Cleaning the well with your own hands

July 10. Plot. Views 1171. Comments To write the cleaning of the well do it yourself No

On the territory of country sites, a well is very often used as the main source of drinking water. Despite its practicality, it should be regularly caring for a well so that it can always be enjoyed clean water.

Well, if the well is used for some kind of economic needs, since in this case the water quality does not matter. If water is used for drinking and cooking, you should pay attention to a number of water parameters.

If water has some unpleasant taste or an extraordinary color, you need to immediately contact the appropriate organization to conduct its full analysis. After studying the detailed report, it will be known whether there are some impurities in the water, and what is their source.

The main reasons for the well pollution

As mentioned earlier, before cleaning the well, the situation should be carefully analyzed to accurately determine the sources of pollution. Without this, you can simply spend precious resources for useless cleaning, which may not be required at all.

It often happens that water does not have any visible contaminants, but its composition is disturbed. This suggests that with a certain regularity, water analysis is still needed.

Most often, the owners are faced with the fact that water becomes a little muddy, opaque. This problem arises due to the depressurization of the rings of the well. Accordingly, intro well penetrates groundwater, which is not the most favorable composition. Such phenomena occur almost everywhere where the well is used over the years. In such cases, it is best to carry out preventive measures aimed at ensuring the optimal sealing of the seams.


If the water gradually darkens, then this can be associated with too rarely using the well. Water simply stood. It's not quite a good sign, so it is desirable to use a well every day, water will gradually update.

Green water means small algae appeared in the well. This happens because the owners left the well open. To avoid such consequences of using the well, it is necessary to create a small canopy on its basis, as well as a door covering the water source.

If the water acquires red color, this means that in the well too high iron content. This trouble occurs due to the characteristics of the aquifer. This means that the quality of water does not directly depend on us. However, if such problems still occur, you can get a filter installation, which successfully separates rust from clean water.

The unpleasant smell or color of water indicates that the sewer docks fall into the well either in the source is a dead animal. Such water may be almost poisonous. Also possible, the mines of mine occurred.


Regular cleaning of the well

Well, which is regularly used by the hosts, requires periodic care. Fortunately, in most cases, preventive cleaning should be carried out more than once a year. It is possible and more often, but it will not be a special sense.

Such events are held after the winter period. Despite the fact that the well and water may look quite normal, it is still worth cleaning.

First you need to clean water, and you will need a mangartan or permanganate potassium. It is enough just to dissolve the substance (1 tablespoon) in the bucket and lower it into the well of the well. After that, all the water from the well rolls out. At the same time, water can be used for economic purposes, as it is practically safe for humans.

This process is called a reservation, and numerous specialists advise it every year. It is important to be sure that the water from the well is actually suitable for drinking.


Full cleaning of the well

In cases where the hosts face complex problems of using the well, it is definitely worth thinking about the full cleaning of the mine. Fortunately, there is nothing complicated in this process, but it will still have to spend some money.

At the very beginning, we will need a pump, with which we will produce water pumping. The drainage pump is suitable, as well as the installation of the type "rods". It is advisable to use two pumps at once. The drainage installation is lowered to such a depth so that the distance to the bottom is about 30-40 cm. The hose must be left to the place where all waste will merge. "Roulek" needs to use at the very bottom of the well to create "muddy" water.

Thus, water will gradually pump and become cleaner. When water coming out of the hose becomes completely transparent, this event can be completed.

In those frequent cases when water is still dirty, you need to carry out overhaul of the mines.


High-power well repair features

In the event that the water in the well is unsuitable for drinking, and with the help of the previous cleaning method, no positive result is obtained, it is necessary to carry out overhaul. In this case, you will need to pump all the water from the well. To do this, you can use the above pumps or use the services of relevant services.

To get deep into the mines, we will need safety cables. We also need a soft brush for metal.

Thus, immersed in the mine, clean the concrete surface. It is necessary to ensure that the concrete is not damaged, otherwise it will not affect water as possible.

Next, the bottom of the well is clean. To do this, we need to arm the shovel and screamed all Il and dirt. Given that it will be necessary to get it all from the bottom with one bucket, the process can delay the long hours.

After that, the well chloride. This will make rid of all pests, which are very difficult to detect the naked eye. The chlorination process takes quite a lot of time, so you have to wait before using water from the well.

If the problems with the quality of water continue, it will be necessary to replace the well rings.

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