Garden playground with their own hands

June 26. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 1185. Comments to the entry platform for the garden do it yourself No

It is sooner or late to make the playground in the garden in the garden, almost every summer house or owner of a private house. A small secluded island of calm outdoors can be a great place for homemade sites, sports or relaxation with friends. In this article, we will consider the main points of the construction of the site in the country with their own hands, and for which it is used, to solve you.


Before being taken for the construction of the site, it is necessary to decide for what purpose it will be used. So, if it is a place to eat in the fresh air, it is better to arrange it closer to the kitchen door at home so as not to run with plates all over the garden. Such a platform will be more reminded by a patio - a small household courtyard without a roof.


However, there is a patio construction practice and in the depths of the garden. This option is suitable for those who want to create a place for romantic meetings or privacy. At the site hidden from prying eyes, you can practice meditation or sports workouts, read or simply relax. Equip the place of recreation away from a residential building and in the event that you plan to arrange noisy parties with friends there. Thus, you will not interfere with those who decide to relax from entertainment and go to the house.

Fencing for the garden

The playground may have or not to have a fence - again, depending on how you will use it. For the sports zone, the fence is not required as such, but in the recreation area it will create a sense of security and privacy. The fence can be man-made, for example, of wooden beams or forged metal. It can be built from garden furniture, which will simultaneously fulfill its main purpose and wrapping the patio zone.


If you want to feel the maximum of naturalness and naturalness, put a low evergreen trees around the platform around the platform or shrubs. Juniper, thuja or cypressives look very nice. They grow pretty slowly, but at any time of the year it looks fresh and beautiful. Alternative option - Live hedges. They can be created entirely of shrub plants or with the help of wooden lattices for which Liana is wound. Virgin grapes will look very impressive as such a fence. It grows very quickly, gives a dense foliage of a decorative shape, which changes the green color to the fiery-red by autumn.


Outdoor gardening platform

You can make the coverage of platforms in the country with your own hands from different materials, but they must meet one standard - to be atmospheric. This means that the material from which the floor is made should not be afraid of moisture, temperature differences and direct sunlight. Otherwise, once a year or a few years, you will have to fully switch the coating.

If you plan to make the playground in the country with your own hands, the optimal option will be a special rubber coating for sports and playgrounds. It shocks well and in the event of a fall you will not get injury. Also, during wetting, such a coating does not slide, which also significantly reduces the traumaticity during classes after the rain or early in the morning, when Rosa has not yet had time to evaporate. The rubber coating is rectangular tiles of a certain thickness, which are placed on a pre-aligned concrete screed and tightly adjusted to each other, reinforcing the adhesion of weather-resistant glue. The material is made from old recycled automotive tires with the addition of firming polymers and sometimes dyes. Its cost is quite high, but for a long service life, it will have time to pay off several times. With household use, rubber floor and can serve almost forever.

Rubber tile - high level of comfort

If you are going to equip the brazier, then the concrete site is best suited for it. With your own hands in the country, it is easier to make such simpler, and just below we describe the construction technology in detail. It is only worth mentioning that this option will be the most fireproof, which is the main rule when working with a brazier. To increase the aesthetics, the concrete screed can be coated with a polymer composition or tile.

If you do with your own hands the pad from the tile in the country, please note that only a special particularly strong floor tile can be used as an outdoor coating, but it is better to take a stone or clinker.

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Useful advice: If you want to save, use the tile battle or remnants of the floor tile, which can be purchased in the construction market or in a specialized store at a reduced price.

An excellent alternative tile coating will be a mosaic of stones. You can use conventional stones, but the river pebble is more spectacular. And if you attach a drop of fantasy, you can create a real masterpiece that will admire anyone who you invite to relax in the country.


But the easiest way, probably, to make the site at the cottage with their own hands from rubble. To do this, it will only be necessary to unscrew the pitual depth of 30 cm. It is necessary to level the square, to align it to the bottom, tackle, fall asleep 15 cm layer of sand and 15 cm layer of rubbank. The crushed stone is better to take a solidine, so that there are no big lumen between fractions.

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The terrace board is another excellent option to create a durable, beautiful and durable coating area for recreation in the garden. It is a wood-polymeric material, invented specifically for equipment under the open-air surface. This means that the terraced board is not scared by no weather transfers, including sharp temperature differences, it is able to withstand serious mechanical loads and will not crack if it accidentally drop a heavy item. At the same time it looks like quite like real wood, but in fact, more stronger and more than a few dozen times.


Garden platform construction technology

So, we promised to tell how to make the playground in the country with their own hands, and in this part of the article you will learn the main points of the creation of a solid foundation under the area of \u200b\u200brest with the Mangal. Choose a coating, fencing and draw up the platform - the tenth thing, and with this work everyone will handle their taste. The main thing is to create a solid and durable help, which will serve for many years. To do this, follow a simple instruction and know one small secret - the surface should be located under a slight bias. It will be enough to tilt it by 3-5 ° to ensure the directional flow of rain and melting water. And so that the fluid does not flow under the house and did not blur the foundation, the stock should be directed from residential buildings to the garden, a vegetable garden or any other side. For everyone who is on the site, such a small slope will be absolutely immersible, but the water is quite enough to drain it yourself from the surface and not to remain on it in the form of dirty puddles.

