Warming glass gamble: Step by step instructions

September 26. Walls and partitions Views 1904. Comments To record Warming glass wool: Step-by-step instructions No

Despite the fact that the glass gamble is already a fairly old building material, it is actively used in a wide variety of spheres. It should be noted that the main advantage of this insulation is its effectiveness. Indeed, it can be perfectly insulated with its help, as well as a small apartment. At the same time, glass gamble can be used with other insulating materials, which will once again increase the effectiveness of insulation.

Surely the most glazed attracts people with a small value. Compared to other materials, this is actually an inexpensive option that allows the hosts of large premises to dispose of the large volumes of the insulation.

However, it is necessary to understand that glass gamble, like any other thermal insulation material, has positive and negative sides. In some conditions, the flaws are not allowed to use it for a full insulation. However, the positive sides of this material are much more.

In this article, we will analyze the main features of the glass gamblers, as well as consider the main disadvantages of the material. In addition, we will go on the main process of housing insulation, considering the main difficulties arising during the entire period of work.

Features glass gambles

As already mentioned, glass gamble is an inexpensive material. The low cost of production of glass gambled is that the material is based on industrial waste. Accordingly, most of the raw materials are very cheap components, from which many manufacturers simply get rid.

Fiberglass itself is a fibrous material that has a little frill. This product includes the following components: soda, dolomite, limestone, sand. Of course, the main component of the glass gamble is a glass.

Interestingly, for decades, production technology glass gambles does not change completely. This suggests that the material and without any original solutions is highly efficient.

Looking a little in advance, it should be noted that the glass gamble has a big drawing, which lies in the negative effect of fibers. If they fall on the body of a person, very serious problems begin. In such conditions, it is necessary to accommodately approach the process of the surface of the surface glass. Of course, it is desirable to involve specialists to work, who perfectly understand how to install the glass gambles.


Advantages and Disadvantages Glasswater

Consider in more detail the main advantages and weaknesses of the heat insulating material. And the advantages and glass gambles are as follows:

  • Low price. As already mentioned, this is the most important factor that attracts buyers. Indeed, at a sufficiently low price, we get a decent material that is able to effectively maintain heat indoors. It should be borne in mind that in such conditions you can replace parts of the material without any problems in case of some problems. Moreover, glass wool can be combined with other thermal insulation materials.
  • Ecology and fire safety. In fact, the glass gamble is completely harmless to the human body (except when the fibers fall into the skin). Accordingly, this material can be used without any problems not only in residential premises, but also in hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums and other institutions. It is also worth saying that the glass gamble will never become a source of fire freezing. And even when the material begins to melt, it does not distinguish any harmful substances.
  • Easy to use. Unlike many modern insulation materials, glass wool is a fairly simple arrangement of wall technology by which you want to make home insulation. Accordingly, it not only saves a lot of time to the builders, but also allows the repair process of newcomers. Again, in front of these works need to know that some danger wool is still fraught.
  • Easy to transport. The elasticity of the material makes it possible to move it from place to place without any problems. In the first place, this advantage will appeal to those who are engaged in the delivery of goods. However, sometimes the owners need to deliver the material to a specific destination.

It is necessary to pay attention to the shortcomings of glass:

  • Low density material. Surely this is the most serious drawback of glass, which has a direct impact on its effectiveness. A large amount of free space inside the material - it is also not always good. In winter the warm air, which is delayed within the material will go to the cold edge. To avoid such a situation, you need to either use 2 layers of insulation, or follow in order to have the material was dense structure.
  • The high level of water absorption. Quite often it turns out that a violation of technology on thermal insulation material gets wet or water. If the material is highly resistant to water absorption, nothing bad will happen. A completely different situation with glass wool. Moisture is easily absorbed into the material, so there is a problem with the security of a home. Particularly serious is the treated water absorption in glass if the insulation is arranged on the horizontal surfaces (roof, floor). To avoid serious problems, you need to take care of the creation of high-quality water-resistant layer.
  • Low strength. In that case, if the structure, on which the wool will begin to sag or move, the insulating material may be seriously damaged. In such cases, you need to carefully ensure that the material tightly to the walls to create a design. You also need to take care of the glass wool in the regeneration of the surface. The material can be easily nadlomat or stretch.


Selection of glass

Now on the market you can find a huge amount of products related to housing insulation. First of all, it is necessary to know that glass gamble is a fairly specific product, since its effectiveness depends on the production technology.

