Rotband putty: material properties, instructions for use

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Among the abundance of building finishing materials in the domestic market is the most popular spacure Rotband From the notorious manufacturer Knauf. The mixture is easy to use and has excellent performance. WITH her Application will easily cope not only a professional, but also a self-taught builder. In this article we boose all you need to know to use spikel Rotband.


To understand why plaster Rotband gained such popularity let's spend A small historical excursion. Before the middle of the twentieth century, cement or lime plasters used for alignment and concealment of wall defects (more often lime due to their cheapness and slow frozen). And if the lime mix might calmly unauthorized a week, and cement held a maximum couple of hours, In the case of plaster solutions, the countdown was going for a minute. At the same time, the plaster is very plastic, it is pleasant to work with it, and on the wall it looks just wonderful on the wall.


So and bred gypsum mixtures with small portions, until they invented special substances to slow down the rates of soloing the solution. They allow you to work with plaster about 1.5 2 c., that is, practically same wayas with cement pluckle. Gypsum production costs much cheaper than cementTherefore, a new leader appeared in the world of finishing materials. German company Knauf was the first one who began to make plaster production spikel. Over time, a set of material varieties appeared in the range, one of which is spacure knauf. rotband. To know her Among others, it is possible on a bright red strip on the package (" rotband" with nem.. - "Red ribbon").

Application area

Plaster Rotband Designed to align different solid Reasons: concrete and brick walls, CSP and cement plaster. V her The basis, as it was already possible to guess, lies with gypsum and a number of synthetic additives that increase the timing of solutions and affect its qualitative characteristics.

Colour spikel Conditionally white, but it can change to gray and pinkish depending on the color of the base and the thickness of the applied layer. So if you apply a little Rotband On the wall of red brick, then after drying, the surface will be pinkish. This factor also affects the nature of the gypsum itself - it is not always pure white and may contain small impurities. Anyway, Colour nico does not affect the quality of the result, but to take into account that shasphaklean surface all Equally will be hidden by the finish finish, then the color does not play any role.


Plaster Rotband Recommended to apply a layer of 10 mm, but If necessary, the thickness can be increased to 15 mm on the ceiling and up to 50 mm on the wall. If needed yet Large thickness, for example, when aligning the depression, then work should be carried out in several stages, giving Fully dry by the previous layer Rotband. But in the case of a strong curvature of walls with differentials, more than 100 mm is better not to spend time and money on wet alignment, but to strip the surface with plasterboard.

The material can be used only for internal work in rooms with low and normal levels of humidity (gypsum does not like water). For the outer decoration, Knauf prepared a lot of alternative options, for example, Zocelputz, Untersputz and etc..

Consumption and cost

In the shops Rotband for sale Basically in a dry form in paper bags packing from 5 to 30 kg. For small volumes Works can be purchased paste-paste Rotband v bedder. Consumption of the mixture when applied her On the surface of a layer of 10 mm is 8 9 kg per 1 m². Thus, one bag of 30 kg is enough to an area of \u200b\u200b3.5 m². After applying a layer of such thickness should wait a week before Bring out the finish finish of the room. If the wall defects are small, you can apply a minimum thickness of 5 mm - then wait for drying have to 2 times less.


Keep pluckle Rotband In a dry form, you can no longer six months in a closed packaging. If you have opened a bag, but did not use all the contents, place it in a dry place, otherwise the humidity out of the air will turn the gypsum powder into a large heavy stone.

Since the mixture is based on dusty gypsum, as a result It turns out a smooth and smooth surface, ideally suitable for finishing wallpaper, tiles, painting and painting. By the way, after alignment of the walls, many are applied finish pluckle Rotband. This is pasty a mass on an acrylic basis, which creates Sturdy waterproof surface. It protects the wall from moisture, so suitable for use in the bathroom and in the kitchen. The paste is ideal for creating textured surfaces, it is completely safe for health and ecology.


As for the cost RotbandIn this regard, she fully justifies good quality. Many people carefully believe that the price spikel Rotband In many ways overestimated precisely because of the promoted German brand, but no one argues with excellent quality. Unfortunately, the success of the manufacturer provoked the emergence of a large number of fakes on the market. When buying, be sure to check whether the goods are certified. If, after opening the package, you noticed the sand in the mixture - this is a fake. In the case of large parties, see the stamps where the date is indicated - you need a shelf life and time when the mixture was pack. If the bags stand on the same time, means It was not closed by the machine, because on the equipment the clock is automatically updated. And the last - on the package must be a corporate hologram.


Specificity of work with the material

With plaster plaster, it is easy and pleasant, of course, if you fulfill all the requirements and follow the instructions. So that the walls dry faster, ensure good ventilation indoors. And so that the plaster has been tightly held, the wall must be pre-covered with adhesive primer. The manufacturer recommends using a special primer Tifengood.

Preparation of mixes

Although The solution dries slower than before, it is not recommended to breed it with large parties, especially beginners. Necessary volume Mixtures are calculated , based Square of processed walls. It is especially difficult to do this with point alignment - most likely there will be a bit of an excessive solution, so you can immediately think up where it can be used.

Mixing of a Plaster

Since portions are better to prepare small, then capacity Need appropriate. It must be round or with rounded The corners so that you can easily spend everything without a residue. Tara Must be high so that when stirring the construction mixer, the plaster did not scatter in different directions. As you already understood, ideally the most common plastic is suitable bucket.