So, how to build a landing pad at the dacha with your own hands:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to create a durable and even foundation. To do this, clean the selected place in the garden from vegetation and remove the upper fertile layer of the soil. It is necessary to remove all the roots of the plants so that they are then not proceeded through the floor. And it is not necessary to believe that it is possible to solve the problem, the bay is all concrete - plants have amazing endurance and power capable of breaking even a concrete tie.
  2. So, when you removed the upper fertile layer, which can be 20-35 cm, align the bottom-formed pit and thoroughly sink it. To do this, you can use a special labeling machine, but if such a farm has not found it, the end part of the ordinary thick log is suitable.
  3. Each bottoms with a construction polyethylene or rubberoid, the cutting edge of cuts on the walls so that they stick to 10-20 cm.
  4. Next, pour on a bottom of 10-15 cm layer of river sand, plenty of water from a watering can be abundantly from a watering and a hose with a sprinkler with a scatter and again.
  5. On top of the sand, pour 10-15 cm of various-caliber rubbank or brick battle and confuse again. So you will create a drain pillow, which will remove the extra liquid from the concrete layer, and that will serve longer. At this stage, it is necessary to create a small bias toward the garden or simply from home.
  6. Next, there are two options for the development of events, the choice of which depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site and the load, which will be on the platform. So, if the soil is very poured or if you plan to build a large brick bracket with a furnace on the site, then the foundation should be very strong and it needs to be enhanced by reinforcement. Otherwise, the surface or cracks from the pressure of the soil from below or from the severity of the mangala - from above. For reinforcement, use steel bars by connecting them with wire. You can immediately buy a reinforcing grid. About how the choice and the calculation of the reinforcement can be found in the article "Reinforcement of the belt foundation with their own hands".
  7. Now you can fill the foundation by concrete solution. To get the site as strong as possible, use only high-quality cement for the preparation of the solution and add a bit of a little crushed stone into it. First mix 1 part of the cement with 3 parts of river sainted sand and 1 part of the rubbank, and then water to obtain a thick pasty consistency. Try to fill the platform at once at once. If the area is too large, break it into several segments, dividing them with wooden or plywood shields.
  8. Align the surface, cover with a plastic film and leave for 3-5 days. Over the day, wipe the surface under the film from the pulverizer to prevent the too fast evaporation of the liquid - the concrete from it can crack. If the weather was very hot, wipe twice a day. Upon expiration of the specified time, when the solution slits a little from above, you can stop sprinkling and leave the platform to dry for 2-3 weeks. Do not go along its surface during this period! If there are animals on the territory, take the platform to avoid trouble.
  9. When concrete fully solidifies, you can start finishing work: laying tiles, terraced board, mosaic or other materials. The main and most important part of the work on this is completed.

It remains only to choose comfortable furniture for recreation and equip a brazier. By the way, the brazier can be portable so that in case of bad weather it is immediately removed under the canopy. Then you will not need to strengthen the foundation of the reinforcement. As for the decorative design of the recreation area, in the article "Patio on the backyard. How to issue an inner courtyard " You can find a lot of useful tips and recommendations.

Useful advice

To give a given ideal place for a comfortable pastime, you need to think over everything to the smallest details. It is only enough to build a playground with a brazier and put furniture there, it is necessary to take into account the mass of the nuances. We decided to ease your task and thought everything for you.


What you need to take care when arranging a plan with a mangal at the cottage:

  1. If you can organize at least an elementary canopy or awning over the site. In a hot hot day, he will tighten from the sun, and in bad weather will hide you from the rain. And it will be very good to equip the awning as a kind of grid curtains so that in the evening, do not suffer from attacks of mosquitoes and moth flying into the light.
  2. By the way, about the light - take care of the lighting. One manga will clearly not be enough, and the summer evenings do not want to diverge with the sunset at all. For a small platform, there are enough single lamp in the center or several garden lanterns around the perimeter. A lot of useful information on this topic you will find in the article "Street LED lighting with their own hands".
  3. If you still want a wooden platform with a brazier, be sure to cover wood not only with an antiseptic, but also with the flame. Upgrade the impregnation every year. But for greater protection, the brazier is better to put on the iron sheet.
  4. Not far from the site with a mangalom, organize an elementary hauncher so that you do not have to run into the house every time to wash your hands or dishes.
  5. Do not forget to pave a comfortable garden track to the site. It can be made from concrete tiles, rubble, river pebbles, wooden penets or other materials. We will find a lot of useful information in articles: "Garden tracks from plastic bottles with their own hands""How to make travers from rubble with your own hands""Stone tracks with their own hands""Concrete paths with their own hands".

Build a platform for recreation on your own site is not so difficult if you stick to a simple instruction and know some secrets. We hope this article will help you equip your cozy island of calm outdoors.

Playground in the country, do it yourself: photo

Finally, we suggest you look at a small selection of photographs of garden sites for recreation, decorated in different styles and using various materials. Perhaps among them you will find your ideal option or inspire to create something completely new.






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