Groceries by Mitlider: Step-by-step instructions

April 18. Plot. Views 4918. Comments To the recording of the garden in Mitlider: Step-by-step instructions No

Mitlaider is a famous vegetable breeder offering an increase in yield with narrow beds and special greenhouses. Its technology does not require special qualifications, skills and skills. The main thing is to adhere to clear recommendations, to acquire patience, faith in your own strength and possibilities of nature.

Countries by Mitlider: Views

Mitlider technology reduces to growing densely planted crops on narrow open ridges.

1. Ridge boxes.


Ridges-boxes - a box of wood with artificial soil located on Earth. The dimensions of such beds vary up to 35 cm, 120-150 cm.

Features of wooden beds:

  • early crop maturation;
  • convenient in frequently flooded places and harsh climate conditions;
  • finished land in the ridges - guarantee of the absence of pests, diseases, weeds;
  • they can be placed on soils unsuitable for growing some crops (where clay, sulfur, stones, sand and others are present).

2. Narrow beds on the mitlider located on the big plot.

Olympus Digital Camera.

The advantages of narrow beds:

  • neat vegetable garden;
  • the maximum effect of fertilizers made, watering;
  • you can use the garden several times per season;
  • one-time ripening of crops;
  • it is provided for convenience when processing the soil.

Thus, both methods are good, but for wide agriculture it is better to choose the second way, and for small beds - the onboard option.

Mitlaider Grokes: Features of vegetable growing


  • Narrow ridges are a good harvest, achieving a quick result.

Regardless of the weather and quality of the soil, you will get a good harvest in the first season, will bypass without the use of herbicitis, you will not release the garden from weeds.

  • Estimated for at least time.

Mitlaiderian beds are a simple technology with a clear and challenge instruction. The most difficult thing here is the Packet, the breakdown of the site for the ridge, eliminating the rhizomes of weeds.

  • High harvest on a small area.

Countries by Mitlider: Basic Principles


Principles for the placement of narrow beds:

  • the inner surface of the beds should be strictly horizontal;
  • for feeding and resistance, special mixtures prepare from ordinary mineral fertilizers are used here;
  • the recommended bed width is 45 cm, aisle - 90-100 cm;
  • many cultures are planted in 2 rows, especially large in one;
  • the land on the ridges is not loose;
  • the feeding is poured by a strip in the middle between 2 rows of plants and dissolves with watering;
  • weeds in such ridges are eliminated efficiently mechanically;
  • ridges are recommended to place at one level with passages;
  • for each culture there is a definite planning scheme, feeding period;
  • mitlamidor beds watered as needed.

Requirements for the placement of narrow beds


  • Good light coverage.

There must be complete illumination Groz. The more zepenancy, the higher the loss.

  • The presence of a source of watering.

Rights cultures always require an increased amount of moisture. Without its source, each garden will be threatened, and high-productive - it will not be able to exist without it.

  • The site should not be located in the flooding zone.

Do not allow water to stir. Due to the presence of surface roots, which have a respiratory function, rooting on such beds perfectly carry the proximity of groundwater and categorically not like flooding.

  • Soil for beds.

For narrow beds, any earth will suit. However, medium or lightweight loam is the best option. If there is severe, clay, then it is desirable to add sand into it.


According to the author, it is not desirable to use the usual compost and manure on narrow ridges.

  • Features of the location of narrow ridges.

Narrow mitlamor beds can be broken down on the slope. However, remember that the maturation, and the direction of planting crops depends on its "steepness" and directions. The most favorable and calm area is the southwest slope.

If narrow ridges are broken near the motorway, it is desirable to arrange them at least 100 m from it. Do not create your garden next to industrial enterprises from where emissions come from periodically.

Planning Mitladorovsky Tietary



  1. Starting vegetable growing on this type of vegetable garden is desirable with 2-4 beds with a length of 4.5 m. This is due to the fact that you initially have to evaluate and compare the results of the new technology with the usual, and also carry out the processing of the site, not retreating from the author's recommendations.
  2. Next, highlighted under the garden, the platform should be well cleaned. It is necessary to do so skill, without dividing on the passages. All rhizomes, plants are eliminated from the site, pits, hollows, hillocks are aligned.
  3. The liberated area is leaving for forks, levels.
  4. The ridge of such a garden should be focused from the north to south, if they are located on the slope, then across.
  5. The recommended width of the mitladoric vegetable garden is 45 cm, aisle - 90 cm.
  6. To create markup, you will need a rail of 1.35 m, pegs - 4 pcs. (35-45 cm), twine.
  7. From the end of the rail, measure 45 cm. Next, pull the twine along the lines of the ends of the future garden. Taking advantage of the marker recorded on the rail, take the ends of the 4th Grocery, take the pegs. Fix the twine on the pegs.
  8. Organize from the cleared ground passages (90 cm wide).
  9. Prepaiming fertilizers, forming flights and ridges is necessary solely on the day of sowing or planting plants.

Circumsts on Mitlider do it yourself

Narrow beds by mitlider with their own hands


1. Soil fertilizer, formation of beds:

  • between the spikes and cords distribute the pre-sowing fertilizer (mixture No. 1 and No. 2);
  • first, lay out the composition number 1 from 100-300 g per messenger meter and directly on it. Composition number 2 50 g on a trafficphone meter;
  • redoad the soil to a depth of 20 cm, whose comes with a robber, form 8-10 cm heights.


  • bursts should be formed from the ends and from the sides of the Gird;
  • the internal distance between the side - 30-35 cm.

2. Distribution of fertile soil:

  • form in the center of the garden Long hilly, elongated from one end to another;
  • capture half the soil from the ridge of the hill and move it to the restrictive cord;
  • as a result, an earthen side is formed, the crest of which is located directly under the cord;
  • next, passing along the other side of the garden, move the remaining land to the second cord;
  • the soil located in the center, sprinkle well;
  • now you can proceed to landing seedlings, sowing seeds (and immediately).


Ridges - Boxes: Construction Principles


To create the ridges, you need to make special markup, prepare short boards and long boards. Next, everything is knocked down into the frame, which is installed according to the drawing. The bottom of the garden is littered with polyethylene or agrofine, and then filled with artificially selected soil.


  • width - 45 cm;
  • height - 20 cm;
  • wooden side is recommended to be treated with antiseptic;
  • instead of soil, a special substrate is used.

Soil for beds in "boxes":

  • quartz, river sand;
  • puma crushed;
  • forest or sandy meadow;
  • perlite;
  • packing foam.

Soil fertilizer Mitlamorov


According to the author, the Earth should be fertilized before planting plants, and then regularly fade to crop maturation.

Composition of fertilizer №1


  • limestone;
  • microdobank boron.


  • where neutral, weakly acidic, acidic soil are present, for mixture No. 1 are used lime deoxidizing materials - chalk, dolomite and limestone flour;
  • where there are alkaline soils, for the preparation of the mixture No. 1, there are plaster.

Composition of fertilizer №2.


  • potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen;
  • magnesium, Bor;
  • molybdenum.

All substances are kneaded in a certain ratio. So there are compositions based on ammophos, dual superphosphate, azophoski, etc.

Proper water as fertilizer

Another requirement of mitlider is high-quality water. It should not contain magnesium, calcium salts, to be glazed. Watering themselves should be carried out regularly.

Countries by Mitlider: Photo




Circumsts by Mitlider: Video

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