Juniper in landscape design

July 11. Plot. Views 3284. Comments To record juniper in landscape design No

Previously, few people thought about the arrangement of the local area, now is the headache of many. All those who built a cottage outside the city or even just bought a plot for building, forced to invite a landscape design specialist. If the extra despose is for nothing, then why not do this issue yourself. In this article we will talk about juniper - a real evergreen decoration of the site.

And in winter, and in summer in one color!

This is just the first advantage of juniper in the garden. Indeed, a pleasant green color pleases the eye and in the sultry July noon, and in the midst of persistent frosts. The more good juniper is so that the plant is a long-lasting and slow-growing. There disappears the problem of regular concerns with a transplantation, trimming shrub.

For someone, juniper is an excellent solution in the design of the local area, for others - a valuable fruit shrub. And believe me, he also brings the harvest, although not big, although not immediately.


Abundant amount of berries, the plant can please only once every three or four years, but also such a surprise is very pleasant. Another advantage is the ability to evaporate essential oils at high temperatures. Accordingly, breathing in the garden with juniper easier.

Juniper: landing and proper care

Reflect on how to place shrubs, the easiest way. Let's first figure it out with how the plant disembarks occurs whether any difficulty arise. Yes, and care for juniper must be able to! What if he is capricious?

Say how an unpretentious plant will be capricious? But it will be if it is wrong to contact him. First, decide on the view of the juniper. The following types are widespread:

  • colon's shared;
  • soil coarse;
  • embodied on the ground;
  • in the form of a sprawling bush.

Colon-shaped reaches several meters in height, so they are most often planted from fences. The most popular - the last two types of juniper. Here you can experiment with any ideas with any ideas - create a real evergreen carpet or surround the bushes a small pond with a mill.


The first task is the right landing of juniper

First of all intently inspect the seedlings. The root system should not be damaged, otherwise there will be no sense from the purchase, - soon the plant will get sick, and it will disappear at all. To the soil, the juniper is not published, but thanks for access to the sunshine and moderate humidity.

Look at the plant in several stages:

1. They dig a hole that in size will be more earthen coma and juniper root system.

2. Immediately think about the "vitamins" for the plant - we buy a nutrient mixture in the store or make themselves. In the latter case, you will need to mix sand, peat and turf land in proportions 1: 2: 1.

3. When placing juniper in the soil, watches the root com performed for 10-12 cm from the ground level.


4. The last stage is the mulching of the priority circle. We need to provide a considerable layer (10 cm, no less), so we take everything that you will get under the arm. Comfort, humid leaves of garden trees are suitable, the same peat and so on.

The main subtleties of care

Remember, choosing for landing on your site juniper, care must be appropriate. And although this is not news, still not worth it out of sight. You can not put juniper and leave it without relevant attention. Better shrub often do not transplant, because there is a considerable chance that you damage the roots.

Juniper does not capricious, but if the ground is not regularly loosened, do not water, then "Thank you" he will not say you. These procedures should also be done carefully. When watering from the hose, a large pressure may damage the bush. Spraying the bushes from the sprayer is impractical, although it is possible if they are not so much.

It cannot be said that Juniper is afraid of heat, but at record high temperatures they are better to be in the shade. Dry branches are necessarily removed, as well as damaged and those that have come out beyond the borders of the formed crown.

Juniper - ideas for landscape design

Consider the embossed site. If the house area does not even even, has elevations and deepening, then boldly disembark the splashing bushes of juniper to emphasize irregularities. It goes only in Plus, do not doubt.


Colonic species are planting along the path, thereby creating evergreen alley. All this can be decorate with small multi-colored lanterns. Near the Leumbrum will be beautiful, the spreading types of juniper will look beautiful - they will emphasize the beauty of flowers located there, and in the autumn-winter period they will be able to decorate naked expanses of the estate.

The plant is even more beautiful in color, all this will be able to prove hundreds of juniper photos. This shrub is also known for its healing properties, so it is simply necessary to grow it in my site. This is a surprisingly interesting copy for both landscape design and traditional medicine.


And they say, it has magical properties - does not allow evil spirits. It is so unknown, but the plant can boast of excellent antimicrobial properties. It turns out, you buy a plant, and get a home doctor who pleases your eyes and all guests.

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