IMPORTANT: First you pour in bucket Water, and then slowly pour the gypsum mixture there, stirring with a construction mixer. The amount of ingredients is indicated on the package, but usually these are 2 parts of water to 3 parts of the powder mixture. Experts recommend first pouring 1.5 parts of the water, and if necessary, add a little at the end. The colder water, the longer the solution will stick.

To check the quality of the cooked mixture, after stirring to uniformity, turn off the mixer and dramatically remove it from the bucket - if this place has not been delayed, means Everything went out as it should. The second way - type a little solution on the Kelma and turn over her - He should not fall.


When you made a solution, wait 5 minutes before applying it on the wall so that the water enters into the reaction with all the components and "activated" them. After this time, add to solution yet Dry mixture or dilute it is impossible. By the way when you apply Its on the wall, thoroughly wash bucketbefore cooking there yet one portion. If this is not done, the pieces of the old mixture solidify and will not allow creating a flat surface.

W. Rotband exceptional adhesion with all materials, including with toolsThat you work, so after each stage and before applying a new solution, they need to be rinsed. The construction mixer is better to immediately wash after the stirring - lower it in bucket With water and turn on it to be cleared independently.

Tools for spacure

What tools are needed to work with pluckle Rotband. First of all, you should take care of personal safety - gloves, respirator, glasses. The mixture itself is absolutely harmless, but to get a smooth wall, surely have to work sandpaper, remove old coating, chop out surface pieces, stick irregularity I. etc..


In addition, you will need the following devices:

  • construction level and plumb for assessing the smoothness of the wall;
  • nails or screws to secure a plumb;
  • ruler to measure the distance between rope plumb and the wall (it is better to take a metal ruler - millimeter divisions are clearly visible on it);
  • trowel and a set of stainless steel spatulas;
  • tool nT DLi align the external corners (specialists prefer instead to use metal profiles to create perfectly smooth angles how We will tell below);
  • ironing (if you plan to put a tile on the wall, choose a smoothness with teeth to leave the grooves);
  • a measuring glass in order to accurately comply with the proportions when mixing the solution;
  • rag;
  • rule;
  • grout for wall leveling;
  • metal profiles for lighthouses;
  • emery paper number 2 or number 3.

Before work, be sure to check the floor indoors of polyethylene filmUnless, of course, you do not plan to change it.

Preparation of the surface

Before applying the mixture, the wall should be prepared - remove the old coating, arrange the beacons and guides. The base temperature should be not lower than + 5c. If there are metal elements on the wall, they should be covered with an anti-corrosion composition.


Surfaces from gas-silicate blocks, bricks or other porous and highly absorbent material moisture must be covered by several layers of deep penetration primer. For concrete walls is just one layer. Reliable Total use brand tranku. from Knauf " Grinder» It guarantees uniform drying of plaster over the entire surface. For concrete, you can use the special composition " Betokontakt" It is also suitable for cement plaster, drywall and expanded polystyrene.


Beachts set on the wall on distance, smaller length rules for 20 cm. To do this, they are clearly applied to the base pluckle Rotband And it takes off profiles.

Application spikel on the wall

Nan pluckle On the wall is easy, the main thing is to put the beaches correctly. In more detail about this told in the video below:

To work, you will need a construction rule. lena1 M. or any smooth easy board. You can also use a wide construction line if it does not bend. The gypsum solution is applied between the guide profiles of lighthouses, they describe them the rule and stretch the mixture along the wall. The result is a completely even and smooth surface.

Important: when working with cement mortar, you can move the rule only upwards. In case of Rotband They can work as you like.

Aligning corners

Above, we have already mentioned that modern builders use metal angular profiles to align the corners. It is very convenient - it is only necessary to attach them to the wall and gently close the plaster. So You will receive not only smooth angles, but also protect them from fast wear.


Most corner profiles available on sale have a length 3mTherefore, they have to trim the metal scissors. Method of fixing K. wall depends on the incidence of angle - if the curvature walls It is no more than 10 mm, and adjacent wall Smooth, then you can attach a profile with self-draws. In other cases, for this use a solution of alabaster or the same Rotband. Internal voids in a metal profile should be filled with a plastering mixture using a narrow spatula through the holes or the gap between the wall.

Fill out the voids of the second face of the profile and work with the adjacent wall recommended Only after drying plaster on the first wall, that is, rather than a day. Otherwise, when you press the profile, an uncomfortable solution will shift, and all have to start first.

Grouting walls

From the first time it is unlikely to have done perfectly smooth walls. Not even all professionals are capable of such. That is why after applying plaster her need to be lost, that is, remove small irregularities, drips and etc.. Get to work best after 30 60 min. After alignment, so that the solution slightly grabbed. If, after a non-mounted pressed on the wall, the finger is not remains Dran, you can rub.



  1. Moisten the wall and grout with a wide brush.
  2. Attach the grout to the surface and start making circular movements with barely noticeable pressure.
  3. When the grout stops easy to slide according totop, remove with hERE "Milk" Rotband, Moisten water again and continue to process the wall.
  4. Repeat until the whole wall is covered with grooves from work with grout.
  5. Spend on the wall with a wide spatula, prothet wet rag. Keep it under a strong tilt almost parallel to the wall so that it is like would cut irregularities.

If you plan to cover the wall of paint, then before this should be applied pluckle Rotband the finish.

As you can see, in working with Rotband There is nothing complicated if competently approach the case and acquire qualitative materials. Finally, we offer a useful look at the video on the use of plaster knauf. Rotband:

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