To get a really decent material, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. Often it is possible to detect the products of new-forming firms that cannot guarantee the high quality of goods. Accordingly, in such conditions, it is necessary to choose the products of exclusively known brands. No need to be afraid to overpay some money, as with such a situation you can be confident in high quality products.

Many truly worthy manufacturers on the market are very much, so it will not be much difficult to find a quality product.

When buying it is important to pay attention to what the glass gamble is sold in what form. Often on sale you can find the insulation in the form of rolls and plates. The first option is best suited for the warming of the roofs, but the second most often used for the insulation of the walls. These are the most practical scenarios that often apply in construction.


The process of outdoor insulation of the house glass

Often, the hosts are carried out precisely the outer insulation of the dwelling. This is not only the most efficient option, but also the most reasonable in all senses. We are talking about the fact that in the process of insulation, we can also produce high-quality wall decoration. Accordingly, it will significantly improve the appearance of the dwelling. At the same time, on the basis of the insulation, it is possible to have a wide variety of finishing materials, starting with plaster and bricks, and ending with plastic panels or wooden bars.

Once again, it should be noted that in the process of creating insulation, the most important thing is caution. As already mentioned, the glass gamble is a rather loose material that may be damaged at any time. If possible, of course, you need to refer to specialists who could share some advice on specific repair work.


By itself, the process of outdoor insulation of the house consists of several stages. In general, there is nothing new here. It should be noted the similarity of the processes of housing insulation using various thermal insulation materials.

  1. At the very beginning, you need to prepare the wall to the main process. In this case, it is necessary to clean the surfaces, if possible, it is necessary to remove the plaster, and also clean the wall. No recesses or convexities should have a surface. Of course, the efficiency of using insulation directly depends on this.
  2. Now there is a turn of waterproofing. As mentioned earlier, water absorption is a weak side of the glass gamble. Accordingly, we need to do everything possible so that moisture or water does not hit the thermal insulation material. Often, waterproofing is a conventional film that does not make moisture to penetrate into the porous insulation. It is possible to attach water-based dwellings with a stapler. The joints between the strips of the film are hidden by scotch. It is most important to make sure that no drop of water can penetrate the glass groove. You can pre-make the simplest test efficiency tests.
  3. Next, the basis for fastening glass gambles is created. It is wooden bars (often their profile is 50x50 mm), which must be attached to the wall with a certain step. This very step depends on the width of the thermal insulation material. Accordingly, if we know the width of the roll glass, it is necessary to take away from this value of 3-4 cm, and this distance should be between the bars. This is necessary so that the insulating material is tightly entered into the created cells. At the same time, the stick should not be engaged, since too narrow space can cause damage to glass gambles. Bruks are attached with self-tapping screws. It is desirable to check the verticalness of the wood elements so that the thermal insulation is fixed exclusively at the desired angle.
  4. Now the most responsible moment is the installation of glass gambles. In this case, we simply have the expanded rolls of insulating material between the bars. It is necessary to spend this process from top to bottom. It should be done all this carefully, since the risk of damaging the material is actually great. If you find some damage, you should get rid of the specific glass of glass gambles. It is better to spend money to spend money on a new material, but be sure that we are dealing with high-quality thermal insulation. Damaged glass gamble can be completely ineffective, and it is for this reason that the cold can be calmly penetrated into the dwelling. For additional fixation, glass gambles need to have special dowels for thermal insulation. They are ordinary fasteners, but with an original hat capable of withstanding a lot of heat insulation. After mounting, the glass gambles need to cut off the excess part of the roll. Of course, it should be cut off a little less material so that it is tightly entered into the created space. To do this, it will take a building knife.
  5. Next is the layer of vaporizolation. It is practically the same as the very first layer, however, with some amendments. Despite its insulating function, this unique layer will allow you to "breathe" the wall, even despite all the features of the materials used. Also, moisture does not fall on glass gamble, and, accordingly, does not reduce its effectiveness. Fixed steamer to wooden bars with a stapler. Again, there will also be jokes that need to be hidden using a scotch.

The main process is over, and now you need to create a high-quality finish. This process should be conducted as soon as possible so that no external factors affect the position of the glass gambles or other components of the insulation. Often based on thermal insulation create high-quality plaster, which adds a little more efficacy to the use of thermal insulation materials.

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