Features of construction and external finishing house from sip-panels do it yourself

September 18. Repair and construction work Views 669. Comments To write the features of construction and external finishing of the house from the sip-panels do it yourself No

The panel sip allows you to build a house for a fairly short time. This method of construction appeared relatively recently, but is already very popular among professional and private developers. One of the most important advantages of using the sip panels is the possibility of building houses with their own hands as soon as possible and without attracting professionals.

SIP panels: features and characteristics


  1. This material in professional circles has another name is a sandwich panel. In their design, they are quite simple and are a thermoplastic polystyrene, located between two plates from the wood array.
  2. The main functions of polystyrene are the provision of thermal and sound isolation. In its thickness, the panel is different, their width depends on the functional purpose.
  3. The choice of panel in thickness should primarily be based on the appearance of the construction, the features of its design and subsequent operation.
  4. The essential advantage of using panels is that the lumens are not formed, so they provide a high level of thermal insulation of the object.

Pluses Sandwich Panels


The construction technology of buildings from the SIP panels is not very popular. This material for the skin of the outside of the structure has a number of significant advantages compared to other materials for construction like blocks and bricks. Among them, the following characteristics can be highlighted.

Protection from cold

The brick house will be almost 5 times colder than the panels built from the sip. The design of the material allows you to hold heat inside the building and do not inlets cold. In winter, in such a house, climatic conditions are warmer, and in summer, on the contrary, cooler. Such a facing material may survive when the temperature drops from -50 ° C to +50 ° C.

Endurance and reliability

The construction of the panels is very durable and able to withstand the transverse type load to 2 t per sq.m., and vertical - up to 10 tons.

Speed \u200b\u200bof construction

The construction of the box of the house from the panels of this type will not take such a number of time as the construction of an ordinary house using other materials. Building of 150 sq.m. You can finish within 3 months.

Ecology material

SIP panel is an environmentally friendly facing for buildings of various purposes, so do not harm the environment and live people.

Strength and durability

If you properly install and finish the building from the panels of this type, the surface will be able to simultane at least 80 years, since such materials are not rotated, and are not exposed to parasites. It is possible only a strong wet of expanded polystyrene, because of which the plates can gradually collapse, but the correct installation and timely sealing of the seams will help this avoid it.

Fire resistance

The sip of the panel is sufficiently resistant to the effects of fire. During the emergence of a fire, they will not support the burning due to specially spent for this feeding. For 1 hour, because of the fire, there will be no collapse. Such an approach usually negates the firewall of the drywall of the inner decoration of the building, and saves the situation on the recking of fire to neighboring trees and buildings.

Sound insulation

The polystyrene does not pass the air, because of which the external noises do not fall inside the room, and do not go beyond its limits. In such a house, it is always very cozy and quite quiet.

Saving funds for construction

Building a house from the sip panels will cost cheaper than bricks about 2 times. And the construction of your own house is much more profitable to buy an urban apartment. In addition, it will not be necessary to build a solid foundation and the use of additional equipment, since the panels have enough weight and can be moved manually. Due to the high level of thermal insulation on heating, too, you can save a considerable amount of money per month. Delivery of the material can do even for free or for a small fee compared to the required amount for the delivery of other, heavier, materials.

Minuses sip panels


There is no such material that would not have the disadvantages in principle. Therefore, even in such a cladding, as a structural-insulated panel, has its own minuses. For example, the ventilation system is considered the basic and most significant space in this case. But this minus is rather a special feature of operation than aforemerating negative quality.

However, there are also some unjustified disadvantages. These include the following points.

  1. If the panel is protected from the ignition, then the material cannot be boasting outside. But since often the fire starts exactly from the inside of the house, and not outside, then it is difficult to call this fact a full disadvantage.
  2. There is a theory that mice can settle in the panels, but it does not have a single actual confirmation.
  3. Some professionals argue about whether such panels are really environmentally friendly, but it is only worth remembering that the meat is also wrapped in packaging of polystyrene foam and doubts are dispelled.
  4. Some builders believe that without additional soundproofing, it is impossible to achieve good sound insulation. If you think, the neighbors in a private house are not assumed, so in any case noise there can be a lot and can not.

Choosing a foundation for a house of sip panels


  1. When choosing the basis of the structure of a private type, you need to remember that expensive and too massive foundation is not needed at all. With its selection, it is necessary to take into account the small weight of the house box, the features of the soil, climate conditions and the passage of groundwater on the construction site.
  2. The best types of foundation today are considered to be:
  • column type;
  • monolithic from reinforced concrete slabs;
  • screw-pile type;
  • ribbon fine-breed type.
  1. The greatest hazards may arise when planning construction in the spring. The foundation can climb the ground surface, which is why the house can be covered with cracks.
  2. In any case, when choosing a foundation, the price of it is approximately 20% of the total cost of the construction of the house as a whole. The cost is not too small, but it is better not to save on the foundation - repair will cost much more expensive.

Planning flooring at home from sip-panels


  1. Multi-storey buildings built using sandwich panels are very convenient in the construction due to the modular device of the material itself.
  2. Walls on the lower floor need to cover the collection of the collection type. On its plane, you can build another floor, and on it - also so on. The most important point is the reliable bond of all elements located in different directions.
  3. The overlap should not allow the walls to collapse, but then the problem of protecting the end appears.
  4. The easiest to cover the panels using a crown made from the board. Obligated array must be placed on the end of the wall on top. Then, it is necessary to install another such board on the edge, attaching it to the crown with the help of self-tapping.
  5. It is best to collect this part on Earth. It must be attached to the mortgage bars, which are located on the inside of the panels, as well as to frame racks.
  6. Next, you need to install the beam system over the crown. The overlap themselves must be fed up with jumpers. It is important to remember about shifts in each of the series. After completion of the installation work, you can proceed to lay the insulation and the binder on the lower floor of the draft ceiling.

