Ground Siding: Selection Subtleties

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Nowadays, such facing material is becoming increasingly popular as siding. Artificial panels have a lot of advantages: they are cheaper than natural coatings, easy to install and have a wide variety of colors and textures. In this article we will tell about the basement siding.


What is base siding

This type of facing is often used to design the lower part of the buildings - it is there that the walls are most of all exposed to a variety of adverse factors: cold, moisture, frost, etc. To protect the base from all kinds of risks, as well as make it beautiful and neat, special finishing panels were invented. The thickness of them is about 3 mm - this figure is three times higher than the thickness of the vinyl material used to external cladding of buildings.

Congue siding is widely used not only for the design of residential buildings, but also for finishing trading and industrial buildings. At the same time, it is not necessary to obstruct such panels only the lower part of the walls, you can bind the structure entirely or select individual architectural elements on it: pipes, frontones, indarrier roof, etc.

In addition to the protective function, this finishing material plays a decorative role. The various combinations of vinyl, metal and base siding helps to achieve an interesting effect, create an unusual design and give the building a neat and beautiful view.


Positive properties of base siding

This type of finish is relatively different from natural materials. Let's consider in more detail all the advantages of using such panels:

  1. Elements of baseline siding are made from modern polymers whose service is much longer than different natural materials.
  2. This type of finish does not need special care.
  3. Thanks to Siding, the building base is always reliably protected from freezing, moisture, temperature differences and other adverse environmental factors.
  4. Lining the house with decorative panels will not be any difficulty - they are easy to install, and therefore, you can carry out this work independently.
  5. The temperature range in which the base siding does not lose its properties and appearance, varies from -50 ° C to + 60 ° C.
  6. The panel data is very frostable, they do not lose strength even if they are cooling to the temperature -50 ° C.
  7. Among other things, this decorative material is not affected by mold, fungus and various insects.
  8. The strength of the base siding is due to the presence in its composition of polypropylene resins. Thanks to these components of the panel resistant to different physical effects, for example, to shocks.
  9. The service life of this material is at least 50 years.
  10. In addition to all the above qualities of the base siding panels have a wide range of colors and textures, thanks to which you always have the ability to create an original and unique design of your structure.


Main varieties of material

In the construction market there are many manufacturers of basement siding. All of them are ready to offer you a wide range of products presented by various textures and shades of the material. The most popular varieties of external decoration are the following:

  1. Ground siding under the stone. Such panels have the appearance of natural wild stones, there can be different colors, but almost all of them imitate the color of natural material.
  2. Congue siding under the brick in your own way resembles an ordinary brickwork. Due to its traditional form, such a finish is used in the design of the buildings of the most detailed destination. The rich color range of material and good fantasy will help you make the construction in any of the stylistic directions, for example, in the form of an English home or the Austrian estate. The favorable difference of siding from ordinary brick is that artificial panels will not crumble and do not appear over time, besides, the salt appears on them.
  3. Cell siding in the form of a cedar board is designed to create the impression that the house is separated from the outside with natural wood. This kind of material is often used for cladding buildings in the colonial style or country houses built in the example of the Swiss chalet. The imitation of a cedar board looks natural and organically, creates a feeling of calm and serenity.

Singing siding, photo:


How to choose a finishing material

So that the facade finish was beautiful and durable, it is very important to choose high-quality panels. So, what should be paid before buying a material:

  1. First of all, check how well the individual siding elements are joined among themselves. Fragments should be easily connected, while not forming gaps.
  2. Do not forget to pay attention to the lock system. Parts of the siding should be well snapped and separated back. If the assembly process causes any difficulties, it is better to give up the purchase, since the further installation of this material will bring you a lot of problems.
  3. Be sure to check the thickness and stiffness of the material. The base siding should be strong enough, solid and have an optimal thickness, otherwise such a finish will be deformed from shocks, frost and temperature differences.
  4. Carefully inspect the surface of the material, there should not be cracks, scratches, chips and other damage. Make sure each of the fragments is clearly shrinking and that all the elements do not differ from each other with a tint.
  5. Of course, take into account the price of the base siding. Please note that cheap is rarely good, so try not to choose the most budget options.
  6. There are quite a lot of manufacturers of base siding. Before you choose, learn information about them and read the reviews.


SaDing Panel Manufacturers Firms

Domestic manufacturers

Let's consider the several most popular enterprises of our country engaged in the creation of materials for the exterior decoration of buildings:

  1. Dolomit appeared in the construction market in 2008, its range is represented in the main panels that imitate wild stone. The elements of the shaded siding "dolomite" have dimensions of 30x22cm, a thickness of 1.6 mm and weighing about 1.8 kg. The product line is represented by three collections: "Single stone", "exclusive" and "stone with scratched seams."
  2. Docke Singing Siding can be found on sale in the three main versions of the texture: duck stone, brick and laminate sandstone. The manufacturer's factory is located in Moscow. It should be noted that the socket siding "Dek" is very popular among Russian buyers due to a good quality and reasonable price.
  3. The Moscow Firm "Alta Profile" is also created by the creation of facing panels, which began its activities back in 1999. The product range of this company is quite wide. You can find on sale such options for the baseline "Alta-Profile" siding:
  • "Brick" and "Brick Antique";
  • "Layered stone" - this type of finish is distinguished by relief and wide gamut of shades;
  • "Stone";
  • "Facade tile" imitates such natural materials like onyx, basalt, zallatolitol, dolomite, etc.;
  • "Canyon" is a new collection with an original and interesting texture.
  1. COLOGY SIDING "FINEBER" is made in Novosibirsk since 2001. In the assortment of this company you can find such collections:
  • "Facing brick" presented in yellow and red colors;
  • "Brick Brick Brick", your choice offers shades: Bordeaux, dark brown, dark pink and rich bordeaux;
  • the collection "Brick" has a panel of white, red, brown and sand tones in its assortment.


Foreign manufacturers

  1. Nailite siding siding is one of the most popular materials presented in the construction market. The American company Nailite International has been creating finishing panels for more than ten years. During this time, she released several types of facing materials, imitating brick, natural stone, duncut, chip and cedar boards.
  2. Another of the popular siding firms is Novik. It specializes in the release of panels having a brickwork look. The dimensions of the base Siding "Novik" - 1219x470 mm. The color gamut of artificial brick is quite diverse, here you can find gray, brown, red, white, sand and clay shades.
  3. Many Canadian companies are presented in the building materials market. Due to the high quality, the recognition of consumers deserved such firms: "Mitten", "Vytec", "Gentek".
  4. Socular siding such American manufacturers as "Variform", "Georgia Pacific" and "Elixir" also possesses good characteristics.


More information about the baseline siding you can learn from the following video:

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