Bathroom Design with Shower Cab

August 11. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 904. Comments To write bathroom design with shower No

The bathroom is a very intimate personal space, another possibility not only to put yourself in order, but also to be alone. Therefore, correctly, if this place meets your ideas about beauty, style and harmony.

Not always the size of the bathroom suits the owner, but it is always possible to equip the territory of purity with the help of a creative approach and the advice of professional designers. Shower cabin - a decent alternative to the bath, she will be able to not only save the place, but also decorate a compact room.

Where to begin?


  1. Start repairing the bathroom is preferable to paper. That is, the first thing you need to create a project on which your display will find each object of the room: toilet, shower, washbasin, washing machine, bedside tables and lockers.
  2. In this way, you can make sure that all items are freely placed, they can be used without obstacles. When installing new communications and equipment, attract specialists to avoid problems with the work of the bathroom devices.
  3. If the size of the bathroom allows you to install a shower room with a small bath capabilities, then it is worth it more closely to a similar idea. Often this embodiment of the bathroom is easy to implement about 4 m2 on an area, for example, with a room size 2700 per 1500.
  4. On such a space, you can easily place a semicircular shower room with dimensions of 1600 to 750 cm. Its advantages are not only the opportunity to take a shower, accumulating for durable walls, but also enjoy all the charms of the bath, as the bottom of the cabin is deep enough, and allows for a person to accommodate in a relaxed pose.
  5. If the size of the bathroom is very modest, and also there still need to be placed and the washing machine, then the shower cabin can only perform the functions of the soul.
  6. Nevertheless, even in such a limited space, you can place all the necessary items so that you can organize free access to them.
  7. The photos showing various styles or approaches in the design of the bathroom with a shower, can help determine the preferences and push the creation of your unique interior for the bathroom.

Features of the shower cabin

  1. Shower cabins compared to the bathroom have a number of their advantages and disadvantages. Modern models allow not only to take a shower, but also provide a number of additional features that can turn the cabin to a place for relaxation and relaxes.
  2. If you install a shower cabin in my bathroom, you will get:
    • free space to accommodate a washing machine or bidet;
    • the doors of the cabin, which serve as good protection from the ingress of unwanted cool air and from splashing water around the room;
    • the ability to enjoy aromatherapy, hydromassage installation or water jets with different temperatures;
    • a deep pallet that can perform the functions of a bath combined with a shower, which is especially convenient when bathing small children and when soaring things from delicate tissues for washing;
    • economical water consumption;
    • anti-slip surfaces that reduce the risk of injury to a minimum;
    • space for creative designer ideas.
  3. However, using the shower, you pay attention to the disadvantages of the design:
    • a limited possibility when immersed in warm water, which is filled with pallet;
    • additional features of the shower booth will be able to function efficiently only if there is sufficient pressure;
    • additional shower capabilities require more space than models without special functions;
    • the cleanliness of the shower class requires daily effort;
    • older people often complain about difficulty using modern models of shower cabins, especially deep pallets.

Types of shower cabins for design in the bathroom


  1. The shower booths can be an open or closed type.
  2. Open options have a lower price due to simplified design. They seem to lean to one or two walls of the bathroom.
  3. Nevertheless, it is better to give preference to closed-type devices. They are equipped with walls and roofs, that is, they are completely hermetic design. Do not stop your attention on cheap Chinese products, as their attractive price is strongly tied to low quality shower.
  4. If you really want to install a shower room, and the means for a good and high-quality model is not enough, then you can master the skills on the arrangement of the zone for the shower with their own hands.
  5. You can collect the shower cabin from the already finished individual parts: the pallet, walls, hydraulic equipment, and you can go on a more complex, but but the creative way and do everything yourself from scratch.

Choose the most suitable place for the shower in the bathroom


  1. It is logical to arrange the shower in close proximity to communications. At a reasonable distance, access to electricity should be located. The size of the shower must match the size of the bathroom. It is important that access to the soul always remains free.
  2. If the bathroom with shower has a square shape, then the shower area is most convenient to place in the corner opposite the door. If the doors are not in the center of the wall, then the place is released for the shower along the same wall.
  3. For a rectangular bathroom, other ways to accommodate the cabin will work better. If the doorway is located in the middle of the wall, then the cabin is most convenient to place in the corner of the wall, while the semicircular design will look good.
  4. If the bathroom has a narrow shape, then it is convenient to highlight the place for the shower cabin for a jumping door. At the same time, preferably rectangular or square designs.
  5. In addition to the angular and closing placement of shower cabins, the freesty location also looks spectacularly. If the bathroom area is very modest, then the shower cabin can only be in the corner or along the wall.

