Decoration of walls in the country

July 10. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 2679. Comments to record wall decoration in the country No

Beautiful, modern and cozy. In such conditions, we used to live. So why not make a comfortable stay and in a country house? For example, make walls in the country the same as in the apartment.

If we want in the country to be as comfortable, like at home, then before proceeding to the decoration of the walls, it is necessary to weigh everything well and think over. For example, when finishing walls in the country is very important to choose the right material correctly. Based not only from personal sympathies, but also considering their capabilities. Of course, you can invite the team of specialists who quickly cope with the task, but we also want to have fun from the fact that repairs in the country house are made by your own hands, and for yourself it is always better to try and you are working better.

When choosing materials for wall decoration, you can start with expensive and high-quality materials so that it is no worse than the neighbors. And someone more like familiar materials for decoration of walls, differing from not only accessibility in the material plan, but also to make everything with their own hands. Based on this, we will be repelled. Consider popular materials for wall decoration in country houses.

How to separate the walls in the country

It is impossible to list all finishing materials due to a huge range. We will try to tell only about those who are considered popular and can come in handy for finishing the walls of summer houses.

Often the cause of damage to the walls in country houses is high humidity and "non-affiliation" of the structure. In the cold time, we do not want to come to the country, and there is nothing to do there, so often the house is empty until the onset of the year. It turns out that most of the time in the year the dacha remains empty, and only occasionally the owners are visiting and the room is attacked. Therefore, the walls quickly come into disrepair, they crack, the plaster collapses, the building materials are resolve.

In this article, we will not stop more on the process of restoring damaged walls, consider only materials with which you can separate the walls in the country:

  • cement. Strong and reliable building material. If you mix it with additional components, then you can get a concrete or cement solution. Cement rarely who uses for internal construction works, but sometimes, if it is necessary to perform work quickly, efficiently, and most importantly - reliably, the cement solution is chosen. In order to carry out the walls of the walls, cement is mixed in certain proportions with sainted river sand and water;
  • putty. In construction supermarkets, a wide selection of dry spacion mixtures, which can be used for wooden surfaces, brick and concrete. This universal material will allow quality to level the surface under painting or wallpaper paste;
  • primer - improves the adhesive properties of materials, allowing you to securely interleve an oshpaklyanny surface with paint, wallpaper or putty. The primer is applied in several layers;
  • the dry mixture is used if there is a desire to make the room with modern. Just for these purposes, a decorative putty or liquid wallpaper is suitable. The cost of building material is high, can be cope with applying independently;
  • clay. Perhaps it is better to finish the walls in old houses and you will not think up. If your cottage is built by the 60s of the last century, then you can remember about clay. This long forgotten material is considered the best for decoration of walls in country houses, it is characterized by good resistance to mold and moisture, and also maintains heat indoors. Of the minuses of clay, as decoration for walls, only one thing is to be distinguished - the high cost of this natural material.

We reviewed those materials for walls that are often used for the outer decoration of buildings, and for internal works, suitable materials can be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular structure.

How to sheathe the walls in the country

The first finishing material, which deserves attention - lining. It not only looks attractive, but also has good properties and relatively low cost. A wide selection of wooden plates allows you to improve the appearance of the room. This finish with natural materials is simplicity, an unique atmosphere of heat and coziness is created indoors.

Wall decoration options in the country you can look in the photo:




Lining for walls

How to strifting walls:

  1. First you need to make a clamp made of wooden bar on the wall. With the arrangement of the crate, it is important to ensure that it is flat, so it will not work without a construction level. Otherwise, the wall may be uneven. To ensure the necessary stiffness of the structure, depending on the thickness of the selected material, the wooden bar is selected for the frame of this thickness so that it can withstand the load.
  2. When arranging a frame of wooden ridges, it is important to strengthen the design around the windows and doorways. In these places the load will always be greater.
  3. If it is necessary to insulate the building, then it is worth taking care in advance and immediately put the insulation into the formed openings. It can be a foam, mineral or glass gamble, as well as more modern lightweight material - foam block or polystyolster.
  4. You can attach wooden rails on a self-tapping screw or nails, they need to be completely "drown" in the grooves so that the hats are not sticking out.


Plasterboard for walls

Popular finishing material for walls, which can also be used to cover the walls in the country. For country houses without a heating system, it is better to use moisture-resistant plasterboard. And in order to keep heat in the room and prevent moisture from entering, you can first put the insulation, and then perform the installation of plasterboard. This building material is not in vain is considered universal, because you can make an ideally smooth surface of the wall, sew the ceiling, as well as using inexpensive material, make partitions, niches and smooth slopes on the windows.

