How to strifting the house

April 25. Repair and construction work Views 1716. Comments to write how to strifting the house No

The lining is a thin facing board. Initially, it was not used as a finishing material, because The scope of the cladding was the production of cargo wagons. In the course of operation, the obvious advantages of the material were observed, as a result of which he found its use in the finishing of houses. Facing has versatile qualities, because You can shelter the house with lining outside or use it for external facing works. Consider all the features of the choice and installation of the lining in more detail.

Varieties and criteria for choosing lining

Today, the construction industry, in addition to traditional wood panels, also offers plastic trimming material.

  1. The lining of the polymer material has its advantages:
  • first of all, cladding is distinguished by resistance to moisture. Plastic does not absorb moisture, it is suitable for rooms with high levels of humidity;
  • plastic trimming material has a wide selection of color scheme, due to which you can pick up the lining for design in any style;
  • the material has the ease of installation and does not require much care. Pollution is easily removed using a wet vet.

At the same time, plastic has some drawbacks. The main of them can include features:

  • it can not be called environmental material. The use of polymer sheat may affect health in the best way;
  • plastic is unstable to various mechanical impacts. The trim can be easily damaged if you do not comply with due accuracy during operation.
  1. Wood-based lining is a natural and environmentally friendly material. Such a casing has the following advantages:
  • it has higher aesthetic properties and will look much more attractive than plastic;
  • this material also has sound insulation and thermal insulation properties.

But in order for wood to save its original qualities throughout the service life, it is necessary to conduct special processing. Wooden lining is needed before applying to handle protective compositions so that the material repels moisture and not collapsed under the influence of this factor.

Houses are covered with clapboard. Photo:


1339396987_1 -.- Vagonka.


There are several categories of lining, which differ from each other in quality indicators. Depending on this criterion, the material is divided into such classes:

  • category "Extra";
  • category "A";
  • category "B";
  • category "C".

These classes differ in price. The most qualitative material refers to the category "Extra" and is quite expensive. Since the trim, as a rule, is performed for a long time to save on the quality of the lining is not worth it.

Choosing the panels, should also proceed from the functional purpose of the room and the type of material itself:

  1. For premises with an increased humidity indicator, it is recommended to use plastic lining. These are placed rooms as a bathroom, balcony, kitchen.
  2. To finish the hallway, bedroom, living room or cabinet should be preferred by wooden panels.
  3. Wood-based wall treads are also used to cover the bath. In this case, the tree breed should be taken into account, from which the material is made. It is not recommended to use pine for this purpose, since under the influence of high temperature it will highlight the resin.


Preparatory stage

Before sheeing the house with the clap, it is necessary to produce a number of preparatory work, which are reduced to such aspects:

  1. Before using the panel, a certain preparation must be prepared, which involves the processing of protective compositions. It is necessary to prevent the material from rotting, the appearance of mold or the damage of the tree insects. Such an effect can be achieved using antiseptic agents. They are divided into two types:
  • coatings that create a protective film;
  • impregnations, which are solutions of various substances.
  1. If you wish, you can also change the color of the panels. For this, the facing material is processed by a verse or azure.
  2. After applying the protective coating and its drying of the panel during the day there should be indoors. It is required to adapt the lining to the temperature regime of the room, which will later help avoid shrinkage.


Construction frame base

Next, you can proceed to the procedure for mounting the frame. It will be fastened for the panels. Step-by-step instructions comes down to such actions:

  1. Reiki can be purchased in the finished form, and can be made independently. This will require inch boards, of which, with the help of electric saws, it is necessary to cut the rails of the desired length. The lamp is fastened through screws or self-tapping screws while complying with a step of 50 cm. In the process of work, it is important to trace the evenness of the installation performed. To do this, use the level of construction purposes.
  2. To ensure the durability of the trim between the facing and the wall surface, it is necessary to leave the space through which ventilation will be carried out.
  3. If you wish, you can put the insulation and the parobaric material. It will warm the building and create a noise insulating effect.
  4. The crate after installation is recommended to be treated with a soil antifungal agent. It will give the opportunity to avoid the appearance of mold, which is able to spoil the appearance of the trim.

Methods of fastening

To have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe fastening process, you need to get acquainted in more detail with the external characteristics of the panel. It represents a board, on the one hand there is a spike, and on the other - a deepening. The spike of one panel is inserted into the deepening of the next one. Installation can be carried out with a hidden or external way using nails, kleimers, screws or staples. In the process of attachment, it is necessary to show accuracy, in the opposite case you can split the panel. When applying nails, you can achieve a more aesthetic effect, if you also use Dobochnik.