Determine the size of the shower


  1. To make the size of the cabin perfectly in the bathroom, it is worth considering a few points:
    • the minimum distance between individual objects of the bathroom - 30 cm;
    • to freely get into the shower cabin, you need to have 80 cm empty territory in front of it;
    • if the cabin is installed along the same wall where the doors are located, the distance between them should be repelled from the number 15 cm.
  2. The most popular size of angular shower cabins are 80x80 or 90x90 cm. There is a more compact option - 70x70 cm, but you need to carefully test for yourself to yourself before purchasing. For this it is worth:
    • go inside the booth and close the door;
    • raise and move your hands;
    • bend, as if for a fallen thing.
  3. If these actions do not cause your discomfort, then you can safely make your choice in favor of the model you like.
  4. Shower cabins that do not have pallets have more compact size, so they are preferable to bathrooms with a small area.

The nuances of the design to pay attention to


  1. It is better to choose shower cabins with sliding doors or doors having a form of harmonica. Doors opening inwards can deliver inconvenience to full people.
  2. The most common design material for the shower is plastic. It is inexpensive and well subjected to cleaning. But its disadvantage is the ability to lose its whiteness in favor of yellow impurities.
  3. Glass shower cabins are a very popular product in the sanitary fixture market. Their shine at regular care and cleaning makes the bath more spacious and light.
  4. The glass does not have to be completely transparent. You can stop your choice on a matte, color or mirror version, which will completely hide a person hosting a shower.
  5. The pallet can be made of steel, cast iron and noble marble. Acryl has proven well due to the durability of the operation of the product from it.

Bathroom Design with Shower Cab


  1. The urgent task for finishing small bathrooms with a shower is a visual increase in their modest sizes. To do this, you can use different ways, among which the easiest and effective is the game of color contrasts.
  2. The best shades are optimal for the bathroom, not only white. Original looks olive and pink shades, in spring and gentle - lilac with pink, fresh and cheerful - white and salad color.
  3. It is not necessary too much to be carried away, because more than 3 shades do not stay in the expanses of such a small room.
  4. The shower pallet looks beautifully in the design of the same ceramic tile as on the floor of the bathroom.
  5. It is better that plumbing also supported the overall color gamut of the bathroom. Shells, toilets, individual parts of the shower, harmoniously look in one color.
  6. For dividing the bathroom on the zone to successfully apply a combination of strips of different colors. Similar color combinations help visually give the missing space and create an interesting atmosphere of the room.
  7. Expand the space in a small bathroom with shower can also be using mirrors and glass. Transparent shower cabin flaps also contribute to this.

Variety of design styles with shower


  1. The common style of the house or apartment can have its continuation and in the bathroom. If you enter the bathroom room gilding and focus on the stylish shower, then the surrounding space will acquire the type of elegant baroque.
  2. Smooth, smooth and semicircular lines of plumbing and minor accessories will bring a feeling of calm and harmony to the bathroom, while performing a protective function. Adherents of the Chinese worldview Feng Shui will appreciate such design.
  3. The classic in the design of the bathroom quietly declares itself luxury and comfort at the same time. Restrained colors and shapes, lace decor elements, unobtrusive openwork around the mirror will give elegance to the room.
  4. High-Tek style often choose young, purposeful, creative people. It combines minimalism and functionality, practicality and contrast of colors and materials. This style is inherent in the fatality of all surfaces, strict geometric shapes. Glass and metal are most often choosing the most common materials.
  5. Rarely use in the design of a bathroom with a shower cabin styles of country and retro. The stumbling block in this case is the shower cabin itself, which is a thing of a fairly modern. Such styles are more associated with the presence of a more representative bath, but no one has canceled experiments yet.

Tile and Mosaic in Bathroom Design with Shower Cab


  1. The boundless field for creativity and original ideas is a tile in the bathroom. The correct choice of this functional finishing material will fit into any style and advantageously emphasize the preferences of the owners.
  2. Pattern or images on a tile for a small bathroom should not be too catchy and large, otherwise in the cramped space they can look too naryapily.
  3. The curly tile of bright color scheme will successfully highlight the accent wall in the bathroom against the background of the rest of the walls performed in neutral tones.
  4. Performing rectangular tile laying vertically, you can visually make the room higher. With its horizontal accommodation, there is a more spacious room with a small bathroom.
  5. Mosaic has the same advantages as ceramic tile, but due to their small parts with its help you can design complex surfaces and perform large ornaments. In addition, individual patterns, echoing in style with a common bathroom design, can decorate a mirror, a table top, it is advantageous to highlight the arch or niche.
  6. It remains only to thank the creators of such a useful and compact invention, as a shower cabin, and note its effectiveness and relevance, taking into account the requirements of a dynamic modern life.
  7. The interior of the bathroom with a shower can and should be one to inspire their owners from the first minutes after the morning awakening on the overthrow of the new day, giving freshness and good mood.

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