only Obolon is removed, i.e. The layer on the log, which is not yet faster. So it will be better to resist external influences.

    The carrier wall in a wooden house from logs is stacked by special technology:

    • since the log is not an ideal cylinder, but rather a truncated cone, the bottom of the log and its tip when laying alternate, then the wall is flat;
    • the finished wall is inevitable slit. They are standing immediately after the end of construction and re-- in a year or two, when a sediment occurs.


    Carrier walls in the Brous House

    Bar is a log derivative. His advantages:

    • construction less labor-intensive;
    • no high qualification of a carpenter is not required;
    • gives a smaller sediment;
    • does not require additional finishes;
    • material is more compact;
    • you can buy a bar with the dimensions that you suggest that then simply collect the house like a puzzle.

    Choosing a bar for bearing walls in a brusade house, pay attention to what the wood is brought from. The best:

    • in Karelia;
    • in the north of the Vologda region;
    • in the Arkhangelsk region.

    It is distinguished by:

    • good density;
    • high content of resins;
    • environmental friendliness.



    To load-bearing walls in the house were made of lumber for a long time, you must:

    • to build a high base, to protect them from moisture;
    • perform reliable waterproofing;
    • design process antiseptic.

    Helpful advice: if you are planning to build load-bearing walls made of wood, do it in the winter. At temperatures below zero in the material is less likely moisture, it becomes more robust and less susceptible to fungal attack.

Modern materials for load-bearing walls of the house

Very popular gas and foam blocks. Their advantage:

  • relatively low cost;
  • in lightness;
  • in the ease of installation;
  • in good thermal conductivity.

If we compare them with traditional materials such as bricks, then they:

  • much more fragile,
  • less durable. This refers to the compression load;
  • their hardiness almost half lower than brick;
  • humidity is lower than even the white brick.

For load-bearing walls of a multistory building or blocks of aerated concrete or foamed concrete will not do, but for the construction of a country house aerated concrete is acceptable. You should know buying aerocrete:

  • they have a marking, which is indicated by the density of D300 to D1200;
  • the relationship between density and thermal conductivity is inversely proportional: the greater density component, the lower the thermal conductivity. Therefore, when selecting the high-density blocks take a large width;
  • aerocrete better ones that have the end face. Its presence can save on glue, because the vertical joints to fill them is not required.


In this video you will learn how to construct bearing walls of the house with ceramic bricks:

And here erect the most environmentally friendly load-bearing walls of the very unusual material - straw. Well, this option also has the right to exist:

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