Live border from plants in the country with their own hands

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Flowers ... What could be more beautiful? Even the easiest, inconspicuous flower will play with new colors, will reveal all his charm if it is planted correctly. How happy people who have the opportunity not only to touch this miracle, but and create beautiful floral patterns, transform boring space in a fabulous, fascinating look, place. Do you want to join this creativity? To create a piece of paradise on its site is not difficult, but how interesting, and what pleasure from your work will later receive! So let's understand and build.

What is a border of flowers

Borders are one of the types of flower bed. Plants are not wide here: centimeters 30-50, but long strip. Most often use low colors of one tone. Border can be:

  • out of flowers;
  • from low ornamental plants.


Borders bore:

  • tracks in the garden;
  • wide parking alleys;
  • flower beds;
  • lawns;
  • mixborists;
  • and even garden beds.

What should be plants for the border

You need to choose plants:

  • low or medium;
  • compact;
  • one or, in extreme cases, several shades. Otherwise, the curb will turn into a motley, messy bed;
  • if these are flowers, then let them bloom abundantly and continuously;
  • bright, decorative;
  • living, not afraid of bad weather;
  • the color of the tape along the track or around the flower beds should be contrasting towards the flower bed, which serves as a border background.


Interesting: the first border from the plants appeared in the monasteries, more precisely in the gardens around them. A first curvel became a curb plant.

Types, types, styles

Depending on which plants for borders were used, it is enough to distinguish their types:

  • evergreen. They are decorative all year round, especially in winter. Snow-sorn green ribbon resembles a warm summer. And from a practical point of view, they are good because they require less attention;
  • perennials. Very beautiful until warm, and then lose their decorativeness until spring;
  • annual. You have to start every season, but what are they bright, sometimes fantastically beautiful.

And there are borders:

  • spring, consisting of plants blooming early spring;
  • summer;
  • constant, that is, those where evergreen plants are planted;
  • single row;
  • 2 row;
  • multi-row.


It is necessary to draw up a border in a certain style that corresponds to the overall view of the yard or garden, which will indicate the taste of the owner. This feature highlights the design:

  • strict style. Here are only clear even lines, geometric drawings from the samshet or herbs that hang, applying a haircut. Looks very elegant;
  • in style natural. Flower lines are soft, slightly blurred borders between the curb and flower. Many and annuals are used, soil plants, as well as those that form something as a pillow. Such borders are also called landscape or landscape;
  • country is an interesting solution. Instead of colors for the border, salads, spicy plants with decorative leaves are used. Usually it is possible to design small, so-called "kitchen" beds. The border consists of parsley, onions or bushes to the failed strawberries.

On a note: to use less plants and at the same time get visually thick floral border, make it consisting of 2-3 strips, and: not direct, and curved. V some distance it will look like a solid carpet.

Plants for borders

Choosing flowers for borders Photo of them and features required. If there is no experience in this case, then:

  • It is advisable to even make a sketch of future flower beds and distribute plants on it in height, color and duration of flowering, and then go like a landing. So you will save yourself from possible unpleasant surprises when the high curb will close everything that grows in the midst.
  • It is important to choose the right plants, because some loves the sun, others are dying under the bright light. Some need to water without end, and for others, excessive moisture is destructive.
  • as for colors, the classic combination is red and yellow, green and blue.

A place under the sun

A live border on a sunny place is performed from:

  • Argratertrum, translated by the powerful. Height from 100 to 600 mm. When he blooms, the leaves are not visible - there are such blue balls from fluffy flowers. However, there are agraters and white, pink, lilac - beautiful all. In my homeland, he is a perennial, but in places with a harsh climate will not overheam;


  • lavender. Her spikelets are not only beautiful, but also smell unusually. But it is necessary to grow it:
  1. watered moderately;
  2. the land must be porous, which means compost;
  3. make lime or ash so that the soil is not acidic.


