Pleet rose. Basic landing and care rules

May 5. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 5037. Comments To write plenty rose. Basic landing and care rules No

The choice of plants for decorating the local area is a rather complicated process. In the process of the selection, not only the features of the site itself, but also a harmonious combination of flora with the architecture of all buildings.


The most popular decision is the landing of plenty roses that not only provide an attractive landscape, but also remain relevant for any style of the style, and well correlated with any fashion trend. In order for the landscape, the landscape constantly pleased with his beauty, carefully read the landing rules and subsequent care of this type of plants and follow them when performing all the works related to the arrangement of the site.

Features of planting plenty roses


All work Perform sequentially in several stages:

  1. Landscaping.
  2. Selection of the site.
  3. Selection of plants.
  4. Preparation of roses to landing.
  5. Preparation of supports for the development of plants.
  6. Planting the plenty roses. 1350953681_climbing-roses3

What to take into account when designing a plot?

When distinguishing the territory, be sure to consider the main advantage of the plenty roses, which is not only possible in the possibility of issuing individual flower-rosary. With proper placement and care, such plants will become an excellent decorative addition of various vertical surfaces - the walls of the facade of a building or gazebo in the garden.


Also, created the created framents from plenty roses for all sorts of fences and they are acceptable to form living hedges, but not less attractive and competently decorated separately-standing rosary pillars or arches. The main thing is to choose to choose the supports for plenty roses.


Important! Browse the result of ready-made projects, on the sections of which are planted with plenty roses, photos of such landscape forms will help to visually present possible options for designing rosary and choose the most interesting ideas. 7F2A87737FBEE2AC9B42ABE4AF704185.1252575912750


Browse the video in which the process of proper garter of plenty roses is clearly shown.

What to pay attention to when choosing a place to plant plenty roses?



Despite the sufficiently wide possibilities of using plenty roses, as for horizontal surfaces, for and for vertical planes, there are certain requirements for the peculiarities of the site for their development:

  1. Open space.
  2. Smooth surface.
  3. Clear side. 682

    Important! The optimal depth of groundwater flow is 1.5-2 m, to prevent excessive moisturizing and rotting roses. dizain-Rozy

It is unacceptable to use land with such characteristics:

  1. The territories on which the roses of this or other species were planted before.
  2. Brightly pronounced lowlands.
  3. Under waving trees. 10610Wh.

How to choose a suitable plant grade?

To date, the species series of plenty roses literally affects its diversity. Therefore, it is quite difficult to give specific recommendations in relation to any particular type without regard to the characteristics of the landing site.


Here are some major criteria that are guided by choosing a variety of plenty roses:

  1. The degree of flexibility of shoots.
  2. Possible length of branches in the development of bushes.
  3. Tint of colors, their shape and size.
  4. Flowering periods.
  5. Frost resistance and susceptibility to diseases.
  6. The composition of greenery during the absence of colors. roza_12

Important! Pay attention to those types that will be organically combined with the rest of the landscape design and all the buildings, especially when the location of the plenty roses is planning along the walls of fences or the facade of the house. But no less attention to the facilities for the care of plants so that they do not die with insufficient attention. americanbeautyrreses

Take into account that the following varieties of plenty roses are most popular:

How to prepare roses for landing?

Preparatory procedure when planting this type of plants is a mandatory requirement. Only when complying with simple, but important rules, roses quickly come down and will delight their luxurious blossoms from the first season after landing.


Adhere to the following sequence in the preparation of plants:

  1. Suppose all seedlings with open rhizomes in water.
  2. Dry dry and broken shoots.
  3. Shorten shoots in the spring period up to 20-30 cm, leaving 2-4 kidneys.
  4. Cut the ends roots up to white fabrics.
  5. Prepare a clay-dung bolt, observing the following proportions:
    • 1 part of oily clay;
    • 2 pieces of cow manure;
    • 5 parts of water. dSC_0143.

      Important! To increase the nutritional solution, add a special mixture contributing to rapid development and rooting. 2264-993-1

How to plant plenty roses?

To fulfill all work in the most appropriate form, be sure to follow the recommendations for landing time and read the features of the transfer technology of seedlings to the ground. 3F62655DD501C710285368D16E14DC2C.