Options that can be fixed panels There are several:

  1. The first method how to trim the wooden house is when the panel is attached to the frame in the docking area of \u200b\u200bthe groove with a spike side of the groove. In an external method, the panel is nailed with nails, which are located on the clap in an arbitrary order. This option is less laborious, but at the same time heifies in the aesthetic indicators a hidden method. As a rule, the outer method is used for the premises of the utility destination. With a hidden embodiment, nails are clogged into the dumplings.
  2. Consider the fastening procedure using different fasteners. Fastening with the use of staples bracket is performed by means of a special pistol. In the process of operation, the grooves makes itself a bracket that fixes it to the frame of the crate. This method requires certain skills to use the staples pistol. In the opposite case, there is a chance of damage to the material and insufficient fixation.
  3. Another type of fasteners are klyimers. They are galvanized seizures having teeth. In the process of fixing, kleimers are attached to one side of the board through teeth, and on the other hand, they are nailed or screwed to the frame. Data details may have different size and shape parameters. It should be selected by focusing on the thickness of the grooves and the type of panel. If during installation, in addition to reliability, an aesthetic side is important, in this case it is necessary to use decorative screws.



Considering the method, how to correctly see the house of the clap, you need to consider that the lining panels can be placed horizontal or vertically, depending on the desired effect. With the help of horizontal skin, you can see the visual expansion of the room. The casing with a vertical way makes it possible to visually lift the ceiling. Determine how the arrangement of facing material is needed before mounting the frame design.

Horizontal method of trim

  1. Installation should be started from the ceiling and move down to the floor. Grooves must be placed in the lower direction. This will help prevent them from clogging and extends the facing service period.
  2. If skimmers are used as fasteners, they need to be inserted into the deepening of the previous panel.
  3. Next, by means of screws or nails, fixation is performed to the frame.
  4. During the installation as each 10 panels are attached, it should be checked by the level of surface smoothness.
  5. When fixing the last panel, it must be corrected using a hacksaw or saw. After that, the panel is fixed with nails, and plinth is used to eliminate the gap.
  6. If a house is used for cladding, the material in the process is located in the groove up. This allows you to hide the joints. To avoid gaps between skimming, they should be customized with a hammer to each other.
  7. Installation of the Haus block is carried out at an angle of 45 ° by means of screws. So that the caps are not visible, they need to be hidden under the groove of the next panel.
  8. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe corner between the panels, the timber should be inserted. This requirement is due to both aesthetic necessity and practical. So it will be possible to hide the gap and avoid drafts.


Spectacle vertical sequence

  1. Start work follows from the corner. In the groove on the back side of the wall tag inserted kleimers that need to be killed to the frame.
  2. The mounting panel is performed by nails. Their and decorative goals are hidden using special corners. But in the absence of these parts, it is possible to exit the position with the help of booths that the caps need to be offended.
  3. Further, the work is performed similar to the horizontal method. One panel must be inserted into another. The final board is nailed by nails.
  4. In conclusion, it is necessary to decorate the trim using special parts that allow you to hide external and internal angles, as well as joints.
  5. On this, installation works are over, then it is necessary to cover the skin with special preparations.


Coating protective compositions

In order to maximize the period of the lining service, after the end of the installation, the surface should be treated with protective compositions.

  1. First of all, it is recommended to cover the lining with antipirens. As a result of the use of these funds, the wood material will receive flame retardant properties. Antipirens are divided into two types:
  • tools related to the first type, in the case of contact with fire on the surface of the panels form a layer of foam;
  • the second type is represented by the compositions containing salt. Due to the result as a result of contact with fire, the agent highlights gas and prevents the burning.
  1. To decorate the facing surface, varnishes, paint, decorative impregnation and glaze are used. Paints that allow you to create both matte and glossy effect are most popular. And also varnishes that can be colorless or have a certain shade.



The lining clapper will help to give the house with a neat, attractive view due to the good aesthetic qualities of the material. As a result of the use of lining, you can get a flat surface at relatively small financial costs. Installation of panels is distinguished by the availability of technology. In the article, we looked at the features of various techniques that decide how to see the house of clapboard inside.

We are clapped by the house. Video:

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