How to strip plasterboard walls:

  1. Prepare the required amount of material in advance, plus a small stock.
  2. In addition to sheets of plasterboard, you will need a metal (profile) or wooden slats. If after the construction of the cottage you have remained this material, you can make a frame for fastening drywall from a wooden bar.
  3. Prepare the required amount of fasteners - nails and screws, if you work with wood and screws, if a frame of a metal profile is constructed.
  4. Now, with the help of the electric drill, you can drill holes in the wall to attach the first rails, every 50 cm you need to mount the next wooden timber.
  5. After the construction of the frame, you can start the installation of plasterboard.
  6. You can go to another way and paste the sheets of finishing material directly on the wall. If you are satisfied with this option - you need to buy a special mixture for the preparation of glue. It is divorced by water along the same principle as putty.
  7. On a pre-prepared wall (purified from dust and debris, as well as absolutely dry), it is necessary to apply 2 layers of the primer mixture (first the first layer and wait a few hours, then process the wall by primer second time). You can start finishing work only after 8 hours when the wall is completely dry.
  8. How to attach plasterboard to glue: type a small amount of the mixture on the spatula, distribute the wall to a smooth layer, and then glue a sheet of drywall.
  9. Plasterboard need to sharpen to smooth the joints and give the strength surface. Then apply a layer of primer and only after complete drying can be searched for finishing work. On plasterboard, you can stick wallpaper or paint the surface of acrylic paint.


Other finishing materials for walls

The dimensions of country houses can be different. In our presentation, the cottage is a small house in the area, a maximum of 2 or 3 rooms, since such houses are more than solid buildings. If you are just following the number of owners of a small country house, it is worth considering the wall finishing option on the dacha with plastic panels. The material is easy and inexpensive, it will perfectly fit into the interior of the country house and will protect the structure from moisture. Of course, plastic panels do not look so presentable as a wall of natural stone, but as an inexpensive version is quite acceptable.


Another available material for wall decoration is plywood. It can be used to cover the ceiling and walls. It is performed only on a wooden frame, in the formed cells you can put the insulation. Plywood has low thermal insulation characteristics, but if you also use the insulation, then we can say that the house will be built in all the rules.

By the way, to beautifully close the joints between the sheets of plywood, you can use decorative corners and rails, and leave the walls yourself without changing. They do not need to be painted or sticking on top of the wallpaper. With a properly selected shade of plywood in the tone of the furniture, you can make an interesting interior indoor.


Now the modern finishing material is often used - siding. Of course, its main purpose is the finish of the facade of the building, but why not try to make a beautiful decor in the room? You can learn the siding panels that stayed after the ceasing of the facade of the building, one wall in the kitchen, in the corridor or fully sew the second floor. By the way, look siding inside the room will be harmonious if instead of conventional aluminum panels take vinyl PVC panels. They are distinguished by a beautiful texture (may be smooth or embossed), a large variety of colors and, of course, durability.


If you have a big cottage with all communications, you can make the walls of the walls by any modern materials.

Suitable for wall decoration:

  1. Wallpaper. Classic material, a wide selection of texture and color allows you to determine the type of finishing. You can stop your choice on simple inexpensive paper wallpaper and every year to update the interior. And you can give preference to durable coating - vinyl, textile or wallpaper under painting. When choosing wallpaper, you should pay attention to modern materials - glass windows, liquid and cork trees. By the way, do not forget about the photo wallpaper, with the help of which you can refresh and diversify the interior of the country house.


  1. Claywood coating is characterized by soft and convenience in the finish. Material Ecological clean will last for many years, it has heat and soundproof properties. With a mass of positive qualities there is one significant disadvantage - the cost per 1 m 2 reaches 500 rubles. Not everyone can afford to make such a decoration of walls at the cottage.


  1. Fake diamond. The cost of this finishing material for the walls will be significantly lower than the price of natural stone. To finish the walls of country houses, this material is widely used as decor and only in combination with other materials. Fully room, trimmed under a natural stone, can look tasteless.


You can make a beautiful finish of a country house wall in different ways, the main thing is to weigh everything carefully and do not rush with the acquisition of materials. Perhaps consultants in the store will offer you a more interesting option.

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