When to fit?

All landing works plan for the spring season. Be proceed to landing seedlings of plenty roses only after a stable temperature of 10-15 degrees has been established. 3

Important! Given the current constant changes for weather conditions, the most appropriate time is May, when the temperature regime was already leveled, but there was no hot heat. Such an approach will provide rapid growth of bushes and will contribute to their healthy development. This will help strong, formed with plenty roses when the cold weather does not die, and steadically overvaluate adverse time. viraschivanie_Pletistih_ROZ.

If necessary, put the landing in the fall, but before the temperature decreases and the appearance of the first frosts, for example, in September. It will give the time to the seedlings to put new ones, the young processes of the roots and firmly entrenched in the ground, due to which the risk of their death will significantly decrease. dizain-Rozy91

How to place seedlings on the site?


  1. Drop the pit 50 * 50 cm, a depth of 30-50 cm.
  2. Mix the dug up the ground with additives to increase the nutrition of the soil in the following proportions:
    • 2 parts of the soil;
    • 1 part of the peat;
    • 1 part leveling.
  3. Inside the deepening, form the hill.
  4. Gently straighten all the rhizomes processes.
  5. Plant seedlings on the hill.
  6. Roll into the roots on the surface of the hill. cvetovodstvo_2005_5_uhod_1

    Important! Consider if roses are vaccinated, the place of vaccination should be in the ground by 3-5 cm depth. untitled1

  7. Put the land.
  8. Pour the plants carefully.
  9. Make the leakage of the bushes. huge
  10. Browse the video in which all the important processes for designing flower beds are shown from plenty roses.

How to care for plenty roses?

So that the planned bushes pleased with the magnificent constant flowering in the warm season, did not fade and did not disappear, be sure to organize the right departure of the plenty roses.


Store the following recommendations:

  1. Organize watering with regular 1 time per week.

    Important! Do not create excessive moisturizing, as it will contribute to the occurrence of disease. Pleet roses feel good enough heat.

  2. Several times for warm times, handle the bushes with means to protect against pest insects. b07672Fe7B743C32637478F36F20277D.
  3. Carefully follow the status of shoots. If you have discovered the drying of specific branches or other types of lesions - do trust to prevent the entire bush infection.
  4. Thought up in advance and prepare supports for plenty roses.
  5. Perform garter of shoots as they are developed to give the desired form of decorative flower bed. 1_RAZ-plethomy
  6. Use phosphoric and potash feed for roses to provide them with full-fledged development. The fertilizer procedure is especially important immediately after planting seedlings and spring.
  7. For the winter, after a decrease in temperature to -5c, remove the shoots, carefully put them on the flooring of the facoth or the fallen sheets and cover the polyethylene film. 20120222130042

    Important! Do not conduct protective events in an earlier period, since plants will not be hardened enough and it can provoke the debate of bushes and their death. d5727BAAAEA9B.

Types of solutions for the treatment of plenty roses


Depending on the type of bush damage, use a certain type of healing mixture:

  1. Calcium deficiency. Prepare the solution according to the following recipe.
    • 0.3 kg of copper sipop;
    • 9-10l water. felix_leclerc_rose
  2. Puffy dew. Use the following therapeutic spraying options:
    • nonfast nettle in the proportion of 1: 5 with water;
    • infusion of garlic and onion husks in the ratio of 1:10 with water;
    • fundazol powder, dissolving 10g / 5l water. Roseraie_val-de-marne11
  3. Rust and black spotty. To treat these ailments, there will be excellent options:
    • fundazole in proportion described above;
    • bordeaux liquid from the following components: harated lime - 150 g, copper sipop - 100 g, 10 liters of water. arka.
  4. Under the defeat of the tool, treat the bushes with a mixture of insecticide and household soap. 0_21c6b_8b728409_-1-L


Regardless of which form you preferred during the arrangement of the rosary and what kind of variety it came to you more like, carefully and carefully treat all planted bushes. Only with this approach the result will be a magnificent flowering of plenty roses, and, accordingly, the idea of \u200b\u200ban attractive landscape will be embodied in reality and will bring not only aesthetic, but also moral satisfaction from the work performed.

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