Finishing houses from panels

The decoration of the building built from structural-isolated panels can be made practically any, including even the budgetary views. You can apply such a finish coating immediately on the panel. In this case, it will not be necessary to use grids and canvases.

However, it is important to pay attention to the strengthening of interpanel junctions. To do this, you can use carbon fiber or fiberglass, which should have an impregnation of polymer type glue.

Exterior finish at home from the panels


  1. Facing from the outdoor side is quite simple. The exterior finish of the house of the panels is more important than internal. It provides not only the function of the decor, but also a protective role.
  2. It must be remembered that the walls are always exposed to the environment. Even the sip of the panel over time because of such impacts begin to slowly collapse.
  3. The resistance of the finishing layer predetermines the strength of the facade, as well as its durability. Properties of protective materials play an important role. The material must have a high resistance to the effects of mechanical and chemical type, impacts of the atmosphere and fire.
  4. Decorative function also plays not a last role. From the selected color and facing texture for the decoration of the building will depend on its expressiveness.
  5. Some types of materials possess the properties of the creation of additional heat and sound insulation layers.

Options for external finishing houses from sip panels


  1. The outer decoration of the house of the sip panels is of different types. The main types can be attributed to:
  • stucco;
  • block house;
  • lining;
  • siding;
  • facade panels;
  • painting;
  • clinker tile.
  1. For finishing type block House needs oak wood, linden or ash. It is necessary to remember the need for a special processing that is needed to protect against external factors.
  2. Siding has the type of plastic panels, varied in colors and shades. This type of external finishing allows you to create another layer to preserve heat.
  3. The facade panels can be made of:
  • plastic;
  • stone;
  • tree;
  • metal and other materials.
  1. The biggest popularity is thermopanel. They perfectly perform the function of protection and temperature control. In addition, there are many different style versions of such a finish.
  2. Painting of walls, like plaster, is the most simple and inexpensive view of the finish. This type of work is carried out in fairly shortened dates compared to the rest of the finishes.
  3. When choosing painting, you need to correctly pick up the kind of paint. It happens different, but much will depend on the surface that is exposed to staining.
  4. In demand varieties of paint, you can define the following:
  • for plastic painting;
  • for tree staining;
  • for coating metal surfaces;
  • soluble in water;
  • paint based on organic solvents.
  1. Clinker tiles are one of the most suitable ways to finish the outside of the building. Its properties and characteristics are best suited for cladding buildings from the sip panels. It is made of white clay. It perfectly tolerate frost and humidity, as well as resistant to temperature fluctuations.

Exterior finish at home from sip panels plaster


  1. Many modern builders stop at the selection of plaster facade pieces of panels. This finishing layer of the structure is of different types and is popular for a number of the following reasons:
  • prices for stucco materials are not too high;
  • the finish is quite high-quality;
  • high-quality plaster steady tolerate adverse external influences;
  • such a coating does not require special skills when finishing;
  • her stylistic characteristics are very high.
  1. You can select the following types of plaster sip panels:
  • based on acrylic: this species has a high level of moisture resistance, resistance to ultraviolet rays and is an environmentally friendly material;
  • polymer decorative: it is rather durable and has high strength to damage;
  • mineral view: its main component is cement, so it is easier to work with this type;
  • silicone look: such a surface is capable of self-cleaning, it serves quite a long time, very elastic and close to glossy coatings;
  • silicate plaster: This type of decorative design is used quite rarely and is one of the varieties of liquid glass.

Phased outdoor finish of the house of panels


Facing buildings from the panels of panels occurs in several basic stages.

  1. Formation of calculation of value. You need to choose the material and decide on the type of installation. Based on this data, the necessary calculations are made.
  2. Purchase the required amount of selected material. It is important to take into account all the design features of the project.
  3. Preparation of walls to facing. Based on the selected finish type, the wall surface should be brought to a certain order. You may need a primer or even installing an additional profile system.
  4. Outdoor insulation. After the completion of surface preparation, it may be necessary to install another insulating layer from the outside of the walls.
  5. Conducting directly installation of finishes on the outside of the building.

For almost all people, the appearance of their housing is very important. Therefore, in front of the choice of materials and works, you can study in construction online magazines a lot of varied photos of materials that will help determine the choice of outdoor finish of the house of the panels. They are clearly seen how one or another type of finish seems depending on the material selected.

External and interior finish of the house of the panels


  1. Prices for the finish of the facade of the building from the sip panels are relatively not high. They depend on the material chosen for this. The cheapest option is plastering the outer part of the panels and painting them.
  2. All other materials for creating a finishing layer are an order of magnitude more expensive and may require additional costs for additional details. At the same time, the quality will remain relatively the same, and the cost of such an external finish of the house of the panels will increase significantly.
  3. As for the inside of the building from structural-isolated materials, before starting the cladding from the inside, all the joints of the sandwiches should be stuck.
  4. The walls are important to see the plasterboard, but only then begin directly to the guidance of order and beauty.

The house built from the sip panels is largely more profitable than the structure erected, for example, from monolithic plates or slag blocks. This option is more acceptable for the price, well keeps warm and keeps coolness, and also is easy to install.

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