  • Hybrid geihans with very beautiful different in shape and color leaves, but it will have to grow, if the soil is fertile, because it is difficult for others; it is difficult for her;
  • medunication sugar. A live border from it will delight you already in early spring, as this is a plant-primrose;
  • armery, which is planted tight, will create a beautiful carpet. Grows in a height of up to 0.3 m.;
  • dwarf irises of bearded, painting of these low colors for borders can be the most diverse, incredibly beautiful.


  • border roses. Roses, of course, do not suit anyone, and special: curb or soil. Such a border will look just fabulously. Between roses for sealing, low annuals can be placed, but not bright so that they do not distract from contemplation by themselves beautiful roses.

Border in the shade and half

For such a border choose:

  • sugit. It grows in the shade, as well as in the sun. It is necessary to arrange such a curb to start from August, so that the chests are rooted and strange;


  • exquisite hosts, which are simply not transferred to the bright sun, and in the shade lush bloom their beautiful leaves. True there are varieties that feel good in the sun. There are many varieties of this perennial, characterized by color and form of leaves;


  • soil colonge. It will force the land so tightly that Byriana will not have a chance to break through this cover. This perennial plant will grow even on the stones;
  • sharpening. Its thickets, height, depending on the species, from 15 to 50 cm, are very decorative, and in April-May it is also beautifully blooming;
  • a fire bell, but it will have to cut it periodically, since the shoots can squander around the ground for a length of up to 0.8 m, and the height of this pillow-like long-term plant is small - 20 cm.

So far, it was about perennials, well, except for the exception of the argene, which, depending on the climate, may be the same. Let's look at the design of the border with flowers annually.

Annual Flowers for Bordours

The choice of annuals is very large. Let us dwell on some. The disadvantage, if you can say so, one - the border need to re-arrange every spring.

Dwarf Georgin


This curb flower is:

  • compact bush, grows on a height of 25-40 cm;
  • flowers long;
  • coloring diverse;
  • loves the sun;
  • in the fall, you need to dig the root in the form of potatoes and stored in the basement.


If you want you to constantly have a good mood, cover the path of Petunia. This wizard is divided into:

  • multi-flowered - very hardy. Under the rain drops, they double, but quickly restore as soon as it stops;
  • large-flowered, which, falling under the rain, losing decorativeness, so their place under the canopy.

For the curb, of course, the first is suitable, as she:

  • has a wide variety of tones and shades;
  • it blooms all summer and autumn to the most frosts;
  • creates a wonderful blooming rug in a sunny place.

In general, there is so at least they say scientists, 64 types of this flower.



Unusual, not so often found flower:

  • the sun categorically does not tolerate, you need not just a shadow, but a thick crown of leaves, protecting it and from the rain;
  • loves constant moisture;
  • blooms among the summer and blooms until the middle of the autumn.

Digital Camera.


In order not to have special troubles with a border, you can arrange it from the lowered velvets.


  • special care does not require;
  • bloom to the coldests;
  • seeds will go perfectly;
  • emit strong fragrance;
  • flowers are used as medicinal;
  • border from the velvets around vegetable beds will protect them from many pests.

And you know: now they have brought the half of these colors of these colors and this is not the limit. In Latin, the name sounds: Taghetis. So called the grandson of the God of Jupiter, in honor of which the velvets called.

Border from plants twilight

These plants bloom in a year after you are posted. These include:

  • daisy. If there is a seedlings in August, the spring will already be flowers. More they love halftime;
  • vitroque violet. Its height from 15 to 20 cm. Flowers May-July. Colors are different;
  • enoter. Good for borders, since low: 15-20 cm. Flowers - May, June and July;
  • turkish carnation - flower with a variety of original coloring. Flowers June-July.

Remember: if it is necessary to choose what to give preference is a design solution or conditions suitable for colors, then you need to choose the second, since in unsuitable conditions this solution will not be possible to implement anyway.


  • spring are removed weeds, roses are cut off dry shoots, prepare the soil under the seams;
  • in the summer, they are poured, thinned, remove the bunoan;
  • in autumn, they put in order, compost and fertilizers